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Windows 10 Controller

Do you have plans to ship a Windows 10 Store app which can be used from multiple Windows devices (PC, Phone, Xbox) to control the Sonos experience?

We are a Windows household and the desktop controller that exists for PC today is heavy and not very touch friendly. The third party Windows Phone app, Phonos, is fills a void, but not nearly as feature rich as the Android or iOS app. This has been requested for several years ( and the product management team does not address this gap beyond a blanket we have no news statement. I understand that choices have to be made. If you do not plan to address this in the net 12 months then can you at least make your API public with your apps being first and best examples of how to use that API so others can fill the gap for you?

Instead of a lot of "+1" and "me too" threads please show your support by voting on the poll below so we can get a count of the number of people who are interested in a Windows 10 app.
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411 replies

I find the fact that every Windows app thread on this forum has a couple pro-Windows posters with a couple hundred posts, and the rest have under 10 . . . interesting . . . to say the least. Call me a cynic for thinking people respond to a Windows forum call-to-arms, register to vote/post in the Windows threads, and have no real interest in Sonos at all. And the fact I have personally seen these call-to-arms in Windows enthusiasts forums does nothing to dispel that cynicism.
Userlevel 3
Badge +1
Have fun touching your MS Surface Pro 3 with the Desktop Sonos app.
Userlevel 1
---- Call me a cynic for thinking people respond to a Windows forum call-to-arms, register to vote/post in the Windows threads and have no real interest in Sonos at all.

What a strange thing to write.
Userlevel 1
----Have fun touching your MS Surface Pro 3 with the Desktop Sonos app.

What a strange thing to write.
Userlevel 1
Scotch Mist:
---- Call me a cynic for thinking people respond to a Windows forum call-to-arms, register to vote/post in the Windows threads and have no real interest in Sonos at all.

What a strange thing to write.

Not a strange thing at all. I've personally seen Windows enthusiast sites that call for every member to register at Sonos forums and vote for a Sonos Windows app, regardless of their interest in Sonos. The fact that the Windows app thread at the former ask.Sonos site was filled with thousands of "one-and-done" Like votes is proof that the call-to-arms was happening. It's not rocket science, and it's not the first time it happened; iOS users did the same thing before the iPhone app came out, and Hi-res audio fans quite obviously gamed a poll on the old Sonos forums.. It is also not a very effective tool to get Sonos to respond, because they have far more accurate numbers of the real demand than they could ever get from clicks on a forum.
Sonos can now create a universal App which will work on all Win 10 devices which makes total sense.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
I find the fact that every Windows app thread on this forum has a couple pro-Windows posters with a couple hundred posts, and the rest have under 10 . . . interesting . . . to say the least. Call me a cynic for thinking people respond to a Windows forum call-to-arms, register to vote/post in the Windows threads, and have no real interest in Sonos at all. And the fact I have personally seen these call-to-arms in Windows enthusiasts forums does nothing to dispel that cynicism.

Not particularly strange. For many people the creation of a Sonos app for their chosen smartphone platform will be the one and only thing that really matters to them as far as this site is concerned. If a Windows app came out tomorrow I would likely never post on this site again. Case in point my mother-in-law has a Windows Phone and a Play 5, she went on the old site to give it a me-too and almost certainly never went on it again. Most people simply don't have the time or inclination to hang around a company's community site commenting on anything and everything.

Think of it from my mother-in-law's perspective. She has a Lumia 530; her husband buys a Play 5 after seeing mine; she searches the Windows Store; there's no app; she Googles why; finds a thread on Sonos community site; reads it; signs up; posts a comment and me-too; likely never looks at that site again. That will be the experience for a huge number of people who post on this site because most are simply not interested enough to keep returning to it. I'll bet that goes for most of the threads on here, not a conspiracy, just human nature.

The fact that a community tries to rally support for the betterment of all within it is hardly news, it's pretty much the definition of what a good community should do. So the few who have commented having been directed from WP community forums shouldn't be thought of as somehow inferior voices in this debate. They want the platform they use and love to prosper, they therefore have a vested interest in trying to get as many big apps on the platform as possible. In the process they are exposed to Sonos products and are presumably far more likely to buy them when a site like Windows Central announces the availability of a Windows app thereby benefiting the Sonos community as well. Indeed I have seen many comments on WC following articles about Sonos along the lines of "never heard of Sonos, but they look cool, hope an app comes and I will buy."

