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S2 controller app dropping rooms

I have updated to S2 app and added a move speaker to the 3 Sonos 1s, 1 Sonos 3, play bar and sub . The S2 app keeps dropping the speakers and I can’t see them on app, they will then re appear only to be dropped again later, this is very annoying. I have a play 5 also which now operates on a S1 controller on the same WiFi network and this seems to be operating ok. Are there fixes planned to be made to the S2 controller app as it seems very unstable or should I revert all speakers back to S1 controller if that’s possible?


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31 replies


Apologies, but that is a nonsensical response in my opinion.

I had written a longer reply, but having now seen your replies on other posts from frustrated people, I just think you are missing the point, simply put it worked on S1, it now doesn't on S2.

 However if your advice helps anyone then it's certainly worthwhile, I just don't agree that it should be required.

So, you’re saying you bought network based devices, but are unwilling to do any work on your network in order to facilitate the devices you purchased to connect to it. 

Kind of like buying a car, but refusing to put tires on it when it is necessary. Not exactly, but close enough. 

You may not care, but for others who are interested, this is most likely either wifi interference of some type, or even a simple duplicate IP address issue, easily solved by going in to your router’s software and setting up reserved IP addresses for your Sonos devices, all of which work off of your network. 


I have avoided changing to S2 due to all the issues I was seeing, however two weeks ago I added a new speaker that was only compatible with S2.

 So I have had no choice but to split my network and leave my older stuff that isn't compatible on the S1 app and the newer stuff on the S2 app.

I bet you don't need them, but I'll give you two guesses which system works and which one is as good as useless!!!

 I thought splitting the network and having to use two apps was ridiculous at first, now I'm just glad that at least the S1 stuff works.

I would have hoped after over 2 years this would have been resolved, its a joke considering the costs involved in a system.

I refuse to constantly reboot all my speakers scattered around the whole house and I don't see why I should have to mess around with router settings or even attempt to wire, what was pointed out above, a 'wireless' system. If it all worked on S1 and some still does, working on the same router, with the same settings and same network traffic, surely it is a fundimental S2 issue that requires urgent attention.

 The only solution I can see currently is to scrap the new speaker, switch it all back to S1 and not bother with any more Sonos in the future, which would be a real shame as I've loved it up to this point.

I’d be happy to pay for shipping of these unused Sonos devices, so that you don’t have to waste space storing them. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Yet you did not ask for help? 

I have now joined the ranks of having to reset the system every day so I can watch movies. I’m done with SONOS - Congratulations SONOS - you win.  The system is all sitting in the basement now and replaced by BOSE.  The BOSE System works like the flawless S1 did.

Life is too short for Rip offs like this.




Userlevel 2

Thanks - will have a play with sky q to see if I can follow what it says in the article

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

I have just got a new router from Sky but don’t think that is the root cause.

LOL what makes you think that?? SkyQ routers are known to destroy Sonos network packets, there is a great diagram somewhere on here detailing it.

There are also SkyQ specific notes on the general WiFi page:


Userlevel 2

Unfortunately the only response I got from the help desk was:

  • Reset the system
  • Replace the LAN cable
  • Wire more devices (which is difficult and not the point of Sonos)

So it still happens and dealing with the service desk is frustrating as they keep going through the same script steps and when you have multiple devices going through the rest continually is time consuming and not fixing whatver is going on.

I have just got a new router from Sky but don’t think that is the root cause.

I am also experiencing the speaker drop issue.  One SL, iPhone 11, latest os.  It will be playing and then drop.  S2 will hang looking for the speaker (I also have a Roam).  Restart app, speaker.  Still can't be picked up by the Sonos App.  however, it will appear on my iPad.  This can take 10 minutes to get it to work again.  This is an S2 & Sonosnet issue.  All of my streaming, internet, etc works.  I can stream (bluetooth) spotify to my Bose speaker. Initially I was excited about Sonos - It just works.  Now not so much.  

You cannot manage the system using a desktop controller. Are you able to see all of the players, play music, and control Volume using the desktop controller?

