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Windows 10 Controller

Do you have plans to ship a Windows 10 Store app which can be used from multiple Windows devices (PC, Phone, Xbox) to control the Sonos experience?

We are a Windows household and the desktop controller that exists for PC today is heavy and not very touch friendly. The third party Windows Phone app, Phonos, is fills a void, but not nearly as feature rich as the Android or iOS app. This has been requested for several years ( and the product management team does not address this gap beyond a blanket we have no news statement. I understand that choices have to be made. If you do not plan to address this in the net 12 months then can you at least make your API public with your apps being first and best examples of how to use that API so others can fill the gap for you?

Instead of a lot of "+1" and "me too" threads please show your support by voting on the poll below so we can get a count of the number of people who are interested in a Windows 10 app.
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411 replies

Userlevel 3
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I said tantamount to lying. But perhaps deceiving would have been a better word.

They have repeatedly stated there are no plans at this time to support a Windows app. The fact that some people read "at this time" and interpret it as "Oh goody, goody gumdrops!!! It must be coming soon!" is not Sonos' fault, nor is it "tantamount to lying" or "deceiving".

Try rereading, they say "No news" not "No plans". If they were to say there were no plans that would actually make me happier than this constant evasion.

Sonos has repeatedly stated they are not currently developing a Windows app. The "no news" statement is a continuation of that position. Unless they actually said there was an app coming and then gave you "no news", your case for deceit is quite lacking. The fact is, they never said an app was coming and you allowed yourself to interpret differently, and you now feel betrayed by your own interpretation. Period.

Sorry but Sonos have not once stated they are not developing this app. Indeed they already have though it is in closed beta and seems destined to stay that way.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
So, instead of Sonos, I guess you will be recommending all the other multi-room wireless streaming systems who don't "lie to their customers in order to keep their sales" and fully support a Windows mobile app? Care to name them?

It's a fair point. The main reason I would not recommend Sonos however is not that its rivals are better at WP support, but they are far more open and honest about their intentions. All in all I would recommend the Jongo line, they have at least made an effort with the Bluetooth functionality to accommodate those outside the duopoly and here's the thing, they actually ruled a WP app out to me on the phone some time ago. That is the thing that has infuriated me with Sonos, this lack of communication that they try and dress up as an asset, like it increases the mystic or some other corporate lunacy. It doesn't increase mystic, it winds people up.

Sorry, but I have to call BS. As evidence I give the long running hires music thread. Sonos declared in large, bold type that Hires music was "Not Planned". Not one hires enthusiast took this at face value, instead they doubled down on speculation, accusation, threats, derision, insults, demands for explanations and outright denial that Sonos had given the final answer. Two thing they didn't do? Thank Sonos for being honest, and sell their gear (outside of a couple that claimed to sell it, yet continued to make post after post). Now granted these were hardcore hires fans, but forgive me if I possibly misinterpret your previously deleted post as an indication of you being anything but a hardcore Windows fan.

A hardcore Windows fan would be pushing it. I endure the desktop but I do enjoy the phone. I actually came very close to jumping ship at my last upgrade solely based on the lack of this app, in the end I stayed because I don't like the faff of Android or the faux-exclusivity of the iPhone. I figured I could get by with Phonos and I can.
I still hate this policy of posting the same drivel at irregular points throughout the year. If they came clean and said a simple no, which appears to be the only real answer there maybe some wailing but it would die down. I think everyone on this thread has been remarkably restrained considering the length of time this company has dragged this out. Perhaps that patience should be rewarded with an answer!
Remarkably restrained, except for dropping thinly veiled F-Bombs and hurling crass nsult after insult at the development staff that have to be deleted because they violate TOS? Yeah, I'd call that remarkably restrained. And regardless of what you conveniently forget about what Sonos said about not currently developing an app, I know for sure they NEVER said an app was in closed/private beta. Not once. More wishful thinking and twisting words?
Userlevel 3
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World look good up on that moral high-ground? I have been returning to this for three bloody years. I think I'm allowed to lose it after, what is it? The tenth identical response from sonos. My "F-bombs" (is that really an expression?) are pretty much the only abuse to have been directed at Sonos, they deserve worse, maybe some "C-bombs" (don't know if that's thing but I like to think so). Generally though excepting a foul mothed (with asterisks) Brit everyone is far to polite. I believe there was only one crass insult also.

