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New SONOS App - Feedback

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

At a certain point, there needs to be a class action lawsuit. You've sold people thousands of dollars in equipment then released software that renders it largely unusable. 

I have a total of 10 Sonos devices purchased over eight years. Every single one of them is now a daily reminder that I trusted the wrong company.

At a certain point, there needs to be a class action lawsuit. You've sold people thousands of dollars in equipment then released software that renders it largely unusable. 


Don’t make idle threats, call a lawyer and see what they say.  

I understand that UX design is challenging as I have done it myself for a living. So many everchanging devices, formats, APIs, OSs. But what prompted this?! Is it the upcoming product release? Your user base gets accustomed to things. Don’t change stuff that already works. Don’t revert the icon for S2 back to S1 because some people use both. (You’d think that product split debacle would have been a lesson in customer satisfaction). There is no way you tested this new version before releasing it. The icons are the least bad part. It has lost functionality and is far less intuitive. I spent thirty minutes trying to get my soundbar to play from the tv source it is wired to and another 15 trying to make the tv source also play on the surround sound play1s. 
The “apply” button has no apparent purpose. My radio stations no longer work. Can’t control grouped device audio with one slider. I was such a fan and I’ve wished for the upcoming headphones for 10 years. Think I am buying them now?  Sorry to slag you so hard but this was an epic fail. Please just rescind the update, apologize and go back to the drawing board. 

Interesting that BlueSound recently finished a rewrite and update to their OS UI (on PC, Apple, iOS and Android. After a few minor glitches (which were fixed quickly) it works like a charm. This shows what is possible even for a company with far fewer resources than Sonos.

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

It’s amazing how I can listen to my outdoor speakers (old speakers) using the S1 app on the same network and it works PERFECTLY!!! I’ve factory reset all my speakers, plugged in network cable, rebooted router, assigned private addresses to all speakers assigned to S2 app and nothing has changed. All I’ve done is wasted so much time. The app is complete garbage. Laggy, unresponsive to room changes, volume changes, song changes, etc. The S1 app responds instantly with every problem I’ve described the new app having. Didn’t Sonos want to try and make old speakers extinct a while back??? Unbelievable!!!!

My upgraded iphone Sonos app can’t connect to network.  

Can’t control the volume, can’t acces the playlist, rubbish “update” 

And not surprised you are overwhelmed with messages and so can’t reply. What a disaster… 

Moderator edit: Combined posts


 Please re-add the number reference to the volume control as is a helpful feature that let us be certain we weren’t disturbing our guests, and removing it was, in my opinion, unnecessary. 


Actually, the number reference is still available. Click on the icon to move the music between rooms. In this screen, the levels are displayed.

(Of course, this is a little awkward, and it would be better to have it on the main screen.)




It’s come to this. Even I have to log in to speak up. 

You guys are failing at delivering what you customers want. Your too fixated on selling stuff. You need to do better at delivering what you customers want for a listening and curating experience and not just sell, sell, sell more stuff. The experience has become awful. Get you * together and think like a customer.

I used to tell people my Sonos system was flawless. Perfect. The app alone was worth it. Now everything just sucks & I am literally getting angry when I’m trying to chill. Where do I start? Even just trying to find a place to give feedback was HARD. 

Whole system: Super laggy with weird pauses and unable to find system. All the things that never used to happen in the S1 days. It was all so TIGHT and intuitively user focused!  Now it’s a giant disappointment guys. 

The app: The new app is terrible. It’s gotten successively worse. It’s over though. Complicated and does not delivering the results a music lover wants. It tries to push me at things I don’t want and I suspect where you guys make more $$. I don not want ads in my app to buy more sonos...that is simply ridiculous….what are you thinking? Who let that happen? Seriously.  

I’m sick of typing so I’ll leave it there.  Get better at delivering what music lovers want for an experience and not just buy, buy, buy new products. You’re selling an experience. Feeling like your guided by business data and stock price and not a real audiophile’s experience. 

More to say, but I’ll leave it there. The build up to this note has been years in the making. Feel free to give me a call to discuss further. 

I’m rooting for you. Let’s go! Get better!  


Longtime Rob

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

I use Noson as a desktop Sonos controller on my Linux PC and it’s still working fine. I’m sure most of you who are running Linux already know about it but, if you don’t, give it a try.

