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New SONOS App - Feedback

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Although this update is an absolute disaster (and I have been pretty vocal here about what a dumpster fire the new app is), I want to acknowledge that Sonos snuck in Apple Music Lossless support in the updates. For this, I’m grateful. 

Although this update is an absolute disaster (and I have been pretty vocal here about what a dumpster fire the new app is), I want to acknowledge that Sonos snuck in Apple Music Lossless support in the updates. For this, I’m grateful. 

I guess that would be a plus for those who can actually play music. What’s that like?

Although this update is an absolute disaster (and I have been pretty vocal here about what a dumpster fire the new app is), I want to acknowledge that Sonos snuck in Apple Music Lossless support in the updates. For this, I’m grateful. 

I guess that would be a plus for those who can actually play music. What’s that like?

Ok, I’m back on the anti-Sonos train! My system does play; it would truly suck if my system was bricked. 

The volume control knob, arguably my favorite thing to interact with, is too small. I keep missing it.

IMO it should be made significantly larger. I am thinking about 5x the height would make it comfortable to interact with. As a less ideal solution I would take a larger hit target. 

Sonos sort it out, I’m seriously considering selling up 😡

The volume control knob, arguably my favorite thing to interact with, is too small. I keep missing it.

IMO it should be made significantly larger. I am thinking about 5x the height would make it comfortable to interact with. As a less ideal solution I would take a larger hit target. 

If you tap on the little symbols to either side of the volume control, it will decrement/increment one notch.  I find it easier to hit them than the slider.

12 Years+.  Thousands of Dollars invested.  Guess what?  It worked GREAT for all those years.  Now with this new app:

-  3+ second lag on using any volume control.  So you adjust to volume and either blow yourself out or you can't here the system.

- One of my zones no longer works properly.

- Bluetooth to a Roam Unit does not relay/connect to the rest of the system (only certain zones).

- Lord help you trying to navigate the whole app, counter intuitive, menu, to menu to figure out how to do anything.



What a terrible joke.

Now this is all I get on my android. I now have over $2500.00 in bricks..  Come on Sonos, get your F**king sh*t together. You're losing folks left and right. At least respond. Show a little class eh.

Is this only me, or is the controller more unstable after the update that come yesterday? (Note that I am not comparing to the old “Gold” app, but the original “Black” app.)

I can’t really put my finger on it, but I’ve been experiencing odd behaviour. Like nothing when I press something. But when pressing the Circle button in Android to minimise it and then opened it again, I could see the result of the key press. Closing the app entirely and reopened it, and it worked again. Although after one restart one zone was missing - and that was the one that was playing and I wanted to stop. And it seems to be more prone to say that I don’t have a system - although it recognised the system ten minutes earlier, and nor phone nor players have moved.

Out of curiousity an unrelated question: where is that restored alarm function hiding? I have not been able to find it.

Sonos sort it out, I’m seriously considering selling up 😡

Tooney21… I get it but, who’d buy it at this point in time. If Sonos comes out and returns us plebes back to complete functionality (even us SMB/NAD ignorant heathens) you’d have a MUCH easier time selling your Sonos gear for something close to what you paid for it. Until then, you’re a captive like the rest of us. Oh, and I’m a NAD user by choice.

I caslint change music sources quickly with new app.  I cant find my list of streaming radio stations.  I cant shift from music source to TV audio.  And hate that my Spotify playlists are shown icons rather as a list.  Can anyone help?

Sonos sort it out, I’m seriously considering selling up 😡

Tooney21… I get it but, who’d buy it at this point in time. If Sonos comes out and returns us plebes back to complete functionality (even us SMB/NAD ignorant heathens) you’d have a MUCH easier time selling your Sonos gear for something close to what you paid for it. Until then, you’re a captive like the rest of us. Oh, and I’m a NAD user by choice.

