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The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Aug 27, 2024. See release notes.

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings
  • Improved smoothness and reliability for product setup
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on Android
  • Added Night Sound toggle in Room Settings for sound bars


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


So even this, posted just TWO DAYS AGO, has proven to be incorrect!!!

Hi @Rhonny, some courageous soul thought it was a wise to tweet this to the world last Monday ...


So even this, posted just TWO DAYS AGO, has proven to be incorrect!!! Just how mismanaged has Sonos become? 



Don’t confuse marketing with reality 

I’m confused — how do we know annother update is not coming this week ?  It is only Thursday! 

I’m confused — how do we know annother update is not coming this week ?  It is only Thursday! 

This, I think - 


I’m confused — how do we know annother update is not coming this week ?  It is only Thursday! 

This, I think - 


Oh ok.  Well, either one could be correct, I guess.  The Twitter / X post is the  ‘official’ word from Sonos, so I wouldn’t rule out an update tomorrow just yet.  


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


I am now TWO MONTHS into a period that I am unable to enjoy MY MUSIC AS I CHOOSE. NO LOCAL LIBRARY ACCESS ON YOUR MISERABLE APP and you people keep posting platitudes and junior consulting buzzwords.

Your pathetic company could have resolved this on 7th of May, when it was absolutely clear you botched EVERYTHING by reinstating the prior app.

How do you live with yourself, putting your name to the pinned note above?? Seriously? It’s pathetic.

I am now a walking advertisement for everyone I know - telling them in no uncertain terms that they should never, EVER, spend a single penny on a Sonos product.

SONOS HATES THEIR CUSTOMERS - there’s your tagline. Effortless.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 

I hope you will be okay. “Reported.” hysterical.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Apologies if this is going over old ground. I have not been following the thread on a daily basis. I ducked out of the app after the original catastrophic launch and have mostly been using the desktop app or the previous Android app on my phone.

However despite having turned off automatic updates on my phone several weeks ago, Sonos has now somehow forced an update to the latest version onto my phone. The good news is that most of the missing functionality that I needed has now been reinstated. But I am left with the three following frustrations.

1. Most of the screen on the app is filled with anonymous grey tiles that never fill in so I have no idea what they are meant to be.

2. I am completely unable to find my Sonos Playlists.

3. I am completely unable to control the volume or EQ for my Connect from the app.

So my question is, are these known issues which are expected to be resolved in future releases or do I need to report them? The first two issues are particularly irksome.


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 

Considering what Sonos are putting all of us through, I think it fair that people should be able to vent their anger and frustration on here. Sweeping it under the rug only benefits Sonos and their ongoing silence. 


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 

Considering what Sonos are putting all of us through, I think it fair that people should be able to vent their anger and frustration on here. Sweeping it under the rug only benefits Sonos and their ongoing silence. 

No I disagree - venting anger is one thing, but the inclusion of ‘swearing’ is a different matter entirely, even if obvious abbreviations and wildcards are used to express it. It’s an open, not closed, forum and youngsters passing by here could be influenced by such comment. I don’t want to see it replicated in school text books - it’s not acceptable. The moderators should remove it, there are far better ways to vent without resorting to such bad language and Sonos employees should not have to read it in their workplace either.


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 

Considering what Sonos are putting all of us through, I think it fair that people should be able to vent their anger and frustration on here. Sweeping it under the rug only benefits Sonos and their ongoing silence. 

No I disagree - venting anger is one thing, but the inclusion of ‘swearing’ is a different matter entirely, even if obvious abbreviations and wildcards are used to express it. It’s an open, not closed, forum and youngsters passing by here could be influenced by such comment. I don’t want to see it replicated in school text books - it’s not acceptable. The moderators should remove it, there are far better ways to vent without resorting to such bad language and Sonos employees should not have to read it in their workplace either.

Yes, there is no need for foul language to express this massive failure made by the decision makers at Sonos. Expressing the tremendous, negative, lasting, disappointment felt throughout the once committed Sonos user community can be accomplished without swearing. The overwhelming, negative reviews on the AppStore from the once loving user base are proof of this. I sure over time this unbelievably poor decision will be reflected in the stock price. 

