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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 24, 2024. See release notes.


Last week we released a new version of the Sonos app for iOS.

As announced, today we are releasing a new version for Android as well.


iOS - (Released on September 19)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


iOS Service Pack - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.07

  • Resolved a bug affecting users with multiple language keyboards configured
  • Resolved a bug preventing users with VoiceOver enabled from accepting the terms and conditions during setup


Android - (Available starting today

Version 80.09.04


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


Everyone you can email the CEO here 

It would appear that no one at Sonos is taking any notice of the users on here.  

Perhaps he might get the hint when he gets 2000 emails??


That email is read and responded to by a low level person on the support team.  You aren’t reaching the CEO by flooding that email, you are making some poor support person work harder at a time when they are probably more swamped than they’ve ever been before.  

Unbelievable. You took away the most important feature, the ability to play my own music. That was the ONLY reason I invested in SONOS in the first place. 

How about roll back to the old version.  Fix all the stuff, and then release it after June!  Make a dang headphone only S3 version if you must.  Try to win back some good will by doing it right!

Upgraded app and now can’t play or find any or my music. All Sonos speakers in my house are quiet.  

Was forced to upgrade to new version of Sonos app and now can’t find or play any of my playlists. Nothing works and I have been on the phone with your tech support for hours with no resolution.  Please fix your problem. 

Everyone you can email the CEO here 

It would appear that no one at Sonos is taking any notice of the users on here.  

Perhaps he might get the hint when he gets 2000 emails??


That email is read and responded to by a low level person on the support team.  You aren’t reaching the CEO by flooding that email, you are making some poor support person work harder at a time when they are probably more swamped than they’ve ever been before.  

Obviously I don’t expect that the emails will be responded to by the CEO. You missed my sarcasm. But why is a support person manning that inbox? There are other ways to contact support on the very same page it is listed. 

What do you suggest to get the acknowledgment, transparency and communication so woefully lacking ?


The insanity is that if there was more transparency regarding the defects then support wouldn’t be so swamped. Just own up to all the issues. Send out a news article. Then support won’t be contacted about the same things a hundred times. I mean it’s basic problem management. 

Need a rollback option for Sonos app. Can’t play any music at all. 



  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

We use our Sonos system for playing music in our Mac music libraries. Recent updates have silently removed the libraries and recreating them fails with a “Can't add folder to music library (913)”.

It’s a joke that Sonos is breaking this and does not provide an immediate work. One spend several thousand dollars and has to wait now until Sonos can be bothered to fix the software they. This does not match the price tag Sonos is asking

Thought it might be useful to summarise what has happened that I am aware of. If nothing else, it’s been cathartic for me to write things down :-)

  • The key driver for releasing the new app now was two new products that had been designed to only work with the new app (even though one of the products will only be shipped on 5th June, almost a month after the new app was introduced)
  • This new app involved a complete replatforming of the way that Sonos works. At least part of this change is the move to make it cloud-based. Lots of questions as to what that actually means for individual users, data, etc. These questions have not been addressed
  • Replatforming is a complex process that frequently unearths issues and problems that were not known about or anticipated and often over-runs
  • Choosing to mandate a deadline for replatforming based on a hard deadline for product release created a (in)significant risk that the new app would not be ready by the date at which it was forced to be released
  • Sonos acknowledge that they knew the software had bugs when it was released - e.g., alarms. There may well be other bugs that Sonos does or does not know about
  • The new software was also released with the deliberate loss of a large number of  existing features (i.e., not bugs). Some might consider these to be basic functions, e.g., adding songs to a queue of music, sleep function. This is not a comprehensive list of the functions that were removed
  • The new software seems incredibly unstable. Work-arounds and solutions work for some people and not others, or are too complicated to be easily widely replicable. Where solutions do seem to work, they do not work consistently time after time after time
  • Lots of edge cases have not been properly catered for. Given the sheer amount of music services Sonos supports, combined with product options and individual customisations, there will be a lot of these which will take a lot of work to address
  • Customer service is currently overwhelmed. Web support is often unavailable or unable to help; the wait times for the helpline are very long
  • One of the currently advised work-arounds is to use the existing desktop app for Mac or Windows. This desktop app is not available to everyone as it has been removed from download links in advance of being sunsetted
  • The timelines provided by Sonos above are not for an exhaustive list of all the work required or features to be reinstated. That list has not been released publicly and will likely extend far beyond the timelines detailed above (i.e., not all features previously present will be available by mid-June)
  • Sonos has a long-standing customer base. One of its key differentiators and sources of value (as stated in multiple public announcements) is the loyalty of these customers and the way that you want to maintain them in the Sonos ecosystem. A large number (but definitely not all) of these customers are angry/ annoyed/ upset with these changes and how they have been implemented and communicated

Given that, a few questions for Sonos. No, I’m not expecting immediate answers but to Sonos - these should be on your crisis communications roadmap:

