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Windows 10 Controller

Do you have plans to ship a Windows 10 Store app which can be used from multiple Windows devices (PC, Phone, Xbox) to control the Sonos experience?

We are a Windows household and the desktop controller that exists for PC today is heavy and not very touch friendly. The third party Windows Phone app, Phonos, is fills a void, but not nearly as feature rich as the Android or iOS app. This has been requested for several years ( and the product management team does not address this gap beyond a blanket we have no news statement. I understand that choices have to be made. If you do not plan to address this in the net 12 months then can you at least make your API public with your apps being first and best examples of how to use that API so others can fill the gap for you?

Instead of a lot of "+1" and "me too" threads please show your support by voting on the poll below so we can get a count of the number of people who are interested in a Windows 10 app.
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411 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +2
I honestly don't know what the fuss is about, there is already a windows application. Surely SONOS can just convert this into a windows store app and everyone will be happy! Job done.....
Userlevel 3
Badge +3
I honestly don't know what the fuss is about, there is already a windows application. Surely SONOS can just convert this into a windows store app and everyone will be happy! Job done.....
They need to do a proper Windows 10 universal app that will work well as a desktop, tablet and phone app. This really would fix the one grating problem with Sonos for me (and many others, judging by these threads).
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
Lieing to a customer would be saying they would support windows mobile and not. Sonos has never implored they were in anything I have seen.
Oh they haven't? And how would you call this:

All, It's been a little while since our last update and we know that many of you are keen to learn more about the direction of this request. In short, the direction we're headed in is a good one, but we're not yet ready to share any details at this time. Until we have more to share, we're going to keep this topic marked as Under Consideration. Thank you for your continued support and for sharing your comments with us.

As indicated in the last official response, we're headed in a good direction but not ready to share any specific details about a Windows Phone or Surface RT control app yet.

We're not in a position in the moment to go into that much detail about our internal process but we understand the request for more communication. As remarked earlier in the topic history, we're positive about the future but not ready to share any detail at this time.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your continued feedback and ideas regarding a Windows Phone controller for Sonos. We’re listening to your suggestions and will be looking for some more detailed feedback on how you use Windows Phone in your home soon.

We don’t have any updates or details to share at this time, and the request will continue to be marked as Under Consideration, but please keep an eye on this space in the near future.

This was 1 to 2 years ago. Doesn't sound like a no? It's more like we have something in development and are happy to tell you in near future more details about it? We all know that this didn't happen. Instead we got this a few month later:

We’ve created a brief survey which has some questions on what Windows Phone you currently use, what Sonos components you have, and what features are important to you. When you have a few minutes, we’d appreciate any feedback you can provide us via the survey.

You can take it by following this link:

and then finally

We know this is a highly requested feature and that many of you are hoping to hear an acknowledgement from us on potential plans.

We have no news to share with you about support for Windows Phone on Sonos at this time, and do not expect to have an update in the near future. We are always testing ways to improve your experience with Sonos, and while we do not comment on what we're working on, this group will be among the first to know when we have more to share on this topic. Thank you for sharing your comments with us and we hope you'll continue to do so in the future.

So tell me is this lying? Manipulating customers? in any case this is not how a professional company should treat their customers. They marked the former topic as under consideration, told us that they are on a good way and positive for the future. They created a survey showing furthermore their interest in the windows phone customers. And based on this i have bought a sonos system, assuming it will only be a short time the app will be released.
Well i was wrong. and a few month later sonos stated there is nothing and there won't be anything in the near future.
So maybe they did not lie directely, but they did their best to keep the windows phone customers believing in a short time app release. And that's what I Sonos blame for. A clear yes or no would have been far better. We know they are able to do so, as they did it for dts support.

and to Ryan S.
Yes there are controllers from other companys. But they are not free and also limited in functionality, compared to the official apps. So double penality for using an os your company doesn't want to support? Are you going to refund at least the price we spent for these apps? Shouldn't be that much, following the statistics of some of your fans here.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
Lieing to a customer would be saying they would support windows mobile and not. Sonos has never implored they were in anything I have seen.
Oh they haven't? And how would you call this:

Wow. Thanks for taking the time to check back on all those responses from Sonos. I was only going on memory when I made the tantamount to lying comment but seeing all those, shall we call them misleading, statements in one place really does bring it home how badly this company have behaved over the years. Add that to the fact that they trashed that particular thread, making it difficult to find and initially classifying it incorrectly during the move to this site despite it being their top request, and the verdict has to be quite damning. I have also continued to add to my system based on all the positive comments Sonos reps made on the previous site, feel like an idiot now, hindsight's a terrible thing...
Userlevel 1
Hello everyone,

Thanks for sharing your voice and suggestions here with us. We're always around, reading and monitoring every conversation here. We make sure to pass on the interest to our project management teams too.