Apologies if this is going over old ground. I have not been following the thread on a daily basis. I ducked out of the app after the original catastrophic launch and have mostly been using the desktop app or the previous Android app on my phone.

However despite having turned off automatic updates on my phone several weeks ago, Sonos has now somehow forced an update to the latest version onto my phone. The good news is that most of the missing functionality that I needed has now been reinstated. But I am left with the three following frustrations.

1. Most of the screen on the app is filled with anonymous grey tiles that never fill in so I have no idea what they are meant to be.

2. I am completely unable to find my Sonos Playlists.

3. I am completely unable to control the volume or EQ for my Connect from the app.

So my question is, are these known issues which are expected to be resolved in future releases or do I need to report them? The first two issues are particularly irksome.

Its a failure of the new app. It simply does not function consistently correctly. Fingers crossed that sonos wakes up soon. In the meantime do not buy anymore hardware and advise anyone thinking of doing so to avoid until sonos fix their abysmal new app.

Apologies if this is going over old ground. I have not been following the thread on a daily basis. I ducked out of the app after the original catastrophic launch and have mostly been using the desktop app or the previous Android app on my phone.

However despite having turned off automatic updates on my phone several weeks ago, Sonos has now somehow forced an update to the latest version onto my phone. The good news is that most of the missing functionality that I needed has now been reinstated. But I am left with the three following frustrations.

1. Most of the screen on the app is filled with anonymous grey tiles that never fill in so I have no idea what they are meant to be.

2. I am completely unable to find my Sonos Playlists.

3. I am completely unable to control the volume or EQ for my Connect from the app.

So my question is, are these known issues which are expected to be resolved in future releases or do I need to report them? The first two issues are particularly irksome.

Its a failure of the new app. It simply does not function consistently correctly. Fingers crossed that sonos wakes up soon. In the meantime do not buy anymore hardware and advise anyone thinking of doing so to avoid until sonos fix their abysmal new app.

Maybe Sonos considers these a ‘feature’, they seem in no rush to fix these.

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Jul 1, 2024. See release notes.

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS

  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and TalkBack

  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android

  • Added timezone settings for iOS 

  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS

Coming soon

  • Local music library search and playback: July

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD

Known issues and workarounds

Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

Two months - I have not been able to play anything but Sonos Radio for two months. The timeline keeps sliding away, you cannot get a help call (they have appointments on August 1 only now that I can see), and there are no updates. An admittance of the vast stupidity it took to launch this app would be nice.  Alienating all of your existing customers to get a new app that would work with their headphones? 

If this ever gets fixed, I am 100% guaranteed to not be buying Sonos equipment again. 


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 


Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 

Considering what Sonos are putting all of us through, I think it fair that people should be able to vent their anger and frustration on here. Sweeping it under the rug only benefits Sonos and their ongoing silence. 

No I disagree - venting anger is one thing, but the inclusion of ‘swearing’ is a different matter entirely, even if obvious abbreviations and wildcards are used to express it. It’s an open, not closed, forum and youngsters passing by here could be influenced by such comment. I don’t want to see it replicated in school text books - it’s not acceptable. The moderators should remove it, there are far better ways to vent without resorting to such bad language and Sonos employees should not have to read it in their workplace either.

Dear Ken, what wonderfully Victorian views you hold. There’s really no such thing as bad language, language is all about expression, and the user successfully delivered their message. In fact, they delivered it so successfully, it caught your attention and here we now are debating the validity of their strength of feeling. Part of the issue with the way Sonos is treating us is that they know they are safe from the fallout. They’re not customer facing. There’s no physical retail store for us complain face to face. There’s simply no pressure on them to act. Two and a half months have passed and a faceless company has robbed us of our listing pleasure after investing thousands. It’s important that Sonos employees know the strength of feeling… perhaps they can influence the change that their superiors are so in denial of.

As for the youngster argument. They must be living incredibly sheltered lives if they’re going to be influenced by a niche forum of a failing tech company. I think their Spotify playlists got in there first. 

