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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Just placed a large order for Denon speakers to replace my Sonos system. I could not sell the Sonos stuff with a good conscience knowing the buyer could not use them. A real fix that works as well as the previous version seems to be months away. They could easily make the old version available. But they refuse to do that. Android users can revert due to the way Android installs things. iOS users are stuck though. Frankly, the Denon system is not likely to be as good as the Sonos system used to be. But I do not trust Sonos any more not to do this again. Time to accept the financial loss and move on.

I have heard in several places that they pushed this release out to support the headphone release, knowing full well that it would abandon hundreds or thousands of users. If that is true it is profoundly wrong. Maybe Sonos will survive this. Maybe not. But if they survive it will be without me. I will never buy any more Sonos products. I feel sorry for the hardware designers at Sonos. They produced some decent hardware. Then management does this. 

I AM SO PISSED, I’m RIGHT BEHIND YOU AND SO IS THE REST OF MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS. After I pushed them all to purchase this crap, and now I feel guilty. I’m done with SONOS and their BS excuses. Good luck!! 

Don’t feel guilty. This is not your fault. I am sure your friends and family understand that.

I hope so…. This is the worst …. I guess we all make mistakes. Couldn’t see this coming.

I hope so…. This is the worst …. I guess we all make mistakes. Couldn’t see this coming.

None of us saw it coming, especially those of us who have been loyal customers for more than a decade. It just doesn’t make any sense. Not good for Sonos. Not good for users. Very strange.

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

The whole update is an insult to the many thousands of users/consumers who probably the same as me have spent thousands building a system that is now a shambles. Can we have a response from developers, managers etc beyond the mundane fixes coming soon because you should be ashamed of yourselves releasing an incomplete not fit for purpose app.

Same overhere. Got 12 Sonos speakers all connected on an reliable LAN. The old app was also not really responsive but the new version is really a disaster!

When controlling volume there is a lag of more then 5 seconds. This is not acceptable. Loading playlists is failing in 70% of the time. Fastforward function and loading new playlists are not responsive and very slow.

I bought Sonos because of quality and wanted to spend more money to get this  but  this is really disappointing.

Sonos do something with it!



Hello everyone

given the problems encountered after updating SONOS on my iphone (13 pro max), I hesitate to apply the update which arrived the day before yesterday on my macbook air (macOS big on 11.7.10)

What do you think ?


bonjour à tous

vus les soucis rencontrés après la mise à jour de SONOS sur mon iphone (13 pro max)  , j’hésite à appliquer la mise à jour qui est arrivée avant hier sur mon macbook air( macOS big sur 11.7.10)

qu’en dites vous ?

The new app has a lot of glitches 

it keeps on defaulting to the bedroom, after I switch to the primary room for control the volume doesn’t work or is very slow to engage only to some how revert back to the bedroom.. this app was bullet proof and efficient . What is the big gain to this overhaul??

Chaos total.😡😡😡😡 Je suis sur androïd et mon système sonos est HS depuis la nouvelle mise à jour. D'abord la supression de l'accès au contenu de la bibliothèque de mon smartphone (PRISE D'OTAGE DES CONSOMMATEURS PUISQU'ILS OBLIGENT LA SOUSCRIPTION À UN SITE SE STREAMING QUI N'EST JAMAIS GRATUIT SI VOUS DÉSIREZ ENCHAINER LES MORCEAUX ET NE PAS AVOIR UNE PUB TOUTES LES 5 MINUTES) puis après la mise à jour de la nouvelle version, plus de vignette puis impossible d'accéder à mytuner, donc pas de radio en direct, ni de site de streaming, et pour couronner le tout radio sonos ne me permet pas d'avancer ou de reculer le défilement des morceaux....ah, j'oubliai, impossible de modifier le son via le smartphone.

J'ouvre un ticket de réclamation où l'on me propose des solutions qui n'en sont pas même si mon interlocutrice fait de son mieux et je reçois un mail valable uniquement 24h pour le suivi de mon dossier!!! N'ayant pas validé dans les 24h j'appelle le Centre d'aide pour rouvrir un ticket.... NUMÉRO PLUS ACTIF....ILS SE FOUTENT DE NOTRE GUEULE 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


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Total chaos.😡😡😡😡 I'm on Android and my sonos system has been out of order since the new update. First the removal of access to the content of the library of my smartphone (HOSTAGE TAKING OF CONSUMERS SINCE THEY OBLIGATE THE SUBSCRIPTION TO A STREAMING SITE WHICH IS NEVER FREE IF YOU WISH TO CONTINUE THE PIECES AND NOT HAVE AN AD EVERY 5 MINUTES) then after updating the new version, no more thumbnail then impossible to access mytuner, so no live radio, no streaming site, and to top it off sonos radio does not allow me to move forward or backward through the songs....ah, I forgot, impossible to modify the sound via the smartphone.

I open a complaint ticket where I am offered solutions which are not solutions even if my interlocutor does her best and I receive an email valid only for 24 hours for the follow-up of my file!!! Having not validated within 24 hours I call the Help Center to reopen a ticket.... NUMBER NO LONGER ACTIVE....THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR MOUTH 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


This new update is terrible. I’ve been using it for about 2 weeks now and it’s clunky to use. It keeps defaulting to a speaker that I do not want on. It’s especially annoying when using saved radio station favourites. I will not be recommending it. Please let us have the old version back soon!

