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Dear Sonos,

why is the Sonosapp top 1 cpu consumer (accumulated) on windows?

This is ridiculous. When the app is idle, it shouldn’t consume anything.

Looking at it with ETW, it seems it redraws everything every 0.000000000000001ms?

You know there are more efficient ways to do that, right?


What meaning is that screenshot supposed to convey? Your computer has been on for approximately 4 weeks. If sonos.exe has been running for a similar time its cumulative usage would clearly mount up. At the time of the screenshot its CPU usage was so low as to round to zero.

Of all the services that were up the same amount of time, Sonosapp is the one that has accumulated the most CPU. This seems unreasonably inefficient to me.

It shows up prominently in every ETW trace (even among super CPU heavy tasks like Codecompilation)

This clearly shows how much of a CPU hog it is?


I’ve never noticed it hogging CPU at all, and I run Process Explorer all the time in the systray.

You probably won’t see it in procexp because it uses CPU only for short amounts of time at a time, but this accumulates and in sum, it makes it significant.

And, considering its idle 99% of time, it shouldn’t be that significant.

Anything will accumulate usage over 4 weeks. My point is that sonos.exe simply doesn’t impose significant load when running normally. (There have been error conditions in the past when it would get stuck in a loop.)

The Desktop Controllers are pretty much in maintenance-only mode now. If your desire was for it to receive development attention (for an issue which doesn’t appear to be significant) I feel you may be disappointed.

I can be a processor time anal person too.

In practical terms I don’t see much of an impact on your system. I would be more concerned if idle time was very low compared to SONOS time. If SONOS wants to tie up an otherwise idle thread, I don’t see a major issue. Of greater concern to me is other resources that the program might use. For example tying up RAM and network resources. On my system I have tons of RAM and rarely approach 50%. Firefox is the big memory hog. In Task Manager I will occasionally see a SONOS blip above zero. The constant checking of SONOS network resources is more of a concern. In order to stay current with system status the SONOS controller must check in at least once a second. This might also require some screen updates. I’m making do with an older video card until prices return to reality.

Well, I see an issue when it redraws *** senselessly again and again, wasting CPU cycles (and thus affecting energy bills), but you are right, it doesn’t negatively affect general system performance.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Well, I see an issue when it redraws *** senselessly again and again, wasting CPU cycles (and thus affecting energy bills), but you are right, it doesn’t negatively affect general system performance.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I would think you’ve used more CPU cycles (and energy) tracing and identifying this than many months’ worth of ordinary use time. I’m also surprised, if energy use is a concern to you, that you left the computer running for 4 weeks; could it not be shut down when not in use? 

CPU time in first screenshot is 6h:47min, so this is equivalent to sonos.exe running for 6 hours and 47minutes at 100% on one CPU core. I think this is unreasonable.

And even though its besides the point, I shutdown the computer when not using it, I just use Hibernate instead of regular shutdown, so uptime is not reset.

You do realise that this constitutes only 1% CPU, assuming the controller has been open over the 4 weeks the computer’s been up?

Anyway, as already pointed out, the chances of the controller being refactored at this stage in its life are likely to be zero.