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Save Group Settings

  • 10 April 2014
  • 22 replies

Add the ability to save group settings. This would allow the user to setup multiple groups and save the volume levels. The user can then easily go back to a previous group without having to adjust the volume levels all over again. I am constantly adjusting the volume levels because I have different speaker and room sizes. I try to adjust it so that the volume levels are even throughout the rooms. However, I often change my groups depending on the occasion. This is a hassle as I have to go back and readjust the volume levels. It would be nice to just click on a saved group and have all the previous settings.
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22 replies

Userlevel 1
Yes this is what I want too please add! Seems it would be easy 🙂
In addition to this, it would also be nice to save equalization and advanced settings, not just volume. That way you can have multiple settings profiles and switch between them easily. I have the 5.1 setup in my living room, and it'd be nice to have profiles for Music, Movies, TV, and Video Games for instance.
Oh Wow... I thought there was a solution.  I was thinking "how could there not be a way to do this? I just spent twenty minutes walking through the house adjusting everything so that the transitions as I walk from room to room are smooth and pleasing, and so now I want to save this setting as like my default party mode.... I can't believe this is not possible!
Userlevel 1
Oh Wow... I thought there was a solution.  I was thinking "how could there not be a way to do this? I just spent twenty minutes walking through the house adjusting everything so that the transitions as I walk from room to room are smooth and pleasing, and so now I want to save this setting as like my default party mode.... I can't believe this is not possible!
Agreed this should be a basic feature for a whole house music system.
Yes please! I have a playbar in the living room, grouped with two speakers in the kitchen. It would save me the trouble of having to create a new group every time the tv has been on.
This has been requested almost from the day Sonos was introduced. I wonder what the delay is in addressing it?
Come on sonos! Listen please!
How is this not a thing? I just dropped a fair bit of money on a few Sonos units and so far the app is not nearly as functional as it's been sold to be. Do I really need to buy a third party app to do something that should be included?
Userlevel 2
Agree, this needs to be integrated. Google chromecast audio just did it, can't be too hard.
Userlevel 2
Bump, keep awareness of this.
Agred. This is a must have.
Userlevel 2
Badge +5
yes please
Userlevel 4
Badge +4
This would be very useful. As a bonus it would great being able to reliably select a saved group for alarm.
The more speakers I buy, the more annoyed I get with grouping. I think I'm done.
Userlevel 2
Badge +1
Im actually surprised that 2 years down the line, we still can't do that...Slightly disappointing.
Badge +1
I want this too. Who wouldn't? Why would Sonos ignore putting in such a useful feature for so long? How does this make sense? You can group your rooms and volumes any way you want, you just can save those settings... How can you sell the first part as a feature without the second part. Yet another half baked feature from Sonos. It's like the write their software for people that only buy 1 or 2 of their speakers (check out Alexa integration and how it lowers the volume in every speaker in the house when you say "Alexa".... Arrrg!). Why would you cater your feature sets to people that don't invest heavily in your products? Wow! Just Wow! I have 14 speakers in 11 rooms. So annoying that Sonos does business this way.
I'm not convinced "ignore" is the correct term here. I'd suggest that the feature hasn't risen in importance in the Product Manager's backlog as an effect to new sales.
Userlevel 5
Badge +5
This really needs to happen. Then, once you can save and name a set of groups settings, you should be able to activate it with an Alexa command.
Come on Sonos do it!!!
I would like to be able to group my speakers and then save that setup. I would also like to add a music source too.
The use case is:
Some days I work from home and listen to the radio. I have the radio coming out of the Kitchen, bedroom and study, I always listen to a radio station selected via the Global Player music app.

Have the ability to select the speakers and music source/playlist/album, along with volume settings. Then have the ability to save this as a preset allowing one click for the user to hear the music saved.
@Sonos @Sonos Customer @Sonos Playbar Sub

I'm bit disappointed why Sonos hasn't solved this long pending issue??

Would LOVE this! This would be a great (and often necessary) function to a great Sonos system…

...having the benefit to save Groups into Zones, save volume levels, eq, even music choice into ‘saved zones’ ...please Sonos, soon! People have been asking for this for literally years!!