The app is in private beta, go take a look. It has been confirmed as a Sonos developed app. Been there a year now.
As I said, Sonos has never stated there is an app in Beta. Though there is (was?) a program in which MS creates in-house apps in order to prop up their failing mobile OS,. Which, if you were following the threads, was the accepted explanation for that app listing. So by no means is that a Sonos produced app, and thus it's succes/failure would be on MS, not Sonos.

And yes, compare to foul mouthed, insulting tirades over a First World app, the moral high ground looks great. Besides, like yours, all of the other foul mouthed posts were deleted. There have been plenty.
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
Let's all stay calm 🙂.

This is a place to talk about the possibility and merits of a universal app. Not for berating Sonos - let's face it, they make great products which we all love.

Nor is it a place to rebuke people who are asking for it.

In that vein. I think we must recognise that Windows 8 didn't shake the earth, I think we can understand Sonos not developing a universal for it.

Windows 10, on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish. On that basis Sonos have only had 5-6ish months to develop something (assuming they didn't bother with the preview).

So lets be pateint, respectful and help Sonos with it. God knows there are enough resources to do it.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
As I said, Sonos has never stated there is an app in Beta. Though there is (was?) a program in which MS creates in-house apps in order to prop up their failing mobile OS,. Which, if you were following the threads, was the accepted explanation for that app listing. So by no means is that a Sonos produced app, and thus it's succes/failure would be on MS, not Sonos.

And yes, compare to foul mouthed, insulting tirades over a First World app, the moral high ground looks great. Besides, like yours, all of the other foul mouthed posts were deleted. There have been plenty.

And you accuse me of twisting words? You have just come up with a theory with no evidence and based on nothing. That app clearly states it is published by Sonos. Do you honestly think a company Microsoft's size would publish an app under another companies name? That would leave them open to lawsuits on so many fronts, trademark/copyright infringement and false advertising to name a few. That app clearly states it is published by Sonos. Microsoft have published two apps under other companies names as far as I am aware, Facebook and the ill-fated YouTube apps, both were clearly marked as being published by Microsoft Corp.
You seek out information, or make it up, to reinforce your own preconceived perceptions. There is a name for this, it's called the confirmation bias, everyone is guilty of it to a degree, but you my friend have it in shed-loads. Following our exchanges earlier in the year and the last day or so I can not believe anything you write. Most of it is conjecture dressed as fact with no evidence to back it up. When challenged for evidence you simply ignore the challenge, isn't that a bit childish?
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
Let's all stay calm 🙂.

This is a place to talk about the possibility and merits of a universal app. Not for berating Sonos - let's face it, they make great products which we all love.

Nor is it a place to rebuke people who are asking for it.

In that vein. I think we must recognise that Windows 8 didn't shake the earth, I think we can understand Sonos not developing a universal for it.

Windows 10, on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish. On that basis Sonos have only had 5-6ish months to develop something (assuming they didn't bother with the preview).

So lets be pateint, respectful and help Sonos with it. God knows there are enough resources to do it.

Apologies Sam, I understand that my comprehensive demolition of Jgatie's arguments have hijacked this thread more than once.

I don't know if you have been checking back here as long as I have but let me say this any love I had for Sonos products has been steadily eroded by this farce. From the, as far as I can tell, deliberate neutering of the original ideas thread, and it subsequently going from a position of prominence to being buried deep in this subcategory. To this latest non-commitment I have been gradually reduced to a point where I simply resent the outlay I have made on Sonos products, knowing that I will never recoup those costs.

I simply don't believe Sonos will do this anymore.
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
Hi Tom, I thank you for your candor.

Personally I've only had Sonos since September. Give me three years and I'll probably be at your level of ire!

To Sonos: Don't miss out on this oportunity to be in the world of big data and connected things. From IFTTT to Hue Lights, embrace Siri, Cortana and Ok Google. These are things that show off your product. These are the things that make people say - I've got to have that! Being an ex Apple emplyee I know more than most that it starts with the interface. Don't let some shoddy 3rd party app like Phonos represent you.

Sonos don't end up like Bose on their Island of splended isolation! You have the speakers - they are great. Don't let other companies out intergrate you with inferiour products.
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
Thought this would help...

