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We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now


To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: Sept 19, 2024. See release notes.


This update will be rolled out for iOS and Android separately.


iOS - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


Note: This iOS update will be deployed in phases over the coming days. Please allow until Tuesday to receive via automatic updates. If you add a player to your system, you’ll be prompted to update during setup. If you’d like to get the update sooner, go to the App Store, locate the Sonos app, and tap the Update button. 

Android - (Scheduled for September 24


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


You can also follow along with updates in this article: 


This new app doesn't " strong explitive" work. I have spent my hard earned cash to buy my system and when I have to connect a bluetooth transmitter to my Sonos 5 so I can listen to my Tidal tracks takes the "strong explitive" mick. Give me back my S2 app you bunch of incompetent "strong explitives" (rhymes with Hunt...plural)

Everyone you can email the CEO here 

It would appear that no one at Sonos is taking any notice of the users on here.  

Perhaps he might get the hint when he gets 2000 emails??


That email is read and responded to by a low level person on the support team.  You aren’t reaching the CEO by flooding that email, you are making some poor support person work harder at a time when they are probably more swamped than they’ve ever been before.  


Just wanted to Chime in that I’m still having issue withh Trueplay tuning for a Beam Gen 2 and ipad mini 6. Currently on the latest App 80.01.11 (iOS) with everything updated. Trueplay tuning does not start. Haver tried signing out, rebooting my beam, rebooting my ipad mini 6, palying music first etc but still no dice

Dear Keith N,

Sadly Sonos has done anything but increased “performance, and faster access to music.” You have perhaps attempted to justify a programmers existence as you put out an “update” but taken major steps back in user interface and BASIC features. Geeze, I just want to easily look up an artist and play a bunch of their songs in a row. Believe it or not… nope. Wow… that’s just basic. What a setback. I wonder whose project this was. 

Pretty please just bring back basic functionality.

Thanks for your “prompt” attention.



Keith, I appreciate you and the team trying to stem the bleeding.  I don’t envy your position of having to clean up self-inflicted consequences from management decisions.

That said, these timelines strike me as tripling down on the tone deaf and self-congratulatory  “courageous” marketing messages being sent out.

You are telling me, the market leader Sonos speakers won’t be able to add a song to the listening queue for a month.  This capability was available last week, but no longer due to an unannounced impact of the “upgrade.”  

If I tried to suggest surprising users by taking away core functionality and promising to bring it back in a month, I’d be laughed out of a job.

The most obvious way to get back to current state parity is to provide access to the v16.1 app.  No need to rush development and testing on the v80.x.  Let those for whom the new app works continue.  Let those for whom the new app does not work migrate when core feature parity is achieved.  The last thing you want is to make the above promises and introduce new bugs.  

Yet, for unspoken reasons, this option is never mentioned.

I’m all for change and creating a new platform for the business.  I would like to see Sonos succeed.  However

Keith, I appreciate you and the team trying to stem the bleeding.  I don’t envy your position of having to clean up self-inflicted consequences from management decisions.

That said, these timelines strike me as tripling down on the tone deaf and self-congratulatory  “courageous” marketing messages being sent out.

You are telling me, the market leader Sonos speakers won’t be able to add a song to the listening queue for a month.  This capability was available last week, but no longer due to an unannounced impact of the “upgrade.”  

If I tried to suggest surprising users by taking away core functionality and promising to bring it back in a month, I’d be laughed out of a job.

The most obvious way to get back to current state parity is to provide access to the v16.1 app.  No need to rush development and testing on the v80.x.  Let those for whom the new app works continue.  Let those for whom the new app does not work migrate when core feature parity is achieved.  The last thing you want is to make the above promises and introduce new bugs.  

Yet, for unspoken reasons, this option is never mentioned.

I’m all for change and creating a new platform for the business.  I would like to see Sonos succeed.  However, I haven’t seen evidence of Sonos having the judgment to know how and when to course correct.

Best of luck.


Leefc, Very well said, I couldn’t agree more. As a former developer, none of this would have been tolerated at any company I worked for. We’d have been fired had we dropped this load of crap on users without QA testing, never mind with no ability to rollback to a functional version, and no apology or acknowledgment of the aggravation and hours and hours of wasted time they caused unnecessarily without remorse or recourse. They have forever lost my trust and loyalty with this stunt. Obviously, management has no clue (or this wouldn’t have happened) and the company is putting profit over people, the beginning of the end for a company. I’m guessing from their abysmal tone deaf response that they are not equipped to recover well from this epic fail and that they’ve squandered years of goodwill. I hope for our sakes, they will get it together fast or we’ve wasted our investment after years of good functionality and enjoyment. 

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: May 21, 2024. See release notes.