Hello Ryan,

I purchased a Sonos connect with the intention of purchasing a play 1 and a play 5 at a later time. Now 6 months on, the lack of support for the Windows 10 platform means that I am seriously considering giving up and revert back to my squeezeboxes.

I'm obviously not expecting this sole example to change anything Sonos has in its project pipeline, but I thought it would be useful for you to understand that some of your customers are disappointed by the lack of support for a major OS platform to the point of abandoning the product altogether.
Very disapointed that there is no WP app yet from you guys. Considering most of the WP users are well paid business users im supprised at the lack of updates on this front 😕
Userlevel 1
Very disapointed that there is no WP app yet from you guys. Considering most of the WP users are well paid business users im supprised at the lack of updates on this front :/

A minor point, but the Windows Phone platform is a legacy product with a tiny market share. Windows 10 is the current product offering.
Very disapointed that there is no WP app yet from you guys. Considering most of the WP users are well paid business users im supprised at the lack of updates on this front :/

A minor point, but the Windows Phone platform is a legacy product with a tiny market share. Windows 10 is the current product offering.

saying windows phone i mean Windows 10 apps ofc, Running a Lumia 950XL myself, trying to hold off buying more sonos products untill its released, it's so hard though 😉
Years ago I had this same sort of conversation with Sonos regarding an Android app when I replaced an Apple iPod with an Android phone. They didn't know if Android would have enough users to write an app and, besides, there was a Phonos app. When they finally did write on, it was much more responsive than the Phonos one. I have since stop using Android or Apple phones for the matter in favor of Windows Mobile 10 which has a much superior UI (User Interface). I'm not sure that term is use anymore. If Volvo can write an app for their cars and SUV and Sphero can write one for a BB-8 toy, I would think Sonos could do it too. While they are conservative in producing new software, it usually do it right when they finally get around to it. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.
Been following the Sonos windows saga with interest for a couple of years now. My wife is desperate for us to get something for the house to stream music but I'm reluctant to plumb for Sonos as we are all Windows platform based (WinPhone 8.1, WinMobile 10, Win 10 tablets).

I was very glad to hear about the Sonos / Groove / Xbox Music integration that was announced recently as I thought this showed promise for better MS / Win10 support but I guess not. I'm woried that as most Groove users are probably also in the Windows camp they might drop support for Groove music due to "lack of uptake" or some such when actually lack of app support is probably also limiting lack of Groove usage.

Ah well, time will tell. If they produce an app soon I'll probably join the club, if not hopefully the closer partnership between MS and Samsung might bear fruit in another direction.
Userlevel 2
Badge +2
bibbleq - you would be better off going with Bose as at lease they support Bluetooth streaing which is compatiable with windows Phone. they don't have a windows phone app yet, but I had a reply for tech support there an seems like they may have one in the pipeline. I have taken the shots so I ebay my stuff this weekend and making the change.
Userlevel 1
Good touch support for the Windows platform would be great.
There are many Windows touch devices out there.

When doing that upgrade, making it a Universal App would be a no-brainer. The app would work on computer, tablet and phone with one one set of code. So easy to make it work between different form factors.
Userlevel 1
I have to say that the responses form Sonos regaring the status of Windows as a supported platform is deeply unsatisfactory. I don't care about getting commitments to deliver software by any given date, I just want to know if Sonos plan to support the Windows 10 platform going forward. That is not an unreasonable question for a customer to ask and there is no sensible reason why Sonos cannot respond in a meaningful and helpful way.

Deliberately avoiding making a clear statement on this is very unhelpful to Sonos customers who have invested in Windows 10 as a platform. Why does it appear so difficult for Sonos to appreciate why the current uncertainty over windows support is unsatisfactory to its customers?

I`m getting ready to abandon the platform because of this. I am not prepared to waste money on additional Sonos units which may or may not work for me going forward.
Userlevel 2
Badge +1
I have to say that the responses form Sonos regaring the status of Windows as a supported platform is deeply unsatisfactory. I don't care about getting commitments to deliver software by any given date, I just want to know if Sonos plan to support the Windows 10 platform going forward. That is not an unreasonable question for a customer to ask and there is no sensible reason why Sonos cannot respond in a meaningful and helpful way.