Porting apps to Windows 10:

Hope this helps 🙂
When is the 'private beta' good enough to get released...? I saw the Sonos tile on a Windows 10 Mobile device couple of weeks ago.....can't wait for the app to be released!
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
When is the 'private beta' good enough to get released...? I saw the Sonos tile on a Windows 10 Mobile device couple of weeks ago.....can't wait for the app to be released!

For me it's the last app that I need to complete my windows 10 mobile. Garmin came out with their version of connect just a few days ago. It's all rosey in the Windows Store! Just Sonos left 🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
When is the 'private beta' good enough to get released...? I saw the Sonos tile on a Windows 10 Mobile device couple of weeks ago.....can't wait for the app to be released!

Don't hold your breath, nor get your hopes up.
Please review this.

MS are targeting 1 BILLION W10 deployments over the next 20 months, this is in addition to W10P upgrades and purchases.

A universal app for ALL W10 based devices will become critical as W7 machines reduce in numbers and remove your need to create .exe x86 apps.

Happy to beta test for you :o)
Just got my Microsoft Lumia 950XL. One of the few apps that is missing is the Sonos app... Currently using Phonos, but it doesn't offer the great user experience of the regular Sonos app.

Indeed, a Universal Win10 app would make a lot of sense. Hoping that Sonos comes up with one soon!
Userlevel 2
Dear Sonos

Take the opportunity to support a very fastly growing oecosystem and to keep its users as customers.

The possibility to support a whole bunch of devices (phones, tablets, xbox, computers) with one single app is just great

We've been waiting for too long!!
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Dear Sonos

Take the opportunity to support a very fastly growing oecosystem and to keep its users as customers.

The possibility to support a whole bunch of devices (phones, tablets, xbox, computers) with one single app is just great

We've been waiting for too long!!

4 months too long? Come off it!
Userlevel 2
There was something before Windows 10 came out.
I have Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 2. Windows 10 is so much better than even 8.1. Windows 10 phones will soon have a much bigger market share. Sonos, pay attention!!
I have Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 2. Windows 10 is so much better than even 8.1. Windows 10 phones will soon have a much bigger market share. Sonos, pay attention!!

Amen! 😃
The nay-sayers writing about the need for a Windows Universal app here, miss one important point, as do Sonos themselves...
Why limit your potential market and sales revenue by not fully supporting Windows Mobile or at least now Windows 10 Universal Apps?
How many potential customers have looked at Sonos and selected something else because of it's lack of support for WP and Windows Tablets?

Just a thought.

Is there now a UA expected for Windows 10, desktop, mobile and tablet?
How many potential customers have looked at Sonos and selected something else because of it's lack of support for WP and Windows Tablets?
Based on OS market share, presumably only about 2-3% of potential sales.
Ratty - you are talking about phone users only. Generally W10 uptake isn't going down.

Based on 2-3%, and considering Sonos' 2013 revenue of $535 million, that's still a healthy $10-16 million potential sales.
Enough to write and support a UA app?
Ratty - you are talking about phone users only.
I was, and your query addressed WP -- which I see the MS CEO himself is now saying is 'unsustainable' in terms of market share.

Based on 2-3%, and considering Sonos' 2013 revenue of $535 million, that's still a healthy $10-16 million potential sales. Enough to write and support a UA app?

I offer two words: opportunity cost. In other words Sonos could potentially deploy that same development resource and go after hundreds of $m of incremental revenue instead of just $20m or so.
I was talking about Windows 10 Universal Apps (UA). Desktop. Tablet. Phone.
This is way more than 2-3% of multi-platform OS market share.

I have Sonos. I have iOS (iPad). OSX (home). Win10 (work). Droid (tablet) and WP10 (work phone).
I am neither a fanbois nor a hater of any platform, and appreciate the best in each. I am also pragmatic. (Which might make me rare in this community)

My Sonos experience would be complete if I didn't have to find my iPad or Galaxy Tab to get a good UX experience using my Sonos equipment.
I am entitled to my opinions and the desire to express my needs to Sonos an it's community, and I am doing so in a polite and friendly manner, carrying a message I've see all over this community for many years, since I bought my first device.

Opportunity vs. Cost
How much do YOU think it would cost to embrace the opportunity? I own a software company and have a pretty good idea already.
Even for $10-15 million potential additional revenue, the ROI makes perfect business sense.