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When will "Line-In" return to the new app?

Simple question as a dealer/installer/user:  When will the ability to select and control “Line-In” return?  On the “gold” app, it was part of the “Browse” screen at the bottom of the list of services.  IT IS NOW GONE.  One may presume it should have been in the “Your System” area, but who knows?  Whereas I have reviewed many complaints and issues with the deprecation of features in the new app, the inability to control Line-In is not only a devastating loss, but a liability as many users have purchased the products specifically for their ability to support a Line-In.  I am referring to the “Keith N” response of two days ago and the bullet list of the five features/issues that there is a supposed date for them to return.  See image below and there is NO LINE-IN:


As soon as Line In appears, even to disappear again, I suggest that users immediately configure all their Sonos units that have the line in jacks to immediately configure them to autoplay, and select the speakers that should play in response to a signal sensed at the jack.

I am guessing that once this is done, even if line in disappears from the app, Sonos speakers will play any source wired to said jacks. Even if the new app remains AWOL.

You can then continue to play music on Sonos regardless of the new app on going chaos.

Use the Desktop app or third party.

Mine was just missing on my android phone but was present on my iPad. So, I tried reinstalling the app on my android device and that seems to have brought it back. 

I've reinstalled the app multiple times and sometimes it decides to work, other times not. Looking forward to a patch 🤞

Yeah, sadly the line in came back briefly, it's now missing once again 😞.

Hi Sonos! Fix this issue please! 
I bought this system only so I could play my vinyls! Now you updated the app in may 2024 and now it’s almost September! I CANT PLAY MY MUSIC because of this ridiculous update. As all the other comments.. no line in. Not after reinstalling the system, downloading it again or trying to download to older app. How can you update something to something *! * this. (IOS)

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

These app changes are becoming a joke, now missing the line-in, time to switch sell my customers to blue sound! 

This is a massive issue. I cannot stand the Android-specific negligence on behalf of “upscale” hardware designers and marketing people. Stop pretending like living in the Apple ecosystem is a prerequisite to being affluent. This thing makes me so angry. I came looking for solutions today and there simply are non for Android. It just doesn’t work. Apple device? Fine. Windows application? Fine. Pixel phone? Nothing. Reboots, device changes, reinstalls, plug cleaning and re-plugging… 

Most disappointing: not one official response in this thread. Not one. Pathetic. Sonos is sliding away from the once innovative company that knew it’s userbase. I am frustrated at the constant price hikes and the constantly poor “updates.” Thank goodness my gear still sounds good.

This is a massive issue. I cannot stand the Android-specific negligence on behalf of “upscale” hardware designers and marketing people. Stop pretending like living in the Apple ecosystem is a prerequisite to being affluent. This thing makes me so angry. I came looking for solutions today and there simply are non for Android. It just doesn’t work. Apple device? Fine. Windows application? Fine. Pixel phone? Nothing. Reboots, device changes, reinstalls, plug cleaning and re-plugging… 

Most disappointing: not one official response in this thread. Not one. Pathetic. Sonos is sliding away from the once innovative company that knew it’s userbase. I am frustrated at the constant price hikes and the constantly poor “updates.” Thank goodness my gear still sounds good.

The Sonos Staff here are mainly moderators for the forum itself. If you’re looking for a response you’re probably best to get in touch with Sonos Customer Support instead. Here is the link to do that…

These app changes are becoming a joke, now missing the line-in, time to switch sell my customers to blue sound! 

Is that with Android, or an iOS mobile controllers? Only I can see the line-in option on Android. See attached. 

If it’s not working then try signing out/in on the App or even resetting/reinstalling the App and see if that resolves the matter. If not check the line-in settings in the device properties in ‘Settings/System’ in the App and if still no joy after that then it maybe best to reproduce the issue(s) seen and immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and contact/chat with Sonos Support Staff via this LINK and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to help you to resolve the matter.

Note I have just tried with iOS (iPhone) controller and that shows the line-in option too.