  • VoiceOver on iOS now properly interacts with individual elements of the Sonos app's home screen - and now adds improved VoiceOver support for allowing for navigating and controlling the Now Playing Screen, System View, Output Selector, Queue, Volume Sliders, and Add Product
  • Improved TalkBack support for the Now Playing Screen, System View, and Add Product
  • Improved Local Music Library playback of folders
  • Adding and editing alarms with the ability to Search for content


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Known issues and workarounds

"Sign in as the System Owner" error while updating products during setup

  • Workaround: No workaround currently available.


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.

Keith, please provide a current update. Due to the horrible new app, one of my speakers will no longer connect and Pandora won’t connect or play within the app. Both were fine for 8 years until this load of garbage was dropped on us without QA testing and without apology or recourse, such as rolling back to the previous functional version. This is completely unacceptable and would not be tolerated in other companies. I’ve spent over 20 hours and four tech calls trying to resolve these and other issues to no avail since early April. 

Keith, please provide a current update. Due to the horrible new app, one of my speakers will no longer connect and Pandora won’t connect or play within the app. Both were fine for 8 years until this load of garbage was dropped on us without QA testing and without apology or recourse, such as rolling back to the previous functional version. This is completely unacceptable and would not be tolerated in other companies. I’ve spent over 20 hours and four tech calls trying to resolve these and other issues to no avail since early April. 

I’m a local music library user. Not only is that gone, but the app only detects my system half of the time. I have thousands of dollars of speakers that don’t work. 

The lies this CEO keeps telling himself and others needs to stop.

The app is more responsive? No, it’s less responsive. 

The app is easier to navigate? No, it’s not.

The app works? Half of the time it can’t even detect my system.

This is a joke.

Continuing the rant….  Who does the PR at Sonos?  On top of an honest apology and explanation why the app was launched in this state (guess - unstoppable deadline re new hardware launch from the top) did someone not think it was a bad idea for the Chief Product Officer to dump a load of shares last week…. I guess it was his choice, but really doesn’t sit well as a customer right now.

I’m a local music library user. Not only is that gone, but the app only detects my system half of the time. I have thousands of dollars of speakers that don’t work. 

The lies this CEO keeps telling himself and others needs to stop.

The app is more responsive? No, it’s less responsive. 

The app is easier to navigate? No, it’s not.

The app works? Half of the time it can’t even detect my system.

This is a joke.

What method have you used to add your library to the system? Apparently some old methods are no longer supported, but smbv2 and smbv3 shares are (it works for me).

I am not sure anyone at SONOS reads this thread any more. Why should they? They got a clear direction of action from their management. They are going to pull this through. So either get out of the SONOS universe or accept your fate that SONOS has taken your hardware prisoner. They can do with your hardware what they like. And they are doing it. 🤑 

I am not sure anyone at SONOS reads this thread any more. Why should they?

I agree with this. Not sure why issues continue to be reported on two monster threads that have 30+ and 60+ pages (or why new threads of issues keep being started). Sonos will have record of ALL possible issues by now to work through them. Yes, it is a monumental calamity. No, they shouldn’t have released it before it was ready. Yes, they should have posted an update on progress. Yes, it is a pain to have to wait for fixes - but there is no alternative but to wait. To keep posting to voice disquiet or to flag issues is simply a waste of time now. Some will doubtless argue “It keeps the pressure on” but there can be no doubt they will already know the pressure they are under.


They can do with your hardware what they like. And they are doing it. 🤑 

This I don’t agree with. Clearly they can’t do what they like with the hardware - and nor would they - as hardware is bought with an understanding of how it works, solely for a fixed purpose. The app was not developed to mess with hardware - that is an unfortunate (but huge) side effect.

I am not sure anyone at SONOS reads this thread any more. Why should they?

I agree with this. Not sure why issues continue to be reported on two monster threads that have 30+ and 60+ pages (or why new threads of issues keep being started). Sonos will have record of ALL possible issues by now to work through them. Yes, it is a monumental calamity. No, they shouldn’t have released it before it was ready. Yes, they should have posted an update on progress. Yes, it is a pain to have to wait for fixes - but there is no alternative but to wait. To keep posting to voice disquiet or to flag issues is simply a waste of time now. Some will doubtless argue “It keeps the pressure on” but there can be no doubt they will already know the pressure they are under.