Deliberately avoiding making a clear statement on this is very unhelpful to Sonos customers who have invested in Windows 10 as a platform. Why does it appear so difficult for Sonos to appreciate why the current uncertainty over windows support is unsatisfactory to its customers?

I`m getting ready to abandon the platform because of this. I am not prepared to waste money on additional Sonos units which may or may not work for me going forward.

I've just spent several hours with Sonos tech support installing my sub so first up want to acknowledge the really great job done by the guys who are the voice of the system when you need it. They did well and its not the first time.

Which makes the failure to have a mobile controller for windows phones all the more inexplicable.

The equipment is great, ahead of the curve except when it comes to trying to use the system, when I have to go to the PC in the study to change anything. I'm not new to windows equipment and made the choice to get a WP when the Blackberry died and with the new operating system everything is coming together. Except my Sonos controller. Your bad and I hope you step up soon.

Many thanks (for the great tech support) and regards,
Last exchange on tweeter with Sonos...laconic answer :
Yeah, that'll do it. :rolleyes:

Userlevel 7
Badge +23
Sorry but a poorly-supported petition isn't going to do anything. Look, I've sold tens of thousands of copies of my app (currently #5 in paid apps in the US Store), and Sonos are more than capable of detecting just how many users I have too. They have plenty of data as to the level of demand.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
Sorry but a poorly-supported petition isn't going to do anything. Look, I've sold tens of thousands of copies of my app (currently #5 in paid apps in the US Store), and Sonos are more than capable of detecting just how many users I have too. They have plenty of data as to the level of demand.

Tend to agree. If they are not acting on feedback from their own site or user data a petition is not going to shift them. Sorry but it's the truth.
SONOS look here:

The UWP (Universal Windows Platfom) is a thing of beauty and major platform. I cannot fathom Sonos' reasons, if they are not far in development of a UWP app, but even a simple port of the iOS would be a great start.

But the lack of a real answer is worse than a negative answer. Even if we could just get a honost "no", that would mean I could jump ship and move on to competing products.
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
SONOS look here:

The UWP (Universal Windows Platfom) is a thing of beauty and major platform. I cannot fathom Sonos' reasons, if they are not far in development of a UWP app, but even a simple port of the iOS would be a great start.

But the lack of a real answer is worse than a negative answer. Even if we could just get a honost "no", that would mean I could jump ship and move on to competing products.

Hi AradoX,

It's our policy not to comment on possible future products or features. We do keep track of customer requests though. Many of the current features came from customer suggestions in the past. We'll be sure to make an announcement as soon as we have an update that we can share.
But the lack of a real answer is worse than a negative answer. Even if we could just get a honost "no", that would mean I could jump ship and move on to competing products.

Could you name for me the competing product which has Windows mobile app support?
Userlevel 3
Badge +1

It's our policy not to comment on possible future products or features. We do keep track of customer requests though. Many of the current features came from customer suggestions in the past. We'll be sure to make an announcement as soon as we have an update that we can share.

oh come on. You can do better than this...
We know that this is BS. when apple announced apple music, it took you only one day to confirm, that you are going to support it, as soon as apple will allow the support of external devices. At the time you confirmed the feature, it wasn't even possible for you to support it!!!
So stop telling us about your policy which applies only in cases were you do not want to offend your costumers with a no!

We know that you do not care at all about windows customers. This request is running for over 3 years now and all you have done the last years was keeping hope alive for your windows customers. I have quoted all your comments a few weeks ago to demonstrate how you were manipulating your customers. Now you are ignoring this of course. Pretending you'd never said anything. Just say no to an windows app and that's it. A good company would do so.
And just to remind you. A windows app is no feature nor a product. It is essential for the use of your products. Especially since you stopped selling and supporting the sonos control.

But ok. As you are not going to say it, i will:

Sonos does not and will never support Windows phone/mobile.

Hi AradoX,

It's our policy not to comment on possible future products or features. We do keep track of customer requests though. Many of the current features came from customer suggestions in the past. We'll be sure to make an announcement as soon as we have an update that we can share.

Thanks for the fast reply, Jeff!
Yeah, company policy can be a ...- well an annoyance 🙂 I know this too well from my own job.
Anyway, I'll just cross my fingers and thank you for noting the request.