  • Does Sonos commit to restore functionality to what it was before the new app was released (i.e., to what was available in the latest version of the gold app)? Does that commitment include all edge cases, and if not, what will not be resolved?
  • What is the full list of work to be done to the app, and what are the current estimates for when things will be done? (Yes, this will be horrifically long both in number of tasks and duration, but probably time to tell us all the bad news at once rather than drip-feeding it out)
  • A lot of people would like to temporarily go back to using the latest version of the old gold app (i.e. v16). What is the reason that they cannot (other than just saying ‘you can’t)? Have a lot of other changes been made behind the scenes that mean that this is not possible? If so, what?
  • It is an imperfect solution, but can you commit to maintaining the availability of the desktop app whilst you work to improve the mobile app? Could you make it available for download for those who do not already have it?
  • What are the improvements for users that you hope to bring by releasing this new app? (Not generalities about ease of navigation, actual features that necessitated replatforming)
  • What are the implications for customer data/ security/ other from moving to the cloud? How will Sonos mitigate any potential downsides from this move?
  • What is the process by which you will communicate progress on resolving these issues to us, the users (not the press or trade journals)?
  • What are the concrete steps or commitments that Sonos will make to ensure that a) situations like this do not happen again or b) if they are unavoidable, that the impact of them will be communicated to users well in advance?

Sorry for the essay. But...I’m feeling much more zen now. Feel free to tell me where I’m wrong!


  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

We use our Sonos system for playing music in our Mac music libraries. Recent updates have silently removed the libraries and recreating them fails with a “Can't add folder to music library (913)”.

It’s a joke that Sonos is breaking this and does not provide an immediate work. One spend several thousand dollars and has to wait now until Sonos can be bothered to fix the software they. This does not match the price tag Sonos is asking

I don’t think that issue is entirely related to the new Sonos App, as I did see this posted as a possible solution to the error you’re seeing…

  1. Right click on the Music folder and click on PROPERTIES at the bottom of the menu.

Click on the SHARE tab and then click on the first SHARE button…

  1. A new window opens and you click on the ‘v’ drop-down list option next to the ADD button.
  2. Click on "Sonos Wireless HiFi System" then click on the ADD button and finally click on SHARE.
  3. Open your Sonos app on your PC and add your music library.

Also see this earlier thread with screenshots…


Just to briefly mention, the PC/MAC desktop controllers are (still) available on the Sonos download page here:

Sonos have also published this document on their support site, outlining a timeline for future feature updates to their new App:

Hey sonos…

Just figure what everyone's problems are and fix them. I'm really getting tired of this hyper complaining. 


Just to briefly mention, the PC/MAC desktop controllers are (still) available on the Sonos download page here:

Sonos have also published this document on their support site, outlining a timeline for future feature updates to their new App:

That’s the same doc as above.
Not all the defects are on there. 
eg Alexa no longer works. I’m told by support it’s a known issue - (ie they decided to leave it out.) 
It came as standard with the speakers I bought. It controls my entire smart home. 
There are heaps of other serious defects they just aren’t listing 

There’s a very simple immediate solution: give us the option to revert to S2. I still have a copy on an old iphone and but for one problem (it will not access content from one of my streaming services) it works as before. I got my disappeared playlists and albums back. It has an interface I am comfortable using. 

The app on my tablet automatically updated and is a disaster… it won’t even load and connect to my speakers half the time. Playlists are GONE. It will not search for content in any of my streaming services. In short, basically useless to me.

Go back to S2. I do not need or want ‘wonderful new functionality.’ I just wanna play my music. Which I should be able to do without a lot of mumbo jumbo and heartache… I’ve got thousands invested in Sonos hardware and it should just work, no ifs, ands, buts or lame excuses from the CEO.


Just to briefly mention, the PC/MAC desktop controllers are (still) available on the Sonos download page here:

Sonos have also published this document on their support site, outlining a timeline for future feature updates to their new App:

That’s the same doc as above.
Not all the defects are on there. 
eg Alexa no longer works. I’m told by support it’s a known issue - (ie they decided to leave it out.) 
It came as standard with the speakers I bought. It controls my entire smart home. 
There are heaps of other serious defects they just aren’t listing 

Yes of course and if people are reporting the issues, like Alexa not working etc. to the Sonos support Staff, then presumably they will fix any bugs like that. What’s odd though, is I use Alexa on my Sonos products and the assistant is working just fine here🤔


Just to briefly mention, the PC/MAC desktop controllers are (still) available on the Sonos download page here:

Sonos have also published this document on their support site, outlining a timeline for future feature updates to their new App:

That’s the same doc as above.
Not all the defects are on there. 
eg Alexa no longer works. I’m told by support it’s a known issue - (ie they decided to leave it out.) 
It came as standard with the speakers I bought. It controls my entire smart home. 
There are heaps of other serious defects they just aren’t listing 

Yes of course and if people are reporting the issues, like Alexa not working etc. to the Sonos support Staff, then presumably they will fix any bugs like that. What’s odd though, is I use Alexa on my Sonos products and the assistant is working just fine here🤔

My point though is that they aren’t including those bugs ( eg Alexa one) in that summary document. So as a result I assumed it wasn’t connected to the app update. ( I had tweaked my router settings so I thought maybe it was that). 