I see people expecting to again being able to access their music library after the July 22nd update. I sincerely doubt if the update wil achieve this.

Since the May update Sonos has stopped the software being able to connect to your library via SMBv1 and http. The use of a library was also hampered by the new app since adding to the queue was no longer possible. When connected properly though, access to the library has always been possible.

So if you cannot see your library now try adding it following this manual

Dear Ken, what wonderfully Victorian views you hold. There’s really no such thing as bad language, language is all about expression, and the user successfully delivered their message. In fact, they delivered it so successfully, it caught your attention and here we now are debating the validity of their strength of feeling. Part of the issue with the way Sonos is treating us is that they know they are safe from the fallout. They’re not customer facing. There’s no physical retail store for us complain face to face. There’s simply no pressure on them to act. Two and a half months have passed and a faceless company has robbed us of our listing pleasure after investing thousands. It’s important that Sonos employees know the strength of feeling… perhaps they can influence the change that their superiors are so in denial of.

As for the youngster argument. They must be living incredibly sheltered lives if they’re going to be influenced by a niche forum of a failing tech company. I think their Spotify playlists got in there first. 

Yes, I have Victorian views and do try to consider the views of others around me too. You won’t find me swearing online. My Dad never swore in front of me and I never swore in front of my own children and none of us swear in front of the grandchildren and long may that continue to be the case. If someone can’t express something without swearing ‘publicly’ then there is something sadly lacking in society and just supporting such bad language is a failure in maintaining certain standards that I just personally expect to see within any community, especially an open community where youngsters ‘may’ view the comments too.


You “set out to “create’ and ‘effortless’ listening experience???????? Keith. My Man. 

YOU  *******  FAILED.

Reported.  Sticking in asterisks doesn’t make your language any less abhorrent. 


There’s really no such thing as bad language, language is all about expression, and the user successfully delivered their message.  

I don’t agree with you and neither do the mods.  If you’re going to post on here there is not only an expectation but a requirement that you abide by the house rules.  

Dear Ken, what wonderfully Victorian views you hold. There’s really no such thing as bad language, language is all about expression, and the user successfully delivered their message. In fact, they delivered it so successfully, it caught your attention and here we now are debating the validity of their strength of feeling. Part of the issue with the way Sonos is treating us is that they know they are safe from the fallout. They’re not customer facing. There’s no physical retail store for us complain face to face. There’s simply no pressure on them to act. Two and a half months have passed and a faceless company has robbed us of our listing pleasure after investing thousands. It’s important that Sonos employees know the strength of feeling… perhaps they can influence the change that their superiors are so in denial of.

As for the youngster argument. They must be living incredibly sheltered lives if they’re going to be influenced by a niche forum of a failing tech company. I think their Spotify playlists got in there first. 

Yes, I have Victorian views and do try to consider the views of others around me too. You won’t find me swearing online. My Dad never swore in front of me and I never swore in front of my own children and none of us swear in front of the grandchildren and long may that continue to be the case. If someone can’t express something without swearing ‘publicly’ then there is something sadly lacking in society and just supporting such bad language is a failure in maintaining certain standards that I just personally expect to see within any community, especially an open community where youngsters ‘may’ view the comments too.

Some interesting reading on the subject.

Apologies if this is going over old ground. I have not been following the thread on a daily basis. I ducked out of the app after the original catastrophic launch and have mostly been using the desktop app or the previous Android app on my phone.

However despite having turned off automatic updates on my phone several weeks ago, Sonos has now somehow forced an update to the latest version onto my phone. The good news is that most of the missing functionality that I needed has now been reinstated. But I am left with the three following frustrations.

1. Most of the screen on the app is filled with anonymous grey tiles that never fill in so I have no idea what they are meant to be.

2. I am completely unable to find my Sonos Playlists.

3. I am completely unable to control the volume or EQ for my Connect from the app.

So my question is, are these known issues which are expected to be resolved in future releases or do I need to report them? The first two issues are particularly irksome.

Its a failure of the new app. It simply does not function consistently correctly. Fingers crossed that sonos wakes up soon. In the meantime do not buy anymore hardware and advise anyone thinking of doing so to avoid until sonos fix their abysmal new app.