There’s the rub. I have switched to BlueSound. The Build quality is a little short of SOnos. The sound is great (hires which Sonos cannot do), I don’t so much like the soft rubber feel. But it was a good switch for me. The advantages far outweigh the prospect of waiting who knows long for Sonos. But what do I do with $8k in equipment? I can’t sell it. ANd boxed up it takes a lot of space which I don’t have. I’ve never seen anything like this. By the way the BlueSound speakers have two way bluetooth, which means they can broadcast high quality music to wireless headphones. SO what is so wonderful about Sonos headphones?

Sonos sort it out, I’m seriously considering selling up 😡

Tooney21… I get it but, who’d buy it at this point in time. If Sonos comes out and returns us plebes back to complete functionality (even us SMB/NAD ignorant heathens) you’d have a MUCH easier time selling your Sonos gear for something close to what you paid for it. Until then, you’re a captive like the rest of us. Oh, and I’m a NAD user by choice.

There’s the rub. I have switched to BlueSound. The Build quality is a little short of SOnos. The sound is great (hires which Sonos cannot do), I don’t so much like the soft rubber feel. But it was a good switch for me. The advantages far outweigh the prospect of waiting who knows long for Sonos. But what do I do with $8k in equipment? I can’t sell it. ANd boxed up it takes a lot of space which I don’t have. I’ve never seen anything like this. By the way the BlueSound speakers have two way bluetooth, which means they can broadcast high quality music to wireless headphones. SO what is so wonderful about Sonos headphones?


just curious as to why you think you can’t sell your gear.  You are after all selling the hardware and there is no suggestion that there is anything wrong with the hardware.  EBay shows Sonos gear is selling for similar prices now compared to before the app relaunch.  There are millions of people that are having no issues with the app who would buy it, so why wouldn’t you sell it ? 

Talk about a huge set of balls, their app doesn't work for sh*t and when it does they advertise their new headphones. Really Sonos, REALLY?. Good luck with

I basically cannot use the app anymore. Wondering how I can get some money back for my system. I cannot even turn off playback once it has started. I would contact tech support, but they are the absolute worst support I have ever dealt with. Fix this bulls***! I will for sure warn anyone and everyone I know not to but sonos. Straight garbage. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Sonos sort it out, I’m seriously considering selling up 😡

Tooney21… I get it but, who’d buy it at this point in time. If Sonos comes out and returns us plebes back to complete functionality (even us SMB/NAD ignorant heathens) you’d have a MUCH easier time selling your Sonos gear for something close to what you paid for it. Until then, you’re a captive like the rest of us. Oh, and I’m a NAD user by choice.

There’s the rub. I have switched to BlueSound. The Build quality is a little short of SOnos. The sound is great (hires which Sonos cannot do), I don’t so much like the soft rubber feel. But it was a good switch for me. The advantages far outweigh the prospect of waiting who knows long for Sonos. But what do I do with $8k in equipment? I can’t sell it. ANd boxed up it takes a lot of space which I don’t have. I’ve never seen anything like this. By the way the BlueSound speakers have two way bluetooth, which means they can broadcast high quality music to wireless headphones. SO what is so wonderful about Sonos headphones?


just curious as to why you think you can’t sell your gear.  You are after all selling the hardware and there is no suggestion that there is anything wrong with the hardware.  EBay shows Sonos gear is selling for similar prices now compared to before the app relaunch.  There are millions of people that are having no issues with the app who would buy it, so why wouldn’t you sell it ? 

Why wouldn’t one sell it?  The P.R. stink has hit the airwaves.  That’s not a small problem.

Sonos sort it out, I’m seriously considering selling up 😡

Tooney21… I get it but, who’d buy it at this point in time. If Sonos comes out and returns us plebes back to complete functionality (even us SMB/NAD ignorant heathens) you’d have a MUCH easier time selling your Sonos gear for something close to what you paid for it. Until then, you’re a captive like the rest of us. Oh, and I’m a NAD user by choice.

