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Restrict access to certain zones

  • 1 September 2012
  • 195 replies

There should be a way to restrict access to certain zones or allow control of certain zones from a specific controller. This is very important when you have children or have guests staying to stop inadvertent or deliberate changing of zone settings.
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195 replies

Userlevel 3
Add me in for a way to restrict who can access and control what. My friends love to mess with my system from their phones when they come over to our house, and they do have WiFi access so restricting network access is not an option, now this is all fun play, but I really need a way to control who can get on the system, specifically who can make modifications to the system. E.g. If I setup a password/PIN, then you need the password to connect, not just press a button. This will prevent unauthorized users from connecting to the system. E.g. If I setup a password/PIN for specific zones, then you need the password to control the zone. This will allow me to let guests control the music in their room, but not allow them to configure the system or access other zones. E.g. If I setup a password/PIN to make configuration changes, then you need the password before you can make any configuration changes.
Please add this feature asap.
Add me to the Hijacked group! My kids love to wait for me to be settled on a pool float and put on some awful music. I am adding a system to my bathroom and I just know they will wait to hear the shower door close before they put on something awful. we used to have this "fun" little issue with our apple tv's and airplay until I found the password function. its pretty simple. I put a simple password to restrict access. only my phone has airplay access to that device until I remove the password or the password is entered on another phone. I think the would be a simple solution for dorms and such. it could also restrict access for parties. just give the code to the person who you want to have access. as for a neighbor/friends having access to your network, I think it would be a good idea to just change your Wifi password once in a while.
we need this, too frustrating to have drunk guests at your party get on and change the music randomly...please add very soon.
Userlevel 3
This topic has been running for one year (!). I repeat: ONE YEAR. You guys really, *really* need to speed up software development, otherwise it will hamper sales. So, now that you're announcing the Play 1, please SONOS, fix this, once and for all. If multiple zones are not manageable, I will just simply NOT buy them for my kids. So the question becomes: do you want my business or not?
Userlevel 3
Badge +3
This topic has been running for one year (!). I repeat: ONE YEAR. You guys really, *really* need to speed up software development, otherwise it will hamper sales. So, now that you're announcing the Play 1, please SONOS, fix this, once and for all. If multiple zones are not manageable, I will just simply NOT buy them for my kids. So the question becomes: do you want my business or not?
No one cares about this. It's not affecting sales. You don't hear of any lawsuits regarding hearing loss in one room caused by a child in the next room. Until you do, forget it.
Userlevel 3
This topic has been running for one year (!). I repeat: ONE YEAR. You guys really, *really* need to speed up software development, otherwise it will hamper sales. So, now that you're announcing the Play 1, please SONOS, fix this, once and for all. If multiple zones are not manageable, I will just simply NOT buy them for my kids. So the question becomes: do you want my business or not?
No one at Sonos, you mean, I presume?
My (serious) suggestion: As the "idea" section doesn't find interest at SONOS (and as long as they are not willing to change this) they should better close Not responding to all these suggestions (and there're lots) is just creating bad feelings / frustration about this company. (Hardware) Products are really great, but software is as poor as it can be.
Userlevel 2
This topic has been running for one year (!). I repeat: ONE YEAR. You guys really, *really* need to speed up software development, otherwise it will hamper sales. So, now that you're announcing the Play 1, please SONOS, fix this, once and for all. If multiple zones are not manageable, I will just simply NOT buy them for my kids. So the question becomes: do you want my business or not?
What on earth was Digital saying? How does "Digital" (worst name ever btw) know it is not having an impact on sales? I say it IS having an impact on sales. I know people that won't buy the product because of this factor. They would prefer to simply have PCs/Laptops in their children's rooms with their own music on it so that this doesn't become an issue. I think it is about time SONOS looked a this issue seriously and updated the software in line with consumer demand. IMHO, the introduction of the play:1 was a bit silly over this. Those who wanted it used the excuse that the other speakers were too big for smaller rooms... turn the volume down!?!?!? I have Play:5s as my smallest speaker in my house and they work just fine in bathrooms, bedrooms etc.
My (serious) suggestion: As the "idea" section doesn't find interest at SONOS (and as long as they are not willing to change this) they should better close Not responding to all these suggestions (and there're lots) is just creating bad feelings / frustration about this company. (Hardware) Products are really great, but software is as poor as it can be.
Funny, by my count, Sonos just implemented at least 4 ideas from this site this very morning. Including a smaller Play:1, a modified mute, and being able to control multiple Sonos systems. Seems to me this Ideas section works just fine for people who requested those features.
