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Does the New App work for you?

All this negativity about the new app (for me it’s rubbish too) I just want to know is there anyone out there who is not having any problems at all and the app is completely working as advertised by sonos?

Please don’t post here if you are having a bad experience I just want to know if it’s all good for you and feels like a move forward.


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20 replies

I don’t like the missing features, the rollout was a disaster, it shouldn’t have been released like this.  However, it works for me.  I have no issues with missing rooms, slow performance, grouping, or any of the other issues that seem to crop up every update for a few users having router or network problems.  It works.  The UI is a little new and therefore unfamiliar, but like any UI, at first people hate it with the heat of 1000 suns, then that furor dies down as people get familiar and muscle memory develops, then when the next UI change comes along, the terrible interface that everyone found clunky and unintuitive is now the perfectly elegant and intuitive interface that everyone wants to revert to.

Rinse, lather, repeat. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

The latest version 80.01.07 Android) seems better than 80.01.05 based on an hours usage.

I still have reduced functionality so my experience is not all that it should be.

It seems more responsive but for some reason it take 10 to 15 seconds to populate my recently played but I no longer have to stop the app and start it again to see my speakers.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

I am keeping an eye on this thread but there dont seem to be many takers at the moment.

There’s a whole lot more on the negative posts.

I guess there is still time, come on you happy people there must be some out there

no, whole things a mess for me. Ruining my listening experience. Have four rooms with product and essentially can’t listen to music now. 


They need to revert or update significantly. 


Or else we need to organize and make them listen.

no, whole things a mess for me. Ruining my listening experience. Have four rooms with product and essentially can’t listen to music now. 


They need to revert or update significantly. 


Or else we need to organize and make them listen.

See, this is why I despair that forums can ever be a useful and productive place.   This user joined and didn’t have the decency to read the post he was replying to.  I highly suspect there are a large number fake / trolling accounts recently created on here.


And yes it works for me.  As in all things it is the people with the issues who will post and make a noise.  Quite rightly of course — I’m not criticising that.  For those l that are content, or moderately content, they won’t be here posting, so the ratios of good versus posts will not be a true reflection of real world experiences.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I am keeping an eye on this thread but there dont seem to be many takers at the moment.

There’s a whole lot more on the negative posts.

I guess there is still time, come on you happy people there must be some out there

One issue is that so many new threads and updated older ones flooding the forums drops this thread down and out of sight very quickly. 

One issue is that so many new threads and updated older ones flooding the forums drops this thread down and out of sight very quickly. 


That’s by design.  The shi . . . errr . . stuff stirrers know that if they flood the forum with new posts, especially ones that are nothing but rants, anything helpful or positive gets pushed down the page.  They think this helps their cause, but they just come off as whackadoodles with no self-control.  It’s really too bad, because there are some people who actually want help or have legitimate suggestions on how to move forward who get lost in the “GIVE ME THE OLD APP BACK RIGHT NOW OR THE BUNNY GETS IT YOU &*@)#^ERS!!! ZOMG!!!” noise.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I don’t like the missing features, the rollout was a disaster, it shouldn’t have been released like this.  However, it works for me.  I have no issues with missing rooms, slow performance, grouping, or any of the other issues that seem to crop up every update for a few users having router or network problems.  It works.  The UI is a little new and therefore unfamiliar, but like any UI, at first people hate it with the heat of 1000 suns, then that furor dies down as people get familiar and muscle memory develops, then when the next UI change comes along, the terrible interface that everyone found clunky and unintuitive is now the perfectly elegant and intuitive interface that everyone wants to revert to.

Rinse, lather, repeat. 

It’s the biggest compliant I’m hearing from friends, family, associates, and regrettably folks I talked into Sonos a few years back.  WE DON’T WANT CHANGE FOR CHANGE SAKE foisted upon us with the false promise that all features/functions will be maintained! 

Sonos needs to STOP monkeying with what used to be a fairly reliable whole-home-wireless-audio system.  We are SICK AND TIRED of having to learn whole new ways to just frick’n play music/podcasts on their pretty excellent hardware. 

And Sonos management, if you’re going to lie, and try all sorts of methods to get us to accept your new app (accidentally updating firm/software) then WARN us ahead and let us chose S2 or S3 - You just soiled your own pants and made fools of you and your once loyal customers, damaged your brand and stock value. 

Lastly, Sonos apologists, fans, helpers, we’re are SO happy your systems/app is working great! But please stop rubbing it in for the many thousands of us who find our Sonos system screwed up for possibly a month or more. While many of us who have been on this forum for years, truly appreciate all the help you have provided, have a heart!  Music/audio is a personal and emotional experience for most of us and the Sonos leadership was/is careless and arrogant!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

I don’t like the missing features, the rollout was a disaster, it shouldn’t have been released like this.  However, it works for me.  I have no issues with missing rooms, slow performance, grouping, or any of the other issues that seem to crop up every update for a few users having router or network problems.  It works.  The UI is a little new and therefore unfamiliar, but like any UI, at first people hate it with the heat of 1000 suns, then that furor dies down as people get familiar and muscle memory develops, then when the next UI change comes along, the terrible interface that everyone found clunky and unintuitive is now the perfectly elegant and intuitive interface that everyone wants to revert to.

Rinse, lather, repeat. 

It’s the biggest compliant I’m hearing from friends, family, associates, and regrettably folks I talked into Sonos a few years back.  WE DON’T WANT CHANGE FOR CHANGE SAKE foisted upon us with the false promise that all features/functions will be maintained! 