There’s the rub. I have switched to BlueSound. The Build quality is a little short of SOnos. The sound is great (hires which Sonos cannot do), I don’t so much like the soft rubber feel. But it was a good switch for me. The advantages far outweigh the prospect of waiting who knows long for Sonos. But what do I do with $8k in equipment? I can’t sell it. ANd boxed up it takes a lot of space which I don’t have. I’ve never seen anything like this. By the way the BlueSound speakers have two way bluetooth, which means they can broadcast high quality music to wireless headphones. SO what is so wonderful about Sonos headphones?


just curious as to why you think you can’t sell your gear.  You are after all selling the hardware and there is no suggestion that there is anything wrong with the hardware.  EBay shows Sonos gear is selling for similar prices now compared to before the app relaunch.  There are millions of people that are having no issues with the app who would buy it, so why wouldn’t you sell it ? 

Why wouldn’t one sell it?  The P.R. stink has hit the airwaves.  That’s not a small problem.

Well maybe but that is Sonos’s problem, not yours.  If you can sell it for the same / similar prices as you could have done a month ago (and a quick look at EBay would suggest this is the case) then, the question remains, why wouldn’t you?  The hardware is not faulty and there are plenty who don’t see the app as an issue.  I don’t really see any barrier to anyone wanting to sell.  

I start playing on Spotify   And about 3 songs later, the Sonos App takes over the stream 

really annoying 

Sonos software is an absolute cluster f***

I regret buying 3 Sonos Play 1’s 

I’m just being honest 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

With the new update from Sonos I can not get Beach radio an d I don’t know how to change the channel for then music

If you do roll back to 16.1 using APKMIRROR like I did, make sure you not only disable the automatic updates for the app, but also disable firmware updates on the system.Otherwise they will most likely push out firmware updates to block access from the old app like they did when S2 originally launched.

As a software engineer myself, I would be so embarrassed to be forced to knowingly release something so broken. I hope the devs can find other jobs after putting Sonos on their resume. This is a disgrace.

I had to roll back to 16.1 just make my system usable. If you do the same, disable app updates and also disable firmware updates in the system so a new firmware isn't pushed out to block access from the old app like it did when S2 was launched.


Has anyone else noticed disappointing downgrade in functionality/usability in the Sonos app performance? 

My email to the CEO last week that has not been replied to.


They have lost there way and are NO longer customer centric.

Lots of equal and frankly better competitors to buy a system from.



No doubt you have heard many times that your past customers tend to be your very best customers as time goes on.

In the case of the company you lead this is clearly not the case.

I have an older system and have connected part of it since my move and the sheer run around to try and connect a sub is simply absurd and infuriating.

Your firm has recently launched a new app which appears to not be compatible with my system.

Community chats seem to tell the same story and provide fixes none of which work.

When I try to reach a live person I am told to wait 90 minutes??

Is this the type of service you want to provide your best customers?

I have been a brand ambassador for 10 years.

Now I will say nothing good about your firm and will replace my Sonos system with a much better competing brand.

Fix your mess. 
It just might save you a customer or two.

Disappointedly yours,



Well after agreeing with all the terrible attributes of the app, let me tell you about the horrible real time experience. While playing my favorite playlist and adjusting volume, I went a little loud, but researched another playlist to change the queue. When I selected the song - to then adjust volume - the new selection was sent to another set of speakers and it was not the song (which was in the middle of the playlist) but the first song in that playlist. So I had two issues, two songs playing from different speakers. I had to go back to the speakers playing the first playlist and turn the volume down. What a disaster. This wasn't user error. It always defaults to first song in playlist while it searches for "your cue" in the middle. Big delays everywhere. Not intuitive as prior app.

The app is now unusable. How can something with obvious effort get consistently worse, until one day, today, it become completely unusable. The app is simply not fit for purpose. And without any other option, then neither are the speakers. Terrible! 


I've sent a messages to the CEO on wether this problem lies with Google often spoken about anti completive process or Sonos incompetence. Still waiting on a response. Meanwhile I'll continue to seeth.  