That being said I'm sure a few people who don't own any Sonos products, nor have any intention of buying any, have voted because of what they read on forums. A few have probably registered twice to up the comment/votes also. Petty and misleading but the same is true of almost any thread/comments section/forum on the internet.
The lament about Sonos not recognizing the gaining of market share of Windows mobile has been happening for years, and was preceded by the lament of Android users (of which I was one) over the same issue. The fact is, Sonos has access to the market data, and until that market data shows Sonos what it wants to see, all the laments in the world, all the "Likes" in the world, and all the Windows fan's "data" in the world is not going to change the situation. Android was supported when Sonos could no longer ignore the market. Windows Phone will be supported when/if Sonos can no longer ignore the market. No argument for/against here or anywhere else is going to sway them in any way. So while the hype, speculation, and statistical gymnastics in this and other threads are all well and good (I particularly like the "Sonos is in bed with Apple" conspiracy nuts), in reality, outside of being a convenient place to vent, it really is an exercise in futility.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
The lament about Sonos not recognizing the gaining of market share of Windows mobile has been happening for years, and was preceded by the lament of Android users (of which I was one) over the same issue. The fact is, Sonos has access to the market data, and until that market data shows Sonos what it wants to see, all the laments in the world, all the "Likes" in the world, and all the Windows fan's "data" in the world is not going to change the situation. Android was supported when Sonos could no longer ignore the market. Windows Phone will be supported when/if Sonos can no longer ignore the market. No argument for/against here or anywhere else is going to sway them in any way. So while the hype, speculation, and statistical gymnastics in this and other threads are all well and good (I particularly like the "Sonos is in bed with Apple" conspiracy nuts), in reality, outside of being a convenient place to vent, it really is an exercise in futility.

So what you are saying is that Sonos invested in a customer feedback solution, that is now on it's third revision, and actively encouraged user suggestions into the direction Sonos should be heading. Having done all this you are implying that the company gives zero consideration to the feedback left on this site? The picture you are painting of Sonos is one of a disingenuous and manipulative company who imply they listen to customers and then disregard everything there customers say? Is that the implication you were going for, because it's what I took away from it.

Making your point often and forcefully is not an exercise in futility. Continuing to remind Sonos that there is are significant numbers of people that desire this of them is far more likely to keep the issue at the forefront of minds and on meeting itineraries than slinking into the shadows like a whipped cur!

By the way you still haven't justified your Windows community call-to-arms conspiracy in any way.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
I find the fact that every Windows app thread on this forum has a couple pro-Windows posters with a couple hundred posts, and the rest have under 10 . . . interesting . . . to say the least. Call me a cynic for thinking people respond to a Windows forum call-to-arms, register to vote/post in the Windows threads, and have no real interest in Sonos at all. And the fact I have personally seen these call-to-arms in Windows enthusiasts forums does nothing to dispel that cynicism.

Your emphasis on the word interesting and general tone in the above quote strongly suggest you find something distasteful and underhand about the practice, hence a conspiracy. You don't have to explicitly use the word. I have also offered you a rational explanation as to why so many posters have less than ten responses on this site yet you hold to the notion that there has been a "call-to-arms" on some third party website you claim to have seen yet will not provide a link to. I am not putting words in your mouth, simply deducing your implications from broadly unsubstantiated words you have written. If I have deduced incorrectly please tell me, that's what arguments are after all.
Once again, I was pointing out the fact that sites such as these are informal, non-scientific polls which are easy to game. To say they are not is silly, and to think Sonos does not have more scientifically verifiable market analysis is even sillier. "Poking holes" in one perfectly viable analysis of the vote at ask.Sonos by stating yet another viable analysis does nothing to change the fact these informal, non-scientific polls are virtually useless when compared to scientifically verifiable market analysis,
Userlevel 1
Once again, I was pointing out the fact that sites such as these are informal, non-scientific polls which are easy to game. To say they are not is silly, and to think Sonos does not have more scientifically verifiable market analysis is even sillier. "Poking holes" in one perfectly viable analysis of the vote at ask.Sonos by stating yet another viable analysis does nothing to change the fact these informal, non-scientific polls are virtually useless when compared to scientifically verifiable market analysis,

They use Survey Monkey!

It is not as though they could use anything better is it?
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
Once again, I was pointing out the fact that sites such as these are informal, non-scientific polls which are easy to game. To say they are not is silly, and to think Sonos does not have more scientifically verifiable market analysis is even sillier. "Poking holes" in one perfectly viable analysis of the vote at ask.Sonos by stating yet another viable analysis does nothing to change the fact these informal, non-scientific polls are virtually useless when compared to scientifically verifiable market analysis,

You may be right. But Sonos have given us the means to make our wishes be heard. That they have done so suggests that they find some value in this sort of feedback. If we do not use this site, or what's posted here is ignored, then why have they given us these means? What would be the point? Are you in the habit of designing and building tools for people to then just tell them not to bother? I'm really struggling to understand what you are trying to tell us? Give up? Stop using this site for the very purpose it was put here for?

Market data is also not the be-all-and-end-all. Sometimes you have to go out on a limb and be more proactive, otherwise others will exploit an opportunity leaving you behind before your numbers tell you to invest. Sometimes you will get it wrong (look at the massive support for Tidal at launch, and it's flop since). Business is not all science and maths, instinct, foresight and a willingness to take risks are also key to growing and sustaining a successful business.

Speaking of business this little exchange has led to me neglecting mine all afternoon. Time to go home now. Productive day...
You may be right. But Sonos have given us the means to make our wishes be heard. That they have done so suggests that they find some value in this sort of feedback. If we do not use this site, or what's posted here is ignored, then why have they given us these means? What would be the point? Are you in the habit of designing and building tools for people to then just tell them not to bother? I'm really struggling to understand what you are trying to tell us? Give up? Stop using this site for the very purpose it was put here for?

