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Sonos Radio HD ads

  • 21 April 2024
  • 7 replies

I might be missing something, but I thought a key selling point of Sonos Radio HD was the lack of advertising. I detest adverts interrupting music and I’m usually happy to pay to avoid them.


I’m currently listing to Rock Road Trip, offered specifically for Sonos, and I am hearing adverts - adverts for Sonos Radio HD! The irony is not lost on me.

Is there an issue with how this works, or is this to be expected? If the latter then I’ll be unsubscribing.






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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16


I can understand that this is not your expected experience. Maybe Sonos uses the same stream including ads for their own hd service for subscribers and non subscribers. Would be fair imo to filter the ads for subscribers. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @jimbob123 

Thanks for your post! Your feedback is important to us.

Could you please describe what you hear? It is an actual ad, suggesting that you should subscribe to Sonos Radio HD, or is it an announcement, just saying that you are listening to Sonos Radio HD? Thanks.

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Thanks Corry. It’s the announcements “You’re listening to Sonos Radio”. and on one of the country channels it was “brought to you by Sonos”.

So technically they aren’t adverts as such, however they interrupt the flow of music and shouldn’t be there for paid subscribers.



Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @jimbob123 

Understood, and thanks for the feedback - I’ll pass it along!

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I’ll second this.  Tried Sonos HD radio for a free period a while back and one reason for not subscribing was the Sonos Announcements.  I just wanted uninterrupted music.

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Yeah same here. I’ve now unsubscribed, BUT if this was fixed, I’d return.



I understand why it would bother some people, but I think I generally prefer the 5 second announcements every third song or so, over nothing in between. It’s useful sometimes when they state the artist I just heard.  Granted, if I’m that curious, I can look at my phone or ask SVC.  I wouldn’t complain if the announcements went away either.