We want SONOS App dark mode back!

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163 replies

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Give us options to use our preference.
In this age of time this is not difficult to implement !:?

Agreed... I can totally understand that the space required to provide flexibility may be restricted on the players, but that's not the case for all modern controllers. Any half-way decent piece of modern software usually allows the user to tailor important aspects. I haven't 'upgraded' to the latest version, but even v7.1 is a nightmare on Android phones and tablets in a room with low lighting. It's hard to believe that any professional software designer could have come up with this, but then I don't think that UI issues are Sonos's forte...
I just won’t use it like this. I use the Spotify app primarily which has issues but at least it doesn’t BLIND me! What were Sonos thinking ??!!
Userlevel 3
I don't know what else to say except they just don't care about what anyone thinks. How this app got released even though people were complaining vehemently on the beta forum boggles my mind. Unless you go with "they just don't care".

Userlevel 6
Badge +7
The outcry over this app is not quite like we have seen before. I do agree that there are issues with it relative to the previous but I do not struggle with it half as much as others do.

Allow a bit more time to see how Sonos responds to the feedback. They have said that they are taking it on board. So let’s wait and see.
Userlevel 6
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Allow a bit more time to see how Sonos responds to the feedback. They have said that they are taking it on board. So let’s wait and see.

It's as TheHellers says. This app shouldn't have gotten past beta, let alone go through several updates without any of the issues being addressed.

And given the extent of the backlash, Sonos response of planning to make some changes in future versions, doesn't sound like much of an acknowledgement or commitment to address the laundry list of issues.
Userlevel 6
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Ok. Let’s wait to see what the future actually holds. No point in speculating.
New to Sonos and this is my only gripe. Why can't users change there own background. You can create a great system like this but not supply consumer with this simple option...come on Sonos can't be that hard....
Can I roll back the update to get the dark skin back?
Userlevel 5
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Can I roll back the update to get the dark skin back?

Nope user choice of software version for the speakers we own is not supported by Sonos.
Userlevel 6
Badge +6
It would be really cool if we could have an IPad / tablet version that looks less like...

And a bit more like, oh I dunno ... this ?

The bottom one was done by an amazing company called Sonos.

No comparison, really ! :D

Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Absolutely - the tablet version should (in landscape mode) be the multi-pane version the desktop has. One of the best interfaces (along with old sonos blue mobile version). The desktop Achilles heal is it was done before universal search. A version like the desktop but with universal search would be terrific on tablet in landscape.

At a minimum just put the room list to the left and then the normal interface to the right.
Userlevel 1
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For everyone that hates the new SONOS App, there is now an alternative. I use SonoPad for the iPad. It has a rich interface and is very sexy. I am no way associated with SonoPad, I paid for it and use it as my only controller.

check out
Userlevel 1
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Userlevel 7
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I had tried a while back but no universal search was its big issue for me.
Userlevel 6
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I had tried a while back but no universal search was its big issue for me.
The desktop interface doesn't have universal search either, but I quickly got used to it again.

It'll depend a lot on being able to rely on a single source (e.g spotify) which can be selected upfront, or having to use 2 or 3 different ones with widely varying catalogs.
Userlevel 6
Badge +7
It would be really cool if we could have an IPad / tablet version that looks less like...

And a bit more like, oh I dunno ... this ?

The bottom one was done by an amazing company called Sonos.

No comparison, really ! :D


Andrew as many know I have defended the notion that the current app is usable while not better than the previous. I have managed with it ok. However, your simple comparative pictures though make the most compelling case. The older version is certainly a better and more appropriate interface for multiform use. Any objective assessment would come to that conclusion. The former approach gave you a more holistic dashboard - a clear sense of where you are and options for your musical experience.

I recognize that Sonos for whatever reason wanted an interface that followed Spotify, Apple and Deezer. But it really is not necessary and no one in Sonos has really provided a logical reason why it is.

So its a New Year and I do recognize that Sonos is trying hard to grow its business and please new and existing customers. Its a tough ask. I have decided to now support those calling for a reversion to an interface without a navigation bar. It is the better approach. Again I can use the navigation bar as I use both Apple Music and Deezer so I am comfortable with it. In the end though Sonos should not ape for the sake of aping and change for the sake of it. This is not a change for the better in terms of a multi room set up.

I do not think having a visible navigation bar at the bottom even on Now Playing screen really fixes anything.