They can do with your hardware what they like. And they are doing it. 🤑 

This I don’t agree with. Clearly they can’t do what they like with the hardware - and nor would they - as hardware is bought with an understanding of how it works, solely for a fixed purpose. The app was not developed to mess with hardware - that is an unfortunate (but huge) side effect.

agree with you also - am sure they’re feeling the pressure, although many people have been asking just to have the S2 app back into the store while  Sonos product engineering rethink launch plan for S3, that would take the pressure off. The fact that there’s not even a word on whether this is possible or not is frustrating.

many people have been asking just to have the S2 app back into the store while  Sonos product engineering rethink launch plan for S3, that would take the pressure off. The fact that there’s not even a word on whether this is possible or not is frustrating.

You'd imagine this would/should have been the ultimate crisis management move within the first few days. Think how quiet the forum might have been then…!


(The new app isn’t S3 - it’s still S2.)

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Available now

To access these changes, check for updates in the iOS / Android app store to download the latest version of the Sonos app. Make sure your Sonos products are also up to date.

Last updated: May 21, 2024. See release notes.

  • VoiceOver on iOS now properly interacts with individual elements of the Sonos app's home screen - and now adds improved VoiceOver support for allowing for navigating and controlling the Now Playing Screen, System View, Output Selector, Queue, Volume Sliders, and Add Product
  • Improved TalkBack support for the Now Playing Screen, System View, and Add Product
  • Improved Local Music Library playback of folders
  • Adding and editing alarms with the ability to Search for content


Coming soon

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Adding to queue and playing next: early June
  • Sleep timer: mid-June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Update WiFi settings: mid-June
  • Snooze alarms: TBD


Known issues and workarounds

"Sign in as the System Owner" error while updating products during setup

  • Workaround: No workaround currently available.


Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do. We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.


This is just calamity, pure and simple.


To continue to ignore user's plea and issues with the new app, is self suicidal.


to continue to promote new products while your app is s****, is an insult.


my daughter wanted a roam for her birthday, that ain’t gonna happen.


All my 5 speakers are now on sale on ebay, am tired of this s***

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

My ports have stopped working since the new app was released and no help or solution is available. In know they are on the network because I can switch the lights on and off but no sound.

I’m a local music library user. Not only is that gone, but the app only detects my system half of the time. I have thousands of dollars of speakers that don’t work. 

The lies this CEO keeps telling himself and others needs to stop.

The app is more responsive? No, it’s less responsive. 

The app is easier to navigate? No, it’s not.

The app works? Half of the time it can’t even detect my system.

This is a joke.

Try SonoPhone. It’s not as good as the old app, but it’s much better than the new one. 

Keith, thanks for the update. Keep the communication coming!

For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.

I am not shooting the messenger (you) here, so please don’t shoot me. Rather, please listen to what your users are saying. The new app is a fail as it stands and for the foreseeable future.

  • Reliability? The new app is tremendously buggy and extremely unreliable, as a cursory scan through the forums attests.
  • Performance? The new app is far more sluggish, especially anything with a local library.
  • Faster access to music? Many of us are unable to use “Sonos Favorites” with the icons grayed out. That forces us to navigate many many clicks to locate the desired music.

I’m pleased to see the list of missing functionality with ETAs! That said, there is a vastly longer list of things that are also missing (or completely broken) that will take months to address. You must be realistic.

So how can you bridge the gap in missing/broken functionality? Rename the new app ‘S3’ and re-release v16.1 as ‘S2’. Sonos have voiced great confidence in the new (S3) app, and if you confidence is deserved users will gravitate there. In the meantime, users with issues can continue to use S2 and have a good experience. As S3 adds more and more working functionality, users will switch from S2 to S3.

Now is not the time to double-down on the disastrous “it takes courage, take it or leave it” strategy. Listen to your users and give them want they want and need.

I could  not agree more with Press250. Just trying to register for this chat was a pain, choose a user name that's used and you need to start again ticking boxes. 

The whole update for me has been a shambles, basically nothing being recognised, then it is, then it's not.

I can't find my sounds. 

I can't add the  sonos app to my desktop when I could previously, this is a real bone of contention.

Please give us back the old 'gold' sonos and while at it, let me again access my music on my phone not having to use a streaming service. I paid for 3 speakers to act as just that, speakers. All the other cack is smothering what should be the heart of Sonos.. Great Sound!!

Please, just restore the previous version of the app. The new one doesn’t work and is worse in every way. Every new app take some getting used to but this is not in that ball park. Many of the pervious functions which I relied on are not there any more and those that are are not working.  In no way is this an “upgrade”. 

I second that...well its probably in the thousands thst agree!!

Download “sonosphone” app to regain all your music library.  This app returned all my functions and music on the Sonos device.

Download “sonosphone” app to regain all your music library.  This app returned all my functions and music on the Sonos device.

I can’t see the “sonosphone” app. Where is that?





Looks like it’s iOS only. Not Andriod :(



Looks like it’s iOS only. Not Andriod :(

I thought Android could reload s2?