Sonos needs to STOP monkeying with what used to be a fairly reliable whole-home-wireless-audio system.  We are SICK AND TIRED of having to learn whole new ways to just frick’n play music/podcasts on their pretty excellent hardware. 

And Sonos management, if you’re going to lie, and try all sorts of methods to get us to accept your new app (accidentally updating firm/software) then WARN us ahead and let us chose S2 or S3 - You just soiled your own pants and made fools of you and your once loyal customers, damaged your brand and stock value. 

Lastly, Sonos apologists, fanboys (and girls), helpers, we’re are SO happy your systems/app is working great! But please stop rubbing it in for the many thousands of us who find our Sonos system screwed up for possibly a month or more. While many of us who have been on this forum for years, truly appreciate all the help you have provided, have a heart!  Music/audio is a personal and emotional experience for most of us and the Sonos leadership was/is careless and arrogant!


mmm, I guess your a non believer then? I’m not being rude but as I said when I started this thread, please only post if the app is working for you and you are happy with it. I am just trying to work out if there is actually anyone who this new app works for because there are so many bad posts and threads.

I just want to know if there are a large amount of people that this app works for. (allowing for the fact that people dont moan if it’s working for them) 

My theory is there was some legal(copyright) or cost driven  in nature that changed the app. It would be helpful to tell the users the reason.   Perhaps storing the playlists were piling up data charges on a server or something.  

My theory is there was some legal(copyright) or cost driven  in nature that changed the app. It would be helpful to tell the users the reason.   Perhaps storing the playlists were piling up data charges on a server or something.  


Why do people speculate conspiracy theories when the answer is plastered all over Sonos' website, Facebook, and Instagram accounts?  Sonos made the new app to support the new headphones.  Which is also why they aren't going to roll back to the old one.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

I upgraded just one device to the new app. Most functions work for me with no issues. What I can not accomplish on the app, I do it on my Mac, which has the old app installed. My music library is functional, minus the few things that have been taken away, like the search function.

I like the new look, even though its a learning curve. 

I have connected to two other systems at a friends house and at a recreation building. One of them is WIFI only and the other has wired components with a few speakers using Sonosnet.

I used the app for hours at both places without losing connectivity with either system

No. I do not regret upgrading. I am excited to see what the app will be capable of when all functionality has been restored.

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

The new app is a major failure. 

Users can no longer perform basic things, like accessing their local network music library.

Can’t wait for Sonos to figure out how to do what they used to be able to do. 🤔

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Users can no longer perform basic things, like accessing their local network music library.


If this is an issue you are having a quick search will bring up many posts about why this happened. Sonos has dropped support for SMB v1, like many other manufacturers: Microsoft, Apple, Synology etc..

You simply need to disable SMB v1 and enable SMB v2 or 3 to get your library back.


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Users can no longer perform basic things, like accessing their local network music library.


If this is an issue you are having a quick search will bring up many posts about why this happened. Sonos has dropped support for SMB v1, like many other manufacturers: Microsoft, Apple, Synology etc..

You simply need to disable SMB v1 and enable SMB v2 or 3 to get your library back.


Thanks for the suggestion. My Synology NAS is configued for SMB v2-to-3. 

The issue is the iPhone app does not show the local library for browsing or search at all, those are simply MIA. 

Interestingly, I can access Recently Played or Sonos Favorites which does load NAS library content — but that requires the workaround of a device with an older Sonos version.

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Try resetting the app then reconnect with your system. I have a Synology NAS and my library has always been available. I do miss the functions that have been removed, like the search function. Still not a deal breaker right now though.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

I have not had any issues with the new app doing what it does - other than sluggish volume control.

However, it was not “as advertised”.  Clearly, they didn’t advertise a bunch of missing features when they dumped it on us. No one would have updated, and they knew this. So, they pitched a Rolls Royce and gave us a sled.  Nefarious as hell.

The less you use it and the less features you use beyond streaming, the better it will seem.  SonoPhone is a decent alternative for now if you need something more like the full-featured S2 experience.  And it does work as advertised.

3 stores, used employees phones and person phones/macbooks/ipads and none of the apps connect to speakers. Horrible vibe in store its just quiet. Only way is to use a third part app like spotify or apple music and connect bluetooth. Can anyone connect to their systems via app?

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

I don’t like the missing features, the rollout was a disaster, it shouldn’t have been released like this.  However, it works for me.  I have no issues with missing rooms, slow performance, grouping, or any of the other issues that seem to crop up every update for a few users having router or network problems.  It works.  The UI is a little new and therefore unfamiliar, but like any UI, at first people hate it with the heat of 1000 suns, then that furor dies down as people get familiar and muscle memory develops, then when the next UI change comes along, the terrible interface that everyone found clunky and unintuitive is now the perfectly elegant and intuitive interface that everyone wants to revert to.

Rinse, lather, repeat. 

It’s very nice for you that it works. I can assure you that for people it doesn’t work for it’s not just “oh, you moved my button - i don’t know the new ui”. It actually does not work for some people. the app can’t even draw the screen for me on ios, and locks up all the time. And removing most of the features around a music library is more than a little annoyance. Many of us bought many sonos products just to be able to do that. So it’s not like “oh a feature is gone”, it’s “my primary use-case has been intentionally removed.”

But, good that it’s working out for you.

android app does not work for me samsung 23+


ipad mini works but truplay doesnot work