So after much discourse I will support reverting from the navigation bar. While I will live if this does not happen I am a big man who can change his mind and support the right thing.

Sonos please recognize that you are not a regular streaming service but a multi-room set up. You offer a different value proposition and should have a software experience that supports it in the best way and the navigation bar approach is not it. It really isn't.

I don't know the full scale of your limitations but give deep thought to the way forward. Leaving pride aside.
Userlevel 7
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While I like the idea of the navigation at bottom (reminds me of older Sonos apps), I do think going back to version 6 they have put no thought into the landscape tablet mode. It’s just a spread out version of portrait mode. They are missing a lot of opportunity to make it a much more functional interface (as can be seen in the old version on desktop). I think there priorities continue to be elsewhere but landscape mode has so much potential.
Can I roll back the update to get the dark skin back?

Nope user choice of software version for the speakers we own is not supported by Sonos.

I daren't update my PC App as its telling me to, because I don't know what it will do to it, has anyone updated yet and has it changed the interface on that aswell or is it still ok?
Userlevel 7
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Other than the search bar at top not being a universal search. I find the desktop to be the perfect landscape view.
Userlevel 6
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Clearly there is a cost issue in developing for multiple platforms (Windows, IOS, Android), and then for different screen sizes (phone, phablet, tablet), and then landscape and portrait). I guess modern multi-platform development tools that work for the lowest common denominator (ie smallest screen) is the cheaper way to go. .

I guess tablets are not for everyone but the old landscape app on the Ipad had a a real tangible sense of luxury about it.

With low power no-name tablets being so low cost nowdays (£50 isn't uncommon), maybe it might be worth Sonos considering buying in the hardware and selling a dedicated controller again with software they can write to maximise the potential of its larger screen. They can continue to write for the IOS / Android a more generic app. I could then forgive it looking like it does on my Ipad :-)

Userlevel 6
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With low power no-name tablets being so low cost nowdays (£50 isn't uncommon), maybe it might be worth Sonos considering buying in the hardware and selling a dedicated controller again with software they can write to maximise the potential of its larger screen. They can continue to write for the IOS / Android a more generic app. I could then forgive it looking like it does on my Ipad :-)

I'm not exactly a fan of winding up with a house full of - now even more advanced - remote controls again. Even though that appears to be the trend. Who didn't wind up with a Philips hue physical controller, if only to make sure the cleaning lady can turn the light on? :)

If they'd take tablets into account upfront, instead of an after thought, it shouldn't be much of an issue to support. Heck they already did/used to. And the same goes for supporting a dark mode (although it probably should be the default), switching the colors around a bit isn't exactly a big deal.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
What would be benefit of sonos made controller vs a dedicated cheap tablet?
Userlevel 5
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What would be benefit of sonos made controller vs a dedicated cheap tablet?

The line of thought may be why bother with tablet mode when (almost) everyone has a phone in their pocket.

Tbh im of this mind.
Userlevel 6
Badge +6
Well to be honest, there shouldn’t be any benefit in theory. That’s if the phone / tablet app was as it as it could be. However Sonos has apps for IOS and Android and has to cater for multiple OS versions and screen sizes, etc. As above, I suspect that Sonos has catered for the lowest common denominator. Use is not made of larger screens or landscape mode. Writing for a dedicated Sonos controller would be easier when the hardware was known and locked down. Small tablets are so cheap these days, it probably Could be made for less than a Play 1.

Userlevel 3
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I had tried a while back but no universal search was its big issue for me.

My initial thoughts as well. However the Sonos ‘universal search’ is also limited and the SonoPad search engine has some benefits over Universal search that made me change my mind about it.

Universal search does search across multiple libraries, but you have to manual select artist, track, album, etc. to find what you are looking for.
The search function on SonoPad works differently; first you select the library you are interested in (on local network, Deezer, Radio, etc) and once you key in your search string it search within that library for artist, album, track, composer, etc all at once and shows the result under artist, album, track, composer, all in the same view. I’ve found that really useful, actually more useful than the Universal search especially for classical music.

I hope one day these two search functions will be combined to a real Universal search.
Userlevel 6
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The line of thought may be why bother with tablet mode when (almost) everyone has a phone in their pocket. mind.
There's no denying that phones are the primary device these days. especially on the go. At home you will find a - if not several - tablets though as they are better to lean back with, or use as a second screen.

As Sonos is typically found at home, the case for a tablet interface is likely bigger than average device usage stats might indicate.