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cant play my own music anymore ? ridiculous

So I can’t simply play music from a folder from my 5000$ computer.. Sonos can well and truly F $ R K OFF I will deposit this rubbish out the window and spend weeks advertising you cant play your own music on this junk. pay thousands for a full set up and error 913.

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43 replies

You paid the asking price. Nothing more, nothing less. Customer support is a service, not a right.  That's the real world of consumer capitalism.  

Dear nik9669a and whomever else that does not understand ,

The “communist” remark refers to the fact that Sonos is now dictating how we use the system. Many of us have spent a lot of money buying these systems, as well as invested a lot of time uploading our music from CDs so that we can listen to it on Sonos. We’ve also created many play lists in the system. The fact that we all paid a premium for the system, only to have these important features taken away (and our joy in playing “our” music in using these features) is 100% unacceptable. Your answer of “wait another month” is also 100% totally unacceptable. This needs to get fixed now, asap, immediately. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Nobody is listening to your rant. Just take a chill pill and calm down. 

Thank you and goodnight. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15


Just to be sure - you know you’re not talking to anyone in Sonos customer services here, right? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Nobody is listening to your rant. Just take a chill pill and calm down. 

Thank you and goodnight. 

No, you need to go F**** yourself, totally. 

thank you and have a good night.

I would expect to find your comments removed by morning. You can’t just swear at other forum users. Use more eloquence to make your points. 

@Greenland , that comment about wheat and chaff you felt was uncharitable… ;)

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Thank you fix the problem or shut up  I can’t wait to sue you for a your product.   Please respond so you get the last answer as a pathetic loser you are and hide behind your thread.  I will be more than glad to send a address or phone to discuss directly but I guarantee you can’t handle as in life   Let’s dance 

As mentioned, no-one here works for Sonos, unless their user name and icon specifically says so. Not sure how you expect a regular forum user - the one on the unfortunate end of your mindless abuse - to fix Sonos’ app?

Thank you fix the problem or shut up  I can’t wait to sue you for a your product.   Please respond so you get the last answer as a pathetic loser you are and hide behind your thread.  I will be more than glad to send a address or phone to discuss directly but I guarantee you can’t handle as in life   Let’s dance 

As mentioned, no-one here works for Sonos, unless their user name and icon specifically says so. Not sure how you expect a regular forum user - the one on the unfortunate end of your mindless abuse - to fix Sonos’ app?

Typically answer 

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Thank you fix the problem or shut up  I can’t wait to sue you for a your product.   Please respond so you get the last answer as a pathetic loser you are and hide behind your thread.  I will be more than glad to send a address or phone to discuss directly but I guarantee you can’t handle as in life   Let’s dance 

As mentioned, no-one here works for Sonos, unless their user name and icon specifically says so. Not sure how you expect a regular forum user - the one on the unfortunate end of your mindless abuse - to fix Sonos’ app?

Typically answer 


Huh? Is it just typical to have it pointed out that you’re abusing other forum members? I’m trying to help you - if you want to speak to Sonos directly, this forum won’t get you there.

Sadly, this deluded correspondent angrily and aggressively demanding that I should help him , leads me to suggest that he seeks assistance from a department of neurology as his behaviour is suggestive of deficiency in or incipient damage to the pre-frontal cortex.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I attempted the fix above from good user Scrubrush but it did not work for me.   Is there another renedty?


I am very concerned when Sonos says a fix will be available “next month”.   Is that June (which is the next month when this problem surfaced) or is this Jully?


Thanks to all for the support

I believe they mean July. You only need to relinquish access to your own music library for 2 months for the privilege staring at the ‘new improved” app. I’m not counting on an actual “fix” either.

