We want SONOS App dark mode back!

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163 replies

Unbelievable that they would take away the dark mode?!?!?
They obviously don’t use their own app in the bedroom?!?!?
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
Hi everyone. The team has been hard at work incorporating your feedback to the Sonos app and 8.3 is now available. For details on what's changed, take a look here.
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
How is that a step forward? Now Playing is now black, but it return Rooms is even more white then before, while the rest of the screens remain untouched ( and thus white).
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Since I spend 99% of my time on the now playing screen fixing it has solved most of my glare problem. I'd like the other screens fixed too but I'm happy to see what we got.
Userlevel 3
Badge +4
If that’s hard at work I’d hate to see what happens if they are taking it easy.
That is a really underwhelming update, I was expecting far more, I guess it shows the quality of the developer.
Userlevel 3
Seriously? This is the fix? A black background on the now playing screen but still eyeball destroying white on all the other screens? It’s still bland with small album cover artwork. As Keeper said above, I’d love to see the results if you were taking it easy. Such a disappointment. Here’s a hint, look at the SPOTIFY app and do that, or better still, just bring back the version before this mess, you know, the one that worked well and looked nice, just saying.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
Wow you peeps are wonderfully encouraging! Sonos clearly went down a blind alley with version 8. This is a step back in the right direction and they are looking for feedback before making further changes. The big usability fix of the navigation is there and very welcome and other changes are afoot, as per the release notes.

Charges to consumer software takes time and sometimes has to be done in smaller steps than even the developer would like. There is no need to be so dismissing, is there?
Userlevel 2
Yes yes yes Thank you so much for the latest update. Black is back!
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Obviously it is somewhat better now.... But glad to see they promise more improvements....

The now playing screen is better in black but it looks so bland. Wouldn’t mind so much if it wasn’t for the fact I remember the app used to look very nice in the previous version. Can’t really remember exactly what it used to look like however, does anyone have a screenshot?!

The contrast between Spotify and Sonos is massive. You have to say that Sonos doesn’t look ‘clean’, it sadly looks amateur!
Sonos market themselves as a premium product so I don’t think anyone should hold back from being critical if it doesn’t live up to expectations.
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
Wow you peeps are wonderfully encouraging! Sonos clearly went down a blind alley with version 8. This is a step back in the right direction and they are looking for feedback before making further changes. The big usability fix of the navigation is there and very welcome and other changes are afoot, as per the release notes.

In terms of color they may be trying a little bit to get out of that blind alley, but for the navigation they stubbornly keep pushing forward with a flawed concept. Because the product managers believes in it. As a result the now playing screen is suddenly a cluttered mess or worse (on smaller screens)..

The contrast between Spotify and Sonos is massive. You have to say that Sonos doesn’t look ‘clean’, it sadly looks amateur!
Sonos market themselves as a premium product so I don’t think anyone should hold back from being critical if it doesn’t live up to expectations.

Fully agree, the way they deal with design is plain amateur hour. Case in point is indeed the Spotify app, where the now playing screen is a breath of fresh air in comparison with Sonos 8.3.
Userlevel 3
Hi everyone. The team has been hard at work incorporating your feedback to the Sonos app and 8.3 is now available. For details on what's changed, take a look here.

Thanks and kudos to Ryan and the Sonos team. The new black Now Playing screen is a huge step in the right direction. I'm looking forward to seeing the next round of improvements!
Userlevel 5
Hello all

It's great to see so many responses to this topic about improving the quality of the Sonos app.
There were many topics on the forum started by others about this issue as well.

The Sonos team has made a welcome improvement to the Now Playing screen. Now it is good. Easy to look at close up or at some distance, in dim or bright ambient light.
In my opinion the dark background looks like a quality product, designed for what we use it for.

Please make all the rest of the pages in the same style. The product can look well made, consistent and finished.
Once it's all tidy, please keep it that way.

Thanks to Sonos for the improvements, and thanks forum users for your responses.