We want SONOS App dark mode back!

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163 replies

I hate changes!
No, wait, I hate changes which are not improvements!
And a 6" smartphone screen at night (or actually, at any time of day) in glistering bright white with a little black line here and there - that is NOT an improvement!

Give me black back, or I am done buying new Sonos gear and will settle for running down what I have before walking away and hating Sonos forever after. They are not unique anymore, in case they have forgotten.
Userlevel 6
Badge +1
Ryan, the whole controller software is a major step backwards! Nothing is better, but a lot is wrong! It is a nightmare to switch between rooms. I hate to press 5 times more button than normally needed. It's time to fire your software designers!

I strongly agree with this so much it hurts. Just update the app on my iPad and it is now a truly awful experience to use. It's not just the terribly bright white background but the fact that the whole interface has been dumbed down and broken over so many screens. What was shown on a single screen in the previous version, with access to the play controls, volume, album art, queue, and library navigation is now broken into a whole load of separate screens. Just ludicrous with so much of the iPads screen real estate totally wasted and just displaying bright white.

An outcome of this breaking up of the main screen is that to access much of what used to be there now requires several more actions on the part of the user. Shouldn't "improvements" be just that. This isn't one of them. This is a MAJOR step backwards.
Hell yeah. Dark mode is much better.
Agree with all, why not an option Black or White?
Userlevel 1
I invested in SONOS shortly after it launched and have found most software updates to be generally speaking, improvements. However the decision to make the app all white and change the navigation of it in such a radical way is the biggest blunder ever. I tend to listen to music in the evening in a slightly darkened room as I'm sure many people do but now I find myself having to constantly adjust my iphone to compensate for the brightness of the app. Up until now the app has been pretty classy, easy on the eyes and a pleasure to use but this update is just dreadful. I haven't read any comments about how wonderful this update is.

So SONOS please please listen to your users voicing their displeasure at this update and at least give us the option to use a Dark Mode. Can't be too difficult can it?
Userlevel 1
The bright background on new SONOS app release is not an improvement.
It's too bright in a dark room, intrusive, hard too see in a light room, and it eats my battery.
Don't like it.

Users speak up. If enough people ask, maybe the app developer will listen.

Brighter is not better.
Please give us back the dark background theme.

The room is unbearably bright due to the white background. I have no choice but to turn off the display completely - waiving the praised new attributes of the software. In this sense, the so-called progress for me means a loss and huge disappointment!
There is another disturbing detail: The font below the CD cover (title, album, artist, etc.) is disproportionately small and barely legible even at a small distance. I therefore suggest to improve the proportions. Maybe I'm not alone with this wish.
I ask for an option for variable font sizes in the title display, because despite my relatively large screen, these notes are quite difficult to read (it is not due to lack of visual acuity).

It would not have to be (other companies live it), that one gets dictated as user the outfit. I urge you to establish self-service elements by the customer.
Adding my voice to the NO LIKE the new white background. Please either change it back to a black background or give us the option to change it.
I agree, plese bring back (or add an option) the dark background for Android controllers. Only the white one is horrible!
The bright background on new SONOS app release is not an improvement.
It's too bright in a dark room, intrusive, hard too see in a light room, and it eats my battery.
Don't like it.

Brighter is not better.
Please give us back the dark background theme.

I agree, plese bring back (or add an option) the dark background for my controllers. Only the white one is horrible!
Userlevel 1
The bright background on new SONOS app release is not an improvement.
It's too bright in a dark room, intrusive, hard too see in a light room, and it eats my battery.
Don't like it.

Users speak up. If enough people ask, maybe the app developer will listen.

Brighter is not better.
Please give us back the dark background theme.

The dark background is never coming back. Supernova mode is the only option. Get used to it - or try Denon, Bose, or Samsung. If you still have your solar eclipse goggles, you could try those - but I'd still limit the time spent looking directly at the app.
Userlevel 2
Badge +3
Does have its uses. My daughter needed a bright backlight for her tissue paper coloured windows from school. First thought.... the new Sonos app! Perfect. Bright as a beacon, just the ticket!

Still looks terrible though.
Userlevel 1
Ridiculous retro upgrade, fed up with new bright app and awkward interface. Was a huge fan for many years, now thinking of selling my Sonos kit!
My Sonos requested that we did an update last night. Quite surprised about the change with the display and some of the layout. It would be useful if there were more options to re-arrange the layout to personal preference and change the background colour. I find this extremely bright and would imagine this will prove difficult for those who suffer from Dyslexia. More flexibility to suit bespoke requirements is required.
Userlevel 3
Pull your finger out SONOS. Nobody likes your ‘update’. I’ve given up with it now and just use the SPOTIFY app directly instead. Much easier on the eyes.
Another vote for the dark UI experience... combined with the artwork background (and intuitive navigation) from the pre-8.x app.

Sorry to those who have adapted to the new UI, but I am tired of hearing the cursing from those around me (and me too) when the app takes them to somewhere they didn't expect or want to be.

Has anyone else noted that the (dark) UI reached from the settings option looks largely unchanged from the pre-8.x app?

Suggests even more to me that the room/music navigation experience was someone's bright (sorry) idea and makes the app appear more disjointed than it should be.

Userlevel 3
Another unhappy user here - the new controller app for the iPad is a major retrograde step over the previous version. The layout is far less intuitive; finding common operations is far more fiddly - and the white background looks dreadful. Please at least give us a settings option for a dark background. (Or just reinstate the version 7 controller app in its entirety...)
Uncool, Sonos! I think they deliberately made the background so nasty we would have to set up an account to complain about it. Much prefer the dark background. Give us the choice!
The "Dark" mode won't use less battery power than the regular mode. The backlight on the LCD screen burns the same brightness no matter what pixels are masking it. Reduce your brightness as a whole if you mistakenly think having a dark image on your screen makes any difference.
What's going on at Sonos? White skinned app, an age-old macOS app and Alexa gimmicks. They are suddenly giving me lots of reasons to switch to Apple pods next year.
Badge +1
The "Dark" mode won't use less battery power than the regular mode. The backlight on the LCD screen burns the same brightness no matter what pixels are masking it. Reduce your brightness as a whole if you mistakenly think having a dark image on your screen makes any difference.
OLED uses less power on black because black is literally off.
Userlevel 2
The new bright skin is ugly and intrusive -- I absolutely hate it. Give us an option for the dark skin please.

The new android app sucks. Navigation is much harder -- you have to remember how to get to the main functions -- those dumb buttons at the bottom of one of the screens -- and you have to remember what those buttons do. The old app was much, much easier and more intuitive to use. I hate the new app.

And when is Android going to get trueplay? Come on, Sonos -- your products are great, but your android software just got worse, and it's missing an important function that apple devices have.

I've got $1400 worth of Sonos gear -- $300 spent this this month for another pair of Play 1's. Make my investment worth it, Sonos -- fix your awful app, and give us trueplay.
I also want the option to chose a dark theme. Shouldn't be that complicated to offer that.
I wonder how 8.x on Android would look like with activated color inversion?! :8

I can live with/reluctantly get used to the other changes made in the latest Sonos update, but who in the world thought it it would be a good idea to change the black background to white??! It's terrible, offensive every time I use Sonos. Was this a mistake? Please change it back to black with the next upgrade. Please!! You've really messed with your otherwise sleek brand.