I spent five hours ( or more over two days) … going through a million iterations of deleting apps. Rebooting my routers. Trying to reboot my speakers. Deregeristing from Alexa. Re-adding. Etc etc etc. 

I finally got through to support and that’s when I was informed it was a known issue. 
And I’ve seen a dozen posts from people with the same issue. 
If they just put the issue on the summary people wouldn’t be wasting their own time trying to fix something that’s not fixable!! And I want to know an ETA for it to be fixed!! 
Leaving out these issues just looks shady to me. As if they are trying to make it look less bad than it is.  
What makes even less sense is that by leaving all that info out their own support are being hammered by calls some of which would be reduced by being transparent. It makes their life harder than it needs to be as well? 
I work in IT and this is the most bizarre problem management approach I’ve ever come across. 


I’ve not seen any Alexa issues widely reported here in the community, in fact some users were reporting recently that the Era 100 Alexa component has been fixed for ‘enabling’ an Alexa Group in the US/Canada region (see HERE) …and as I mentioned, Alexa is working just fine here on my speakers, including a Sonos One. 

However, if it’s a known bug though, as you say, then I doubt it will be on that list of missing features to be added back to the new App, as its already in the new App. See attached.

@Ken_Griffiths  - I agree it’s not a missing feature - but it is a defect/bug - so it shouldl be recorded under:

Known issues and workarounds

"Sign in as the System Owner" error while updating products during setup


This was what support told me (below directly copied from the support chat) 

The current Alexa issue is known at the moment due to the time and date not yet being fully integrated in the new Sonos app.

I assume you are in the US? I am in the UK - perhaps that has something to do with it...




@Ken_Griffiths  - I agree it’s not a missing feature - but it is a defect/bug - so it shouldl be recorded under:

Known issues and workarounds

"Sign in as the System Owner" error while updating products during setup


This was what support told me (below directly copied from the support chat) 

The current Alexa issue is known at the moment due to the time and date not yet being fully integrated in the new Sonos app.

I assume you are in the US? I am in the UK - perhaps that has something to do with it…

I’m in the UK too. My Sonos system time though was brought through from the S2 App settings, during the update (presumably) and I had that previously set manually, rather than getting the time automatically from the internet. So maybe that’s the difference?


If you have a PC/MAC - you can likely correct your system time with Sonos Controller Desktop App. Maybe that will resolve your date/time issue🤔?

The only thing that I can listen on my Sonos speaker is iHeart Radio which has some good play list without advertising. Can’t say the same with Sonos Radio. 

Can’t use my own Library...I’m so impress. Is Sonos becoming a Mickey Mouse Company?

Looking for BlueSound speaker…

Sonos shot itself in the foot, why on earth would a serious company do that?


If you have a PC/MAC - you can likely correct your system time with Sonos Controller Desktop App. Maybe that will resolve your date/time issue🤔?

Ok I’ll try that - I have a MAC - so should I open the WebApp - or the MacOS app?


If you have a PC/MAC - you can likely correct your system time with Sonos Controller Desktop App. Maybe that will resolve your date/time issue🤔?

Ok I’ll try that - I have a MAC - so should I open the WebApp - or the MacOS app?

Mac OS app. It works like a charm. So why Mobile or tablette Apps can have the same features? why waiting for so long?


If you have a PC/MAC - you can likely correct your system time with Sonos Controller Desktop App. Maybe that will resolve your date/time issue🤔?

Ok I’ll try that - I have a MAC - so should I open the WebApp - or the MacOS app?

I’ve looked in both - can’t see anywhere to change the date/time. I did ask support if I could change it and they said no - it has to be in the backend of the app….


If you have a PC/MAC - you can likely correct your system time with Sonos Controller Desktop App. Maybe that will resolve your date/time issue🤔?

Ok I’ll try that - I have a MAC - so should I open the WebApp - or the MacOS app?

Mac OS app. It works like a charm. So why Mobile or tablette Apps can have the same features? why waiting for so long?

Hmm - where do I change date/time? Can’t find it


If you have a PC/MAC - you can likely correct your system time with Sonos Controller Desktop App. Maybe that will resolve your date/time issue🤔?

Ok I’ll try that - I have a MAC - so should I open the WebApp - or the MacOS app?

Mac OS app. It works like a charm. So why Mobile or tablette Apps can have the same features? why waiting for so long?

I can’t see where to change date/time in the macOS app?? And i cant see that I can change Voice Assistant in there either?. So that doesn’t fix my problem. 
