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In the past week sonos has stopped playing AAC files from my Apple Music library anyone know why? This is happening at both houses so I know it isn’t a router issue. That said, I have restarted both routers to no avail. because they always they always start you off with the old did you restart ….

Another reason that you might get the “not encoded correctly” is that there’s some sort of wifi interference blocking the ability of the speakers in getting the correct information from the Apple servers, but it does seem unlikely, given that you’ve gotten the same thing at two locations. Have you checked with Apple to see if they’ve made changes? I’d also be tempted to re-initialize my Apple connection in both locations, just as one of those “old” things that they’ll likely ask you to do. 

But, all that being said, I still would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network. 

Same issue here. Have spent a couple of hours on the phone with Sonos support, and still can’t play most of my library. They escalated to an engineer but I haven’t heard anything yet.

it seems to be tracks that have Cloud Status of “Uploaded” or “Matched.”

So I submitted a diagnostic report and spoke with support, after some time on the phone playing different files and services he told me it is a known Apple issue that Apple is working on. It is now a week later and I still have the issues and I see no acknowledgement of a “known issue” on this site just a nice big green checkmark next to Apple Music. I have about 20+ sonos items and I am now starting to regret it. I moved to Sonos because airplay back in the day was so wonky, I find it funny that I now have to use airplay to play my music on my sonos equipment.

I’m having exactly the same problem. I’m an Apple Music subscriber, but also have lots of music in Apple Music that was uploaded years ago via iTunes Match. Songs that were uploaded/matched no longer play on my AirPlay-enabled Sonos speakers (though they DO play on my older, non-Airplay Sonos speakers, like the Play:3). And when added the Apple Music version of the song and try to play that, I still get the encoded error. 

I see in the forums that others have recently reported that same problem. So something has changed/broken, either on Apple’s side or Sonos’. It is rather frustrating.

same problem! 

but two different type of error logged in error file.. 

“track not encoded correctly"


“can’t connect to..” 


in Italian the file said 

9/04/23, 18:58
Impossibile riprodurre 'In a Lifetime' - il brano non è codificato correttamente.

19/04/23, 18:58
Impossibile riprodurre '': impossibile collegarsi a .


So as an update...since nobody at Sonos cares.

I submitted a diagnostic from my home this yesterday and spoke with a Sonos tech, he had no idea what is happening. So I have the same issue happening at both houses and have sent in diagnostics from both houses and I get no possible solution. Last night I tried to play one of the playlists that had been going me issues and it played perfectly! Today it is back to playing sporadic tracks? This is just beyond crazy at this point. Oh, and have I mentioned that in between my Sonos calls I spoke with Apple Music support? They (Apple Music) have no known Sonos issues and are not working on anything as the first Sonos tech told me. 

I too am experiencing this ludicrousness. Does reverting back to Sonos 1 from Sonos 2 fix the problem? I will do that absolutely if it does.

What I found out today is that the new Sonos equipment has the issue. Speaking with a Sonos tech confirmed this. I can play tracks just fine if I send them to an older Sonos speaker ( play 3, or old amp) and then attach a new amp to that one it all plays fine. If I directly try to send the playlist to my new amp or a play 5 it will not play correctly. They said it is a known issue and I said why isn’t it posted as a known issue on Sonos Support then? I am using S2 for all my rooms. 

Wtf Sonos, fix this issue. I’m receiving it both at my home in the USA and Portugal 

I’m a big Sonos fan with a dozen speakers (and a shareholder) and this bug has made Sonos almost useless for me. I mainly listen to playlists I’ve made over the years from CDs I have ripped, many unavailable on streaming services, and none of those can be played through Sonos right now…

+1 here.

I’m experiencing the exact same issue. I can reproduce it 100% with a particular album in my iTunes library. It was a CD I imported many years ago that was “matched” in iTunes (remember that facility? Apple used to allow you to match titles in your ripped library with its streaming content). All of I sudden (having worked for years) I get this weird encoded error. this is through my Play One (voice enabled) speaker.

I just discovered this issue tonight after returning home from a week long trip. I have 10s of thousands of songs that are unplayable right now!!!!

Have you submitted a diagnostic, and called Sonos, as requested in the marked ‘answer’ above?

I have to think that they are fully aware of the situation given the number of people experiencing it

Sonos definitely knows about it; e.g., 


Ah, yes, they may be aware of ‘an issue’, but what if the issue you’re experiencing is different, while expressing the same symptoms? Or that it is your data that takes the programmers to the actual fix? The only cost to you here is time, and the possible benefit is large, either way. 

Same problem. Normally don’t post. But this seems to be a chronic problem. 

Bought the new Guardians of the Galaxy via Apple. ‘Not encoded Correctly’ appears for EVERY track. My experience has been that I get these errors with some, but not all, Apple purchases in my library.

Same problem here with half (or more) of my Apple Music library. It seems when I delete the song from my my Apple library and then re-add it, it'll work with SONOS, but I'll be darned if I want to go though THOUSANDS of songs to figure out which ones I need to do this with. Why can't they fix this???? 

hey everyone here its an itunes match issue linked to spatial audio upgrade via airplay ready devices. if you have older sonos device non airplay - group that into playlist and match service apple tracks work again. *****. tim apple im looking at your trillion billion dollar company and its poor audio codec debugging. sonos for **** sake. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

This has gone on now for almost 2 months and nobody at Sonos seems to give a rats tail. I am quickly going from a huge Sonos proponent to about to sell my equipment if this is going to be the new level of customer service. 

As a follow up… I have had multiple people from Sonos reach out to me regarding this issue and confirming that it is a known issue that is being worked on. I do appreciate that, I am just surprised that it is taking this long to do because as of June 1 - it is still an issue. What really bothers me the most is that on the live status page they still show a green check next to Apple Music! I have mentioned this to at least 4 Sonos people I cannot understand how they regard Apple Music as operational. If you don't have old equipment you can’t play your Apple Music library. 

same issues here. It’s definitely my iTunes “Matched” songs. 

I’m from Denmark, and I’ve got the same problem with my new Sonos equipment. I use Apple Music, and most of it can’t play because “the song is not encoded correctly”. But only on Sonos One and Sonos Roam.

Play 1 still works!

I have the same problem. From the community entries it seems to be going on for over 4 months. Does anyone know if (a) it has been acknowledged by Sonos or Apple (b) a solution is on the horizon?