On a different note, we don’t stream music, we use our more than 1000 music CD collection in a random fashion all over our home to listen to music on our Sonos One and One SL, using a Sonos Connect wired to our receiver/player.  This new update has now rendered our collection unusable.  We have enjoyed our system since 2018, any thoughts?  Big Chief Mountain

I “upgraded” the Sonos app on my laptop. Now when I launch it is says “system found.” Then it informs it has to check for updates, and hangs in the process. Using my Android phone I can get my speakers to play Sonos radio (which I had no interest in) and some other streams, but no access to music on my NAS for the past month. I see NAS access is to be restored sometime in mid-June, but here we are and nothing yet. I get that software can be buggy and that it can take time to sort out the problems. What’s more disturbing than that is the casual disregard Sonos has shown for its customers. I’ll be glad when my speakers are restored to the functionality I bought them for. A more difficult task for Sonos will be restoring the trust of their customers.

Userlevel 4
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Just another update. Again, the Mac OS version of the “new and improved” app has lost connection to my personal library and requires re-entry of information and re-indexing of my entire library, a process requiring about 45 minutes. Let me reiterate this NEVER ONCE happened with the previous incarnation of the app (you know, the one that functioned). I continue to find the iOS app unusable.

To use an apt metaphor, I might say that Sonos has “shot itself in the foot”. A more accurate metaphor may be that they have “shot themselves in the head”.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Just another update. Again, the Mac OS version of the “new and improved” app has lost connection to my personal library and requires re-entry of information and re-indexing of my entire library, a process requiring about 45 minutes. Let me reiterate this NEVER ONCE happened with the previous incarnation of the app (you know, the one that functioned). I continue to find the iOS app unusable.

To use an apt metaphor, I might say that Sonos has “shot itself in the foot”. A more accurate metaphor may be that they have “shot themselves in the head”.

Just keeps happening over and over. the “new and improved” Mac OS app can't stay connected to my NAS. Every couple of days it loses connection and everything has to be re-indexed. the “old unimproved” app had no difficulty remembering where my music library was. BTW the iOS app can't do ANYTHING at all unless the OS app is up and running. After 12 years of Sonos use I’ve just about had it.

Userlevel 4
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I have 9 Sonos One speakers that I bought expressly with the purpose of playing my own library of music I’ve collected over the past 50 years, digitally housed on my Mac.

Now, I have 9 doorstops.

We are hosting a family reunion over Memorial Day weekend. I had planned on using the speakers around our house for this multi-day event. Sonos just took away that ability.

Now, I have 9 doorstops.

This is pathetic. Chalk me up as another angry customer. Sonos better fix this, and fix this fast. 

Until then, I have 9 doorstops.

From iTunes, start Airplay2. The Sonos speakers should show up. Play songs and playlists from iTunes. I still have the old Sonos app running on MacOS, so the music shows up as single songs. I can pause and change volume from iPad.

So it’s been a month.  The Android and Apple versions of the app are still flaky.  Sometimes they work, often they don’t.  Good thing I have the old version of the app on my PC as that works correctly every time.  When will this environment stabilize such that one can use the new app and actually expect it to play streaming and home music?  That should be its purpose, right?

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

The Mac OS Sonos app STILL CANNOT REMEMBER the location of my NAS. The location must be re-entered AT LEAST daily. The re-indexing operation takes 45 minutes. Great app, guys! Please trash the “new and improved” app and give me the one from 5 years ago (You know, the one that actually FUNCTIONED).

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I have 9 Sonos One speakers that I bought expressly with the purpose of playing my own library of music I’ve collected over the past 50 years, digitally housed on my Mac.

Now, I have 9 doorstops.

We are hosting a family reunion over Memorial Day weekend. I had planned on using the speakers around our house for this multi-day event. Sonos just took away that ability.

Now, I have 9 doorstops.

This is pathetic. Chalk me up as another angry customer. Sonos better fix this, and fix this fast. 

Until then, I have 9 doorstops.

From iTunes, start Airplay2. The Sonos speakers should show up. Play songs and playlists from iTunes. I still have the old Sonos app running on MacOS, so the music shows up as single songs. I can pause and change volume from iPad.

So this worked on one of my speakers but just the one. I am not sure why it wouldn’t connect to the rest. It’s an improvement over zero, so thank you for that tip!