Not a replacement for the awful app update rolled out by Sonos but at least you feel as if you’re in control of your system again.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I did a test on my office iMac that USED TO play music on my Sonos speakers in that particular location. I was being denied access no matter how many permissions I granted to hard drives, folders...etc.  So, I completely deleted the S2 controller via an app cleaner that removes all of the specks and particulates that permeate a computer during install.  I downloaded the S2 from Sonos’ downloads page and reinstalled it.  I then went to add the Sonos Music Library that previously had worked and… it wouldn’t work. I restarted. Still wouldn’t work. I can only attribute the problems to the iOS app that I installed a week or more ago that completely upended my Sonos ecosystem. I am beyond pissed off.  Sonos needs to fix this sh-t show and soon.

I did a test on my office iMac that USED TO play music on my Sonos speakers in that particular location. I was being denied access no matter how many permissions I granted to hard drives, folders...etc.  So, I completely deleted the S2 controller via an app cleaner that removes all of the specks and particulates that permeate a computer during install.  I downloaded the S2 from Sonos’ downloads page and reinstalled it.  I then went to add the Sonos Music Library that previously had worked and… it wouldn’t work. I restarted. Still wouldn’t work. I can only attribute the problems to the iOS app that I installed a week or more ago that completely upended my Sonos ecosystem. I am beyond pissed off.  Sonos needs to fix this sh-t show and soon.

What error message did you encounter during your attempt to setup your local library share?

Did you check the actual library folder share permission included "Sonos Wireless HiFi System”?

Current is horrible!!! Volume lag is sucks! Also, The sound is bit off and voices are low 

Been using Sonos for 10+ years, 7+ speakers.   I'm disgusted beyond words that they would release an app that is so incredibly horrible.


1. Doesn't recognize more than half the time I open it 

2. Sooooo slow

3. Buggy

4. Confusing, horrible UI, what was this designed for? Obviously not a phone.

5. Slow

6. Stupid

7. Lame

8. Sonos is so * expensive and sound quality is mediocre.  If they can't have a seamless experience, they are done.  Goodbye and turn off the music on the way out.

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Unbelievable how hard it is to navigate. I have over 20 Sonos speakers so I’m not a first timer. For instance, when I open the app, I see “Sonos favorites” I click any of them and it takes me to another page that plays absolutely nothing. It’s really dumb. 

I hate the new app!   Having trouble making our system work from tv to music to getting all of our rooms working in our house.  Give us back the old app that was easy to use!!!

ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER 10 minutes waiting for a basic search to load. This turd app doesn’t work. You suck sonos!

I did a test on my office iMac that USED TO play music on my Sonos speakers in that particular location. I was being denied access no matter how many permissions I granted to hard drives, folders...etc.  So, I completely deleted the S2 controller via an app cleaner that removes all of the specks and particulates that permeate a computer during install.  I downloaded the S2 from Sonos’ downloads page and reinstalled it.  I then went to add the Sonos Music Library that previously had worked and… it wouldn’t work. I restarted. Still wouldn’t work. I can only attribute the problems to the iOS app that I installed a week or more ago that completely upended my Sonos ecosystem. I am beyond pissed off.  Sonos needs to fix this sh-t show and soon.

What error message did you encounter during your attempt to setup your local library share?

Did you check the actual library folder share permission included "Sonos Wireless HiFi System”?

Hi, Ken… thank you for replying. I got the “319” error and, I followed the link (on a different thread) that detail how to resolve that, with varying degrees of success. The bottom line is that when I originally set up my system in 2014 it was seamless and without issue. Now, the unfortunates - myself included - are scrambling to repair a system that wasn’t broken. My fear is that, in my impatience, I’ve jacked up my iMacs due to an iPhone update. Again, thank you for reaching out again. I’m kind of at Sonos’ mercy at this point.

What the hell happened to the Sonos app?  All my radio stations are gone. The app is now nothing but product ads and upsells. 

The app don't respond. I uninstall and install it, and reset the phone. My wifi is ok. All my speakers are on and ok.


Sonos, This used to be a great experience. You have ruined it.  We should not be struggle with your app.  This is a downgrade in service and quality.  Put the features back. Fix the issues with Amazon. 

Struggling.. frustration typo...grrrrrr

Moderator edit: combined posts


Am finding new sonos app and Sonos in general very unreliable platform and product.

Sonos will not switch to TV from music nor play tv on play bar, play one pair or play 3. App does not switch from music to TV. 

Apple Music does not sync properly on app.

Any ideas how to fix?

Some, perhaps most or all states have a free consultation/referral service offered through the State BarAssociation.

As a Sonos owner for over a decade not being able to add individual songs to a queue is a step back which I am not willing to live with.

This new app is horrible.  Who is listening?
