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After the most recent upgrade to Sonos 13.4 (S2), I don’t see much cover art in the Sonos controller. More precisely, it seems that I see cover art if it is embedded into the MP3 file, but not if the cover art in a separate file called folder.jpg. In my collection, most albums have a folder.jpg, and only a minority of albums have embedded cover art. There are two reasons for this:

  • Albums that originally had on CD, cassette or vinyl.
  • For several years, Sonos was not able to display cover art that was embedded into the MP3 files that I bought, so I had to extract them to folder.jpg and remove them from the MP3 file.

Is any one else seeing this? Or is this just some accident on my system?


Works find on the few folders  have with just folder.jpg


I use MP3Tag to update all my Album art to decent quality images, mainly obtained from Albumartexchange.  It’s take some time to refresh the lot, a year or two!


I have had times when the artwork went awol, normally after a system update.  Easily solved in my case by unplugging all my sonos kit, restarting my router and then after 10mins plugging back in all my Sonos kit.