Maybe Sonos considers these a ‘feature’, they seem in no rush to fix these.

I agree that SONOS have made it right mess of this - but there is a common misconception that software is quick and easy to write - it’s not. Some simple chunks of functionality which are unable to cope with errors/issues - sure are easy to throw together. But robust software is not quick and simple to write, nor the bugs to be resolved

Apologies if this is going over old ground. I have not been following the thread on a daily basis. I ducked out of the app after the original catastrophic launch and have mostly been using the desktop app or the previous Android app on my phone.

However despite having turned off automatic updates on my phone several weeks ago, Sonos has now somehow forced an update to the latest version onto my phone. The good news is that most of the missing functionality that I needed has now been reinstated. But I am left with the three following frustrations.

1. Most of the screen on the app is filled with anonymous grey tiles that never fill in so I have no idea what they are meant to be.

2. I am completely unable to find my Sonos Playlists.

3. I am completely unable to control the volume or EQ for my Connect from the app.

So my question is, are these known issues which are expected to be resolved in future releases or do I need to report them? The first two issues are particularly irksome.

Its a failure of the new app. It simply does not function consistently correctly. Fingers crossed that sonos wakes up soon. In the meantime do not buy anymore hardware and advise anyone thinking of doing so to avoid until sonos fix their abysmal new app.

Maybe Sonos considers these a ‘feature’, they seem in no rush to fix these.

I agree that SONOS have made it right mess of this - but there is a common misconception that software is quick and easy to write - it’s not. Some simple chunks of functionality which are unable to cope with errors/issues - sure are easy to throw together. But robust software is not quick and simple to write, nor the bugs to be resolved

I don’t disagree (and I’m not suffering any Sonos issues) - but one could argue that if it wasn’t sufficiently robust, it shouldn't have been rolled out to phones and speakers on 7th May. All a moot point anyway as we are where we are… 

Apologies if this is going over old ground. I have not been following the thread on a daily basis. I ducked out of the app after the original catastrophic launch and have mostly been using the desktop app or the previous Android app on my phone.

However despite having turned off automatic updates on my phone several weeks ago, Sonos has now somehow forced an update to the latest version onto my phone. The good news is that most of the missing functionality that I needed has now been reinstated. But I am left with the three following frustrations.

1. Most of the screen on the app is filled with anonymous grey tiles that never fill in so I have no idea what they are meant to be.

2. I am completely unable to find my Sonos Playlists.

3. I am completely unable to control the volume or EQ for my Connect from the app.

So my question is, are these known issues which are expected to be resolved in future releases or do I need to report them? The first two issues are particularly irksome.

Its a failure of the new app. It simply does not function consistently correctly. Fingers crossed that sonos wakes up soon. In the meantime do not buy anymore hardware and advise anyone thinking of doing so to avoid until sonos fix their abysmal new app.

Maybe Sonos considers these a ‘feature’, they seem in no rush to fix these.

I agree that SONOS have made it right mess of this - but there is a common misconception that software is quick and easy to write - it’s not. Some simple chunks of functionality which are unable to cope with errors/issues - sure are easy to throw together. But robust software is not quick and simple to write, nor the bugs to be resolved

That’s why thorough testing is required. First Sonos, now Crowdstrike/Microsoft. We all rely on software far too much for lazy and rushed releases. 

I downloaded this latest app onto a Samsung Galaxy S22 and as soon as I open it, it shuts immediately!

Thoroughly frustrated with Sonos!

Any suggestions on fixes for this, or do I just have to wait until they release any version?

I have tried earlier versions, but it will only let me play single tracks of my music library on my QNAP NAS!


I downloaded this latest app onto a Samsung Galaxy S22 and as soon as I open it, it shuts immediately!

Thoroughly frustrated with Sonos!

Any suggestions on fixes for this, or do I just have to wait until they release any version?

I have tried earlier versions, but it will only let me play single tracks of my music library on my QNAP NAS!


You can only my wait. July 22nd is allegedly the next update but no guarantee it’s fixed. 

See this thread 