Using a desktop controller you can go to About My Sonos System.. and check which audio format ARC is receiving.

Userlevel 2

I can operate the system - speakers are grouped so I can still do that via the IOS app as well. I can’t access the controls for the Sub / Surround i.e. to alter balance. Its not that I want to do that its more to understand what is going on (for example the app doesn’t show it is broadcasting in ATMOS when this occurs).

I’m curious: If you have  the desktop controller installed on a computer can you operate the system using that controller?

Userlevel 2

I’ll add to this thread - randomly dropping speakers from the controllers but they are still receiving input and playing. Most common is that the living room will only show the ARC and not the surronds or subs (even though the surrounds are defintely playing). It will let you try and add the Subs (and pings to say successful) but doesn’t show - can’t add surrounds. Force closing the app and restarting and they usually reappear but I have no idea what sound is being sent out. Dignostic 780540847. I have done a full reset, was told by support there was a faulty network cable which I have replaced but still happening. 

I am having the same problem. I upgraded to Sonos 2 and it is now randomly dropping speakers.  Very disappointing. Doesn’t seem like there is a good solution 

I had no problems with my S2 upgrade for at least 2-3 months.  My problems started the exact same day i took on the free trial for Sonos Radio HD.  My understanding is the HD upgrade requires a feature of the S2.   I’m stuck with literally $1000s of Sonos I can’t use.  Only my Sonos move seems to reliability connect.  I’ve also noticed that my iPad had one set of rooms working while my iPhone had a different partially functional list.  This sucks!

I had similar issues. Solved it by disabling the “AIRTIME FAIRNESS” on my Netgear router.  Check your routers and see if they have AIRTIME FAIRNESS enabled or anything that prevent network lag when slower devices connect and disable it.  Worked for me.


Same issues with ‘upgrading’ to S2 controller. For 2+ years on S1 my pairs of 3’s, 1’s and Connect worked liked a charm. Then upgraded to S2 and have had nothing but problems. For over a week I’ve tried to resolve with online, chat and phone support. Everyone keeps telling me to reboot my router, direct connect one of my 3s, direct connect my Connect to the router. Reboot my devices. Reboot my router. I have tried it all with no success. Sometimes my controller (and I have it installed on two laptops as well as my mobile) sees my network, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it sees my network but not all rooms, something its does. Sometimes it sees all rooms but can not connect with all music services (Sirius and TuneIn primarily). Sometimes it plays fine for 5-10 minutes, then drops connectivity. This sounds to me like a software issue but support keeps claiming, no, its a wifi network issue. I have had Xfinity run a full diagnostic on my modem so I know that’s not the issue. Is my only option to keep rebooting the network until it sticks?

So you ran wires for a wireless system?

Hi - we solved all ourer issues by cabling some of the units - after this everything been rocksolid.

It’s definitely a Sonos S2 problem. I don’t want to be bothered to turn everything off and on again every time this happens and it’s happened several times. I think Sonos needs to take a hard look at S2 and provide us an update. This never happened with S1.

 i have the same issue - before upgrading to S1 ourer sonos was stable as a mofo,

We have a unifi network - all speakers worked like a charm


We have 2 x S1 + 1 Move + 2 x play5 - after upgrading its becoming very useless and really really unstable.


Userlevel 1

I fixed my problems.  First, checked my matrix:

Saw I had major wi-fi interference.  Purchased a Boost and switched back to SonosNet.  So 8 speakers on SonosNet and my Move on wi-fi - every thing back in order and working great.  You can group SonosNet speakers and wi-fi speakers with no issues. 

Userlevel 1

I have rebooted modem and router - nothing seems to be helping - music stops and speakers drop off.  I have my sonos using a  separate channel on my wireless router - is this an issue with S2?  Is my router no longer compatible? Is there a list of S2 compatible routers somewhere?

Userlevel 1

Upgraded to S2 - worked good for a week - now everything is dropping and can’t find my speakers????? What is going on?   Had Sonos for 8 years - now all kinda of problems!   This is not good - maybe sell everything and switch to Bose !