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Where is the crossfade on sonos controller on new iPad?

I have downloaded the sonos controller to my new iPad and the is no crossfade option. I have sonos on my PC and android phone and the crossfade is there. I am using Apple Music.
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14 replies

For some inexplicable reason, crossfade is under the More Options menu (. . . ) on the Now Playing screen, instead of the queue screen like the others.
Thanks for your reply, yes on my android it is on the more options (...) at the bottom next to sleep timer but both are missing on the controller for iPad.
I have uninstalled the controller and reinstalled but no different.
It's supposed to be the same place for both Android and iOS. Are you by chance running the beta? If so, that may explain it. iOS can't run beta, though I'm not sure if crossfade is one of the missing items when running different versions of hardware vs. software.
I don't know if I'm runnng beta. iOS 10 on the iPad. The PC and Samsung phone run the controller fine. Sorry to be vague but I'm a complete novis with I.T.
If you're not sure, I'd certainly try deleting the iOS app, and then downloading it again and installing.

Unfortunately, I'm not near my Sonos system for me to look for it on my iOS devices. And it's not a feature I've ever actually used, so not a lot of experience here 🙂
I don't know if I'm runnng beta. iOS 10 on the iPad. The PC and Samsung phone run the controller fine. Sorry to be vague but I'm a complete novis with I.T.

You can check if you are running beta here:

Login with your Sonos username/password.
Checked the link and l am not enrolled.
Userlevel 7
Badge +20
Checked the link and l am not enrolled.

Hi nick1,

Can you check the now playing screen then click on the 3 dots that come after the track name? This should pop up a menu where the crossfade slider lives. If that doesn't work, please send in a diagnostic report and reply with the confirmation number.
Hi Jeff, tried this too but it's not there. Have send diagnostics to you 7297510.
Not sure if this helps, but here is a screenshot from my iPad showing the crossfade toggle button in landscape mode:
When I open ...menue at side of track playing box drops down with options, I press more and last two are
Add songs to sonos favourite
Add songs to sonos playlist
Crossfade and sleep timer should be underneath I think?

I think you are looking in the wrong place. Go to the 'now playing screen' see my second screenshot in my post above... you need to select a blank section of the bar at the bottom of the app, to open the 'now playing' screen, it will slide upwards.

Then look for the ellipsis (...) and press that, as shown in the first screenshot above.

Hope that clarifies what you need to do to find the crossfade option.
I agree with Ken. The ( . . . ) menu options you are seeing are more akin to the Queue screen or Search menu, not the Now Playing screen.
Thanks very much guys. You are right I had been viewing everything in the que screen! Sorted!
Very much appreciated.