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big problems upgrading system from s1 to s2

  • 20 June 2024
  • 5 replies

I held off moving from the S1 (old) app for as long as I could. I had a Connect, Bridge, Play 3, and 3x Play1s. 

I got an AMP to replace the Connect+Bridge and understood from my research on that the 2013 Play3 and 2017 Play1s would come across to the new (S2) Sonos app fine. 

Got the AMP, upgraded the app from S1 to S2, got the AMP connected. Then the trouble started. The Play1s and the Play3s would NOT move over to the new app. 

I’ve literally spent 6 hours doing the connect / upgrade cycle for the Play1s. The Play3 (for better or worse) fails faster - it won’t play the connect sounds, the app won’t recognize button pushes, so I can’t even get to the upgrade part of the cycle. 

Sonos chat has been not helpful, despite a chat of 2 hours. They told me to call Support. I called - 60+minute wait time.

Sonos chat could not even have Sonos call me - said their systems aren’t connected. 

I am insanely frustrated at this point - anyone have any ideas of how I can get these older speakers connected? Having spent thousands of dollars on a system I am not interested in buying a new system - especially since I don’t want to have surveillance devices (ie - voice controlled speakers) in my house. 

Have I just found the * point of Sonos? Or is there a path forward? 

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I seem to recall, in other threads, reading that the upgrade path is too big a “jump” due to the memory limitations of earlier devices. You may need to speak to Sonos and get “interim” releases. 

Thank you - very helpful. 

Update - Success on the upgrade. And. It really was painful. Got on the support phone at 9 am ET, held for 30 minutes, was on phone with support for 90 minutes getting each of 3 devices updated (from v57 to v71 in 2 cases!). Hardwired them into my router, and did a fresh install of the Sonos app on an ipad rather than my phone. 

BRIDGE cannot be updated to S2 and should be powered down. As WiFi has improved dramatically over the years, it is often not necessary to wire any SONOS units to the network.

I bought a bass mini and went to add it to my system.  It said I needed to upgrade to the Sonos 2 so I did.  Now nothing works at all.  The sub mini says it was added but doesn’t show up in my system.  I’ve unplugged it and re-added it.. nothing.  My beams and arc try to update and crash.   So, I have all of this Sonos equipment and have been a die hard fan…. But now nothing works.   Help?
