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Plans for Apple watch app in near future?

  • 11 January 2017
  • 48 replies

Dear sonos-developers,

Are there any plans to release an SONOS Apple watch app in the near future?

I hope so!
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48 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2
I have been using Sonobit on my iPhone and Apple Watch, which works well for me. I have no affiliation, just a satisfied user.

It might be worth a look.
Userlevel 3
Thank your for your reply!

I prefer using a dedicated SONOS-app, instead of an app from third-party developers.
Userlevel 1
Please can we have an apple watch app? Even something as simple as a play/pause button would be better than nothing at all
Not an Apple Watch user, but there were reports the iOS lock screen Play/Pause controls that came with version 6.3 are also available on the Apple Watch.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
Not an Apple Watch user, but there were reports the iOS lock screen Play/Pause controls that came with version 6.3 are also available on the Apple Watch.
I haven't tried this with my Apple Watch yet (only got it about a week ago now), but if this does work, it would show up on the "Now Playing" function on the Apple Watch. I don't believe there's a specific "app" for Now Playing... the only way I've found to get there is through the "Dock" button.

Edit: Apparently Now Playing is available within the Music app. I don't use iTunes to manage my music, and don't pay for Apple Music, so I had removed the Music app from my phone, keeping it from showing up on my watch. However, the Now Playing function still exists in the dock on my watch.
If someone from Sonos is looking into this, it would be helpful to use Wifi proximity to the speakers to determine what would show up on the watch. i.e. When I walk into my living room, it would show the living room Sonos speaker even if I had previously used the app to control a different room.
Userlevel 1
As an avid Sonos fan, an Apple watch app would be of great benefit. The phone is not always right there when you want to change songs or volume. Yes there are a few third party applications but I agree with Raven1987 regarding the preference to using a dedicated Sonos app. Come on Sonos. It's been nearly two years since Apple watch was released and even longer since it was announced. I think that's time enough to provide this service to your loyal customers don't you? It's not the money. I think I can afford the $5 or so for a third party app - I have bought Sonos appliances after all 🙂 - It's the principal of the thing. You have produced the phone app which is great, please spend a little more and provide us with an Apple watch addition. Thank very much.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
WHY can't you all use the various 3rd party apps. There is no reason for Sonos to re-invent the wheel. There is nothing wrong with using one of the 3rd party apps. (I'm not sure why someone would say they prefer not to other then saving a couple dollars).
Userlevel 1
Because Chris, I don't want yet another app on my phone doing what the Sonos app should be able to do. It's as simple as that. Sonos are being lazy. It's the same with Youtube. I can't play Youtube on Sonos and I've had to do just this - use a third party app. If you think it's about the money, I'm more than happy to PAY Sonos a couple of bucks if they'd improve their app. Regards, David
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Well then you can just sit with no Apple Watch app. As answer to why not use one of the great third party watch apps appears to be hard headedness.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
.... Sonos are being lazy. It's the same with Youtube. I can't play Youtube on Sonos and I've had to do just this - use a third party app. If you think it's about the money, I'm more than happy to PAY Sonos a couple of bucks if they'd improve their app. Regards, David
A bit harsh maybe? Sonos are a relatively small company, their current stated emphasis is to develop proper voice control and I am sure that will be more popular than an apple watch app. Certainly I'd like them to stick with that dev first. And of course there is an app just not a Sonos one, I'm with Chris, aren't you just cutting your nose of to spite your face?
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
They are not being lazy with YouTube. YouTube doesn't allow integration and for none video purposes. Sonos can. It do it if they wanted to and I'm sure they would like to. YouTube won't even pull on chromecast their own system. But yes some guy in his basement can write it and be too small for YouTube to sue and may go unnoticed.
Userlevel 1
Chris perhaps you make a fair point about Youtube. I don't have any knowledge of this - but from what I can read, the Bose system can do this, so I'm not so sure. About the Apple watch app, I've stated by opinions here. I'm not getting into a back and forth with you. I will get a third party app. Yes, I will, but if and when Sonos develop their own, I will happily delete this and use the ONE Sonos app which is what I am asking for. End of story. To your point bockersjv, you're right, Sonos is not a massive company but they are global with strong venture capital backing and several thousand employees. They has a recent capital raising of over $100M. I think they can afford the $20k or so investment in an app.
Userlevel 7
Badge +21
It is not about pure cost, it is also about opportunity cost, that's business economics. There are too many higher priority developments at present, I think we can all appreciate that.