The new app version is worst. More dificult to find things and to manage the systen

Je serai toi j'attendrai de voir si sonos parvient à rétablir son bug monumental à cause de sa dernière mise à jour car s'ils ne parviennent pas à réparer le chaos engendré par leur nouvelle version je ne partirai pas sur la pérennité de sonos. Pour ma part je commence à envisager la revente de toutes mes enceintes.


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I will be you, I will wait to see if Sonos manages to restore its monumental bug because of its last update because if they do not manage to repair the chaos caused by their new version I will not rely on the sustainability of Sonos. For my part, I am starting to consider reselling all my speakers.

Votre présentation dela nouvelle version est pleine de mensonges. C'est malhonnête. Ainsi on visualise une fonction play next qui n'existe plus !!!!!!!! C'est malhonnête. 

Merci de nous donner un lien pour revenir à la version précédente 


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Your presentation of the new version is full of lies. It's dishonest. So we visualize a play next function which no longer exists!!!!!!!! It's dishonest.

Please give us a link to return to the previous version

Votre présentation dela nouvelle version est pleine de mensonges. C'est malhonnête. Ainsi on visualise une fonction play next qui n'existe plus !!!!!!!! C'est malhonnête. 

Merci de nous donner un lien pour revenir à la version précédente 


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Your presentation of the new version is full of lies. It's dishonest. So we visualize a play next function which no longer exists!!!!!!!! It's dishonest.

Please give us a link to return to the previous version

Did this app undergo any testing with users? I know it’s a major change and change takes time but it’s truly awful. 

1 the app is slow 

  1. actions time out all the time
  2. impossible to set volume they all just react randomly
  3. constantly breaks the link with services

I’d suggest pulling the app, fixing the issues and then trying again after some solid QA results. 

id actually pay a 3rd party for a event app over using this awful experience 

They know all this @Robaaaa but they still decided to push the company from the hill.

I just do not understand the logic of releasing an app that breaks so many functions. What was actually done in the testing phase? I’m part of the beta program, but had no option to test the app before it was released. 

The poor app update has now hit mainstream media so hopefully Sonos will realise how frustrated their loyal customer base is before it’s too late. A fix for this needs to be their top priority, give users the option to roll back. At present I cannot use my Sonos devices for its main function that I use them for - which is my media library. Right now they are basically just expensive bookends collecting dust. 

Sonos have amazing products that is just consistently let down by poor software app performance. 

Omg sonos what have you done.???? The best product set in my house ( I have a lot of Sonos devices) is now ruined. I won’t add to the list of features missing that has been raised elsewhere.

my issue is with performance. There is now huge lag when grouping rooms and changing volume. Multi room no longer seems to group on the app. So I have to keep selecting the same rooms if I want to skip track and change volume across rooms.

how can you not have a release testing process?  sonos equipment is NOT CHEAP. If you do have a software testing process how can you release something that makes and existing app MUCH WORSE.

please role back to the previous app

I have spent hundreds of pounds to have Sonos speakers all around the house, purely to play music from the large library on my Windows Desktop (all ripped from CD’s that I bought).  This has disappeared completely from the Sonos App, making my investment a complete waste.  Any lawyers out there? Surely the basis for a massive Class Action suit! 

I was such a fan of Sonos, it worked beautifully (ok, a few glitches) & I used to recommend to everyone. 

Why on earth would they do this?

Looks like the Sonos headphones will be released soon. We should boycott them until the controller is sorted or the previous S2 version reinstated. Merely complaining obviously has little impact, we must hit them where it hurts - their revenue.

Looks like the Sonos headphones will be released soon. We should boycott them until the controller is sorted or the previous S2 version reinstated. Merely complaining obviously has little impact, we must hit them where it hurts - their revenue.

I for one will not be purchasing any new Sonos equipment until they get simple things working first and reinstate the app. 

How can I download the old app? The new app is a disaster. Not only that key features are missing, the whole system is unstable or doesn’t work at all. Not sure why such poor app is realeased, but I need the old app back asap.

As I see it there are two options concerning the latest of many subpar Sonos App updates since my investment in this company. 
1.  Sonos management has grown tired of existing customers who have already spent enough money to put management’s children through college. It seems their exit plan is to discontinue support of existing hardware so they can sell new hardware with new app controllers to new investors (college funders) and screw those of us who trusted the company to support what we’ve already paid for. 
2. Sonos management is stupid and they make horrible business decisions. 
   Sonos lost US$0.56, which was 21% more than what

   analysts had included in their models. This is an

   important time for investors…

I consider myself prudent and responsible with money; money I spend on products for my home, and money I use to put my kids through college. My money will no longer go to Sonos in either form due to their utter incompetence. 

New app volume issue -  when I have more than one speaker in a group and I adjust the volume - the last speaker in the list does not adjust with the others - it does not change the volume for the last speaker.  Tested this with one, two, three, and four speakers in a group.  New app running on  iPhone 13 with iOS 17.5.

Patrick Spence, if you are intelligent and listening to your customers; please roll back from the most recent update before you lose your customer base completely.


For the first time ever, since my first Sonos purchase, I am researching and shopping alternatives for my home listening needs. 

eg. Audiopro, Denon, Nest Hub

Please restore queue editing, adding/removing songs, playlists, the 2 band equalizer, and everything that made your software bearable.

Nobody cares what the board thinks.

You're messing with audiophiles.  We are not your typical consumer and will not tolerate your complete disregard for our needs as full time music listeners who like to have fast, precise, realtime control over our playlists/queues.


This mushy pile of * you released has turned everyone off.


I will never purchase or gift another Sonos product.

Shame.  I'm a longtime devoted listener.


Never felt so let down and betrayed by my own device before.


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*
