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Hey guys, please tell me you are going to or have already started working on a control for Sonos from the apple watch, I use my iPhone or iPad all the time but a watch control would be awesome.
Sonobit too. Don't know what additional a native would give.
+1 for apple watch app. Using ZonePlay right now but would rather have a native app from sonos.
Wish I could control my Sonos from my Apple Watch. Have to open iPad or find phone to change music or skip track. Please add app soon!

Take a look at the Sonobit app - works really well with Apple Watch.
Get one of the many 3rd party apple watch apps. And if you have iPhone controller then with the new now playing feature on the lock screen it actually shows up also on the watch.

I believe stand alone options are Kronos and Zoneplay.

Nothing to wait for.

Actually scratch that - we do have to wait until Aug 30th to see if Sonos is going to support 3rd party Siri extensions (which would then be applicable as watch control).
Wish I could control my Sonos from my Apple Watch. Have to open iPad or find phone to change music or skip track. Please add app soon!
I guess the plus one is to highlight the different options available.
Plus 1
Nice voice of reason BCM.
I run a software company. As has been illustrated here over the years with not only here but with mine, you can have the greatest product on the planet, but someone will always need/want a feature you don't offer... and the reason they want it? Their own needs. Sadly, that is generally coupled with the harbinger of the downfall of the company because they aren't putting out a feature that only one of thousands of customers 'needs.'
I would like Sonos to provide the best listening experience possible since it is a speaker company.... Not be a leading developer of wearable technology.
Yea thanks BcM. Hopefully helps those wanting to see various Apple Watch Sonos apps and drifts on this thread.
You're wasting your bandwidth, Chris. This guy wants to complain just for the sake of complaining. No logic to it at all.
check this one out
How much more functionality is there to add that needs Sonos development

I get your point I just disagree. I wouldn't want them spending resources in something already readily available. I would rather them put time into other features directly within their app.
As I said, you missed the point.
Point why? It's available. Why reinvent what is already done.
You've missed the point. Sonos should be leading in providing support for wearable technology, not letting third party developers do it for them.
What is wrong with the third party options. They support all you would need from the watch. why does Sonos need to develop something for just Apple Watch when the need is already filled.
Nowhere, apparently. Not even an iOS widget.
So where are we with the Apple Watch App? I see someone else created a 3rd party app, but in this case I want one from Sonos. I just bought 4 more Sonos Spearker, all Play 1 speakers.....

Sonos - the technological train has departed- you guy's still standing in the platform !!!!! Get your minds to work because - we are talking no new products or ideas in 3 year - I would fire the CEO of that company in a hartbeat !!!!!! Get your Ass to work !!!!!!!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get an Apple Watch app developed ASAP! It's an obvious choice to be able to control music as you move around the house without having to find and reach for the iPhone or iPad every time you want to pause or play or change volume. It's begging for it!

Comments like this crack me up. But it wasn't a problem to reach for the iPhone or iPad every time you want to pause or play or change volume before you had your Apple Watch, was it? Now all of a sudden it is inconvenient.
Any work happening on a native watch app?
Sonobit is a great app - it provides a Widget for iPhone, plus a Glance with details of the current track playing, and volume and play controls in the Watch app.