Besides, of the 10 or so friends of mine who bought an apple watch, albeit 1st gen, not one of them still uses it. I would question the size of the market for this development too.
Userlevel 1
Opportunity cost is a reality in everything we do. ie could we be getting a better return on the time or money investment we make. I get that. My point is, keeping existing (and potential) customers happy by providing not only a great product but great peripherals, makes good business sense. In terms of time OC, this would be minimal as it would be outsourced. I guarantee they don't have their sound engineers working on apps. They would use a dedicated app builder or advertising agency.

Finally to your point about Apple watch 1, I can understand people not using that so much, but Apple watch 2 is selling like hotcakes and I know from my circle of friends as well as from what I know of Apple products, it will (and it's future models) will continue the trend of most Apple products - and be a resounding success. Further, the market segment buying Sonos and those buying Apple watch would be very highly correlated I would bet, so the market should be significant.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
#1 - Apple Watch - I actually love mine and have gotten to the point I can't do without it (especially since I dedicated to using it as fitness tracker. Voice texting etc. use all the time as well. I don't really use the Sonos control on it - I even forget which one I have installed. Also nice for finding my phone when I lay it around the house.

#2 - the reason Bose can play youtube is via Bluetooth. Very different process. With Sonos, Sonos instructs the source to send direct to Sonos speaker. With Bluetooth, it is first sent to the phone and the phone recodes it and sends it out as Bluetooth. The third party app that is allowing it to be done on Sonos is because the third party developer wrote code to receiving it on the phone and send it out to Sonos directly kind of like Bluetooth does but in a Sonos format. Sonos itself would not be able to do such a thing without getting sued by or being forced to remove by YouTube. Google chromecast audio has a similar application to Sonos in that it to pulls direct from source to the speaker. And again even though Google owns YouTube they don't allow it to be done on chromecast (there is a chromecast feature on Android that allows you to stream whatever the Android is playing through its speakers to a chromecast device - just like Bluetooth does - and therefore it is possible to stream youtube to a chromecast that way on android...with loss quality and negatives of having it through device like all the other work arounds.).

#3 - regarding a Sonos native apple watch app. I don't mean to come off rude about it and sorry I know I sound that way in my posts. Its just the facts are that it is most likely Sonos will never devote resources to an apple watch app. If there were not perfectly fine 3rd party applications I would think they may consider it. But at this point it would be just re-inventing the wheel and they have many other projects on their plate. Just a reality as I see it that it just won't happen. Then if they did make an apple watch app.. people then who would start clamoring for an androidware version ... its a slipperly slope they probably have no intention on jumping over.
Userlevel 1
Hi Chris, thanks for your reply and don't worry, I didn't take your reply as rude (I have a thick skin! :-)) At a risk of boring everyone else who may (or sensibly may not) be following our posts, I'll reply to your comments.

1. Apple watch. I totally agree. I've loving mine (series 2) and use it all the time - especially to help find my phone! For this very reason - ie I don't always know where my phone is, controlling Sonos from my watch (via Sonos app or third party) would be great.
2. Thanks for the explanation re Youtube. I fully understand now.
3. Again, I understand your point about a slippery slope but the fact is, they've already gone 75% of the way there by producing a great iphone AND Android phone app. To my previous point, it would not be hard (OK $40k-ish) to simply add-on an Apple watch component with a very much cutdown offering of features compared to the phone apps. If they didn't have a phone app, then your argument would hold. Couldn't the same argument have been made for the current phone app? There is at least one other app that can control Sonos.

Anyway, let's agree to disagree on this one. If it happens, great. If not, I've got my third party Apple watch app.
At least we agree on the utility of the Apple Watch!

+1 for an Apple Watch app from Sonos.
Yes.. please support the Apple Watch! Thanks
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Have either of you tried the availablenones and what more should you want from a Sonos made one.
I went to download an app, and the ones I found all have terrible reviews. Sonobit and Kronos Controller
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Don't know why terrible reviews. As far as I know ow they all work well.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
The reviews may be more about the apps themselves not being as good as the Sonos native app. But for using as Apple Watch app they do what you would expect.
I bought 'ZonePlay'. It works, but it's not that good.
The Sonos API isn't open to everyone…looks like an invite only community:
Just found 🙂 — looks like that's what I need to use the API.