This topic has been running for one year (!). I repeat: ONE YEAR. You guys really, *really* need to speed up software development, otherwise it will hamper sales. So, now that you're announcing the Play 1, please SONOS, fix this, once and for all. If multiple zones are not manageable, I will just simply NOT buy them for my kids. So the question becomes: do you want my business or not?
The problem is that everyone here already has Sonos, and in the case of "Marc" lots of the most expensive units - you've not been put off buying it due to lack of 'security/restrictions', and will probably continue to buy more Sonos products and to recommend them to your friends and family. Yes you might buy a couple of extra ones for the kids - in fact this was my first thought when I saw the Play:1 - but you're not about to ditch all the kit you already have. Whilst everyone in this topic would love some kind of restrictions to be available we don't represent the core of the Sonos market, just a small subset of enthusiasts. This is the 10th most popular request but only has 17% of the number of votes when compared to the #1 item of a Win8 RT version of Sonos Controller (which I personally will never have any interest in at all). The frustrating thing for me is that this is a software change, and probably not a difficult one at that - I know how hard it is to design simple easy to use products, and Sonos (when it works) is pretty easy when it comes to competitors. There's no hard in adding in some advanced features for those that want it, whilst leaving the default configuration simple and easy to use.
Userlevel 2
This topic has been running for one year (!). I repeat: ONE YEAR. You guys really, *really* need to speed up software development, otherwise it will hamper sales. So, now that you're announcing the Play 1, please SONOS, fix this, once and for all. If multiple zones are not manageable, I will just simply NOT buy them for my kids. So the question becomes: do you want my business or not?
^ Agreed
I had to shower to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus yesterday thanks to my kids having fun with my connect amp in my master bath. ugh
I had to shower to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus yesterday thanks to my kids having fun with my connect amp in my master bath. ugh
Sounds like it is time to confiscate a couple tablets/phones for a week. Guarantee it will never happen again.
Userlevel 3
Badge +3
I had to shower to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus yesterday thanks to my kids having fun with my connect amp in my master bath. ugh
Which kid? Which device? Maybe a friend or friend's kid who was over actually did it. You love group punishment. Not everyone believes in it. I suppose you'd just whip them all...
I had to shower to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus yesterday thanks to my kids having fun with my connect amp in my master bath. ugh
Oh look, my leg humper is back. Like clockwork after every new release. Down boy! Down!! *rolleyes*
Userlevel 3
Badge +3
I had to shower to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus yesterday thanks to my kids having fun with my connect amp in my master bath. ugh
If I remember correctly (and I do), you began this 'relationship' many moons ago with your responses to my posts, so who is humping whose leg? We know what you would do as a parent even without evidence against the guilty party. And that makes your suggestion irrelevant to many here.
I had to shower to Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus yesterday thanks to my kids having fun with my connect amp in my master bath. ugh
With all these personal attacks you keep spewing, I'm pretty sure everyone knows who's humping who's leg. *Yawn*
Userlevel 2
Any way we can just get back to the feature request? I truly want to keep following this thread but not if it's full of random rants.
Any way we can just get back to the feature request? I truly want to keep following this thread but not if it's full of random rants.
I agree. This is a reasonable request that is long overdue. However, given that the CEO has been quoted in the past about his reluctance to add passwords or lock screens, I'm not sure if we will see it soon.
Any way we can just get back to the feature request? I truly want to keep following this thread but not if it's full of random rants.
Ditto. I would prefer a PIN screen. Something simple, we aren't securing a bank here.
Userlevel 3
Any way we can just get back to the feature request? I truly want to keep following this thread but not if it's full of random rants.
Sth simple and effective would do the job. You only want to prevend your kids from playing music in certain areas and/or guests to change the playlist, only let them add music to play in the queue. How hard is that to implement if it helps you sell more product (and yes, it does!)
Badge +1
Any way we can just get back to the feature request? I truly want to keep following this thread but not if it's full of random rants.
I believe it would sell more product. Purchasing a Sonos system is a huge commitment; one I've been considering for years. I was just about to go for it when I realized that my 8yo and 12yo would definitely fight over the "now playing" song, and could also attempt to play or change music or volume in zones I would prefer they not have access to (e.g. master bedroom, master bath, guest room, or outside). And as someone noted earlier, they might not even do it intentionally if they didn't realize the zones were linked.
Just adding another plea for a feature to prevent visitors abusing my system. Full blast volume and constantly changing tracks. Amusing for the first 5 minutes but then extremely frustrating. Nothing the owner can do but try to smile and wait for then to get bored!
Just another plea for an access control feature. So frustrating when visitors take control of the system, turn volume up full and start changing tracks. Nothing the owner can do but grin and bear it until they get bored!