Not that anyone can easily search my posting record using the new format, but if you could you can see me denouncing supposed interaction sites like ask.Sonos for as long as they have been asked for. My reasoning from the beginning is that so called "polls" are easily gamed, and "interaction" with Sonos reps more often than not boils down to "let's abuse people who can't fight back". So why did Sonos create this site? Damned if I know, but the fact this site has eliminated much of the "Ideas" functionality of ask.Sonos, coupled with the quicker and more effective curbing of the more abusive posters here, and instead concentrates much more on support and/or announcements, certainly supports my view of the utility of these sites more than any other.
Userlevel 3
Badge +2
You may be right. But Sonos have given us the means to make our wishes be heard. That they have done so suggests that they find some value in this sort of feedback. If we do not use this site, or what's posted here is ignored, then why have they given us these means? What would be the point? Are you in the habit of designing and building tools for people to then just tell them not to bother? I'm really struggling to understand what you are trying to tell us? Give up? Stop using this site for the very purpose it was put here for?

Not that anyone can easily search my posting record using the new format, but if you could you can see me denouncing supposed interaction sites like ask.Sonos for as long as they have been asked for. My reasoning from the beginning is that so called "polls" are easily gamed, and "interaction" with Sonos reps more often than not boils down to "let's abuse people who can't fight back". So why did Sonos create this site? Damned if I know, but the fact this site has eliminated much of the "Ideas" functionality of ask.Sonos, coupled with the quicker and more effective curbing of the more abusive posters here, and instead concentrates much more on support and/or announcements, certainly supports my view of the utility of these sites more than any other.

Seem to have been censored, unless it's only me that has lost the evenings worth of comments and responses. I'll be damned if you get the last word though. So let me state for the record that I believe your inability to back your baseless accusations and constant evasions have proven that your sole purpose with this line of attack was to be inflammatory and not to add anything meaningful to this thread. I will not be commenting further.
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Hi folks,

I've removed some comments in this discussion due to off-topic conversation and some personal attacks. These types of comments do not follow our community terms and conditions.

If you have any questions, please send me a private message.

Jeff S
Do you have plans to ship a Windows 10 Store app which can be used from multiple Windows devices (PC, Phone, Xbox) to control the Sonos experience?

We are a Windows household and the desktop controller that exists for PC today is heavy and not very touch friendly. The third party Windows Phone app, Phonos, is fills a void, but not nearly as feature rich as the Android or iOS app. This has been requested for several years ( and the product management team does not address this gap beyond a blanket we have no news statement. I understand that choices have to be made. If you do not plan to address this in the net 12 months then can you at least make your API public with your apps being first and best examples of how to use that API so others can fill the gap for you?

Instead of a lot of "+1" and "me too" threads please show your support by voting on the poll below so we can get a count of the number of people who are interested in a Windows 10 app.

I've been waiting for a windows mobile solution for years and I find it ridiculous that you don't have one.
Would really like to see this with 110Million devices using windows 10 already this is a must, even its desktop / table only to start with.
Yes....waiting for last two years. Windows tablet needs it!
They have an opportunity to do a lot of things right by doing this.

Get a first party app on both Xbox and Windows Phone.
Get a touch friendly app on Windows PC's.
Unify their codebase for all Windows devices (I'm just guessing but i doubt there is much in common between their WP closed beta app and the Windows desktop app).

Make it work. I would buy more Sonos stuff if this existed.
Userlevel 2
Badge +2
Windows Mobile has a market share of 2-3 %, according to . It is not very economical to create a Sonos client for such a small minority. As Windows Mobile user, you should be aware of that and should have been aware before you purchased such a device.

Improving the Android and iOS client will reach way more people than a Windows client.

On your desktop you can use the desktop controller. Touchscreen Windows devices are still a minority as well, albeit possibly rising in number.

Surely there should only be android controllers based on this assumption then as IoS accounts for a tiny % of shipments too....

Maybe the whole situation will change with Windows 10, I would not yet count on it.

28 Votes? Sonos is not going to write an app for 28 votes. Come on people if you really want the app then you have to do something about it.

Oh! Seems you found all the 28 people using Windows mobile! Congrats! ;)
Userlevel 2
Badge +2
Based on these numbers there is an argument to cease IoS development too, 13% is pretty low (and shrinking).
Many folks posting replies here... are going "off-topic" (topic is Windows 10 Sonos Controller...which focuses on needs for desktop/laptop controller in Windows 10 OS environment). Comments about Windows phone, iOS, Android ... while interesting and even insightful... are "off-topic". We need a Windows 10 Sonos Controller app... and the PC market is HUGE for that set of users.

As soon as Sonos notifies me they have finally "woken-up" and created a Sonos Controller native to Windows 10... I will download & use it!...!!!
Userlevel 1

If you have any questions, please send me a private message.

I have a question, are we ever going to get an official Yes/No reply on this. I mean it's been 3 painful years of Sonos flip-flopping around like a dead fish on this...