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New Sonos app update

Why is the new app so bad. I can’t clear the queue of music. Does any one know how to do this. Very frustrating. 


15 replies

The queue features for the mobile apps are scheduled to be fixed soon (July).  Today, you can clear the queue using the PC or Mac controller app available here:

Userlevel 2

Why would you take a perfectly working app and then completely butcher it to not be fit for purpose. 

Why would you take a perfectly working app and then completely butcher it to not be fit for purpose. 


Isn’t it obvious:

Userlevel 2

Hi the update has still not fixed the ability to manage the queue. If I select a list I cannot now remove a song of the delete the queue.


i have to say Sonos is now officially a joke. I bought a compatible record player and cannot use both 

Userlevel 1

Sonos has gone from being my favorite product to an absolute nightmare. The app doesn’t work and customer support is a joke. The average wait time is 45 minutes and the operator hung up when I didn’t reply immediately. Unreal. I have more thank $5,000 in Sonos products that are no longer working because of an app issue. 

You have ruined the app! I’m sure this is not news to you. We are users is Sonos since the first speaker and system. Cmon this is a huge miss. Unacceptable. Fix it fast! Even Arnold’s Pump app gets fixed faster and better and he just started

It's a disaster. I use my Wonderboom3 now, if I want to do something like "listen to music" and "choose the songs I want, in what order, and at what volume"?

It cannot stay connected to the system. They can put liptsick on a pig all they want to, by adding features or whatever, but if the app can't talk to the system what difference does anything else make.

They had an excellent product and they broke it. The customers they care about use iPhones. We don't count.


I have been a Sonos owbwr for 8 years , The Sonos product was something I was happy to demonstrate to friends at my home. I recently purchased more products and decided to upgrade my system to S2 as most of my products were compatible. The transition was a little clunky , but it worked. The App however is a complete joke. Now when friends are over and they comment on my sound system , i simply change the subject. Sonos you should be as embarrassed as I am.

I don’t think I have ever posted. Been a long time Sonos fan and love their products. I daily drive my Sonos 2 for work, workouts, outside etc. The App has been so frustrating. It makes my product feel so neutered. I thank the message from the CEO and hopefully they can fix it soon. But the issues have made me pay more attention to the brand and see in what direction they go next. Thanks  


What made me make this post is I was about to work out. I open the Sonos app and I get an issue of not being able to find my system. I was done.

I was really happy with Sonos for 8-10 years then you changed the App so that it is so difficult to use. Up to now I was a great advocate of Sonos encouraging others to get it rather than BOSE for example but to be honest now I would actively tell them to avoid. Why, Why, Why? I’ve lost all sorts of playlists and stuff. Unbelievable.

Userlevel 1

Sonos, are you listening? S2 is largely a failure in the most basic ways. Why is this not reaching anyone who can resolve this months after so many reports have been made? Sonos support acts like there is no problem. What the? Like others who have posted here and elsewhere, I am done!


The main problem is choosing the speakers in the app. the app reflects the change, but it doesn’t stick. I have several rooms with multiple speakers. I have to rely on AirPlay a lot more than I used to because Audible and some other integrations are no longer supported. That may be a condition the developers need to understand, but because this has been going on so long, I suspect the developers are not hearing anything reported here.

I have invested thousands of dollars in Sonos equipment and I currently regret that. The problems started with the S2 update, which was a LONG time ago. Months ago! Plenty of time to make fixes if the many bug reports were taken seriously. They are clearly not being taken seriously.


Userlevel 7
Badge +23

You can clear the queue in the mobile app now.

Open the Queue (its the lines on the bottom left of the Now Playing panel)

Tap the trashcan icon top right.


Userlevel 1

I was very pleased that Sonos’s CEO admitted the many problems introduced with the S2 update. The CEO also put forward a schedule for fixing the problems. 

I happen to be a software engineer and, frankly, I don’t understand how a company formerly with such a great reputation could allow this to be released. I hope there is a lot of introspection going on at Sonos.


that said, thank you Sonos for admitting the problems and owning them.

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

I was very pleased that Sonos’s CEO admitted the many problems introduced with the S2 update. The CEO also put forward a schedule for fixing the problems. 

thank you Sonos for admitting the problems and owning them.

I’ll wager that level of pragmatism will not go down well on here… If you’re not holding a pitchfork, you’re certain to be pelted with manure.

Userlevel 1

I don’t disagree. I withhold judgement until I see if they address this fiasco swiftly. It needs to be an all-hands-on-deck code red, it should never have been released.


let me guess: too much reliance on automated testing? Automated testing is a useful tool, but humans need to be in the loop before consumers see software.
