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New SONOS App - Feedback

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

You new app SUCKS and has SUCKED for a while.  We put Sonos throughout our house and now feel we made a HUGE mistake.  I saw your ceo’s letter, which is lies.  When are you going back to the old app and leaving it alone???

Why can’t I control the volume with my iphone side buttons?  Should be able to with the app or streaming service running. 

No, as has been discussed in many threads, the lack of hardware button support is an issue with the OS, and not Sonos. Sonos is not allowed, as a remote control instead of a direct player on the device, to use the hardware buttons for volume control. 

I’ve never wanted to leave a subscription or change out my equipment more in my life - all over this horrendous app. Why can’t Sonos just go back to the previous version until they fix the 1,001 problems on this new one?


Help us out Sonos. This is unacceptable for the amount of money your products cost. 

*Moderator Note: Title modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

V2 remains a dog.  I regret putting a Sonos system in our house.  


I’m new to Sonos (2 weeks). 
Has the feature « auto play same music » (the Infinity symbol) of the app Apple Music ever been enabled in Sonos App ? 
Will it be enable in the new app ? 
Is there a way to ask Sonos voice control to do it ?

No joke, your products will still be under warranty.


Whilst the hardware is great the app' is not fit for purpose with no end in sight for these problems.


You should consider taking the speakers back


I’m new to Sonos (2 weeks). 
Has the feature « auto play same music » (the Infinity symbol) of the app Apple Music ever been enabled in Sonos App ? 
Will it be enable in the new app ? 
Is there a way to ask Sonos voice control to do it ?

Not sure if that will feature, or is a feature request that exists (as every streamer will have its own version that Sonos would need to accommodate). However, you can play your music on the Apple Music app and Airplay that to your Sonos as the immediate solution. 


I’m new to Sonos (2 weeks). 
Has the feature « auto play same music » (the Infinity symbol) of the app Apple Music ever been enabled in Sonos App ? 
Will it be enable in the new app ? 
Is there a way to ask Sonos voice control to do it ?

No joke, your products will still be under warranty.

Whilst the hardware is great the app' is not fit for purpose with no end in sight for these problems.

You should consider taking the speakers back

How does your need to decry Sonos answer their question? Did they say they are having any issues with the app? 

The new sonos app is simply terrible! I know everyone knows that. But why has this not been removed and put back to the previous version until its fixed. 

I currently have £3k worth or unusable speakers which just say 'something went wrong every time'

This is terrible! I love sonos and always been a fan and introduced lots of people to the product. But it needs to be fixed!

Put it back until you have it fixed! Otherwise people's products are useless and not fit for purpose 

There was a proposal about them going back S2 16.0 a few days ago.

Should never have it abandoned anyway. I chose not to update but S2 16.0 no longer works

Anyway the point is they have since announced reverting to S2 16.0 is not possible.

With this much time gone, i have no confidence in them at all.

Best case scenario some features will be removed by stealth.


The new sonos app is simply terrible! I know everyone knows that. But why has this not been removed and put back to the previous version until its fixed. 

I currently have £3k worth or unusable speakers which just say 'something went wrong every time'

This is terrible! I love sonos and always been a fan and introduced lots of people to the product. But it needs to be fixed!

Put it back until you have it fixed! Otherwise people's products are useless and not fit for purpose 

There was a proposal about them going back S2 16.0 a few days ago.

Should never have it abandoned anyway. I chose not to update but S2 16.0 no longer works

Anyway the point is they have since announced reverting to S2 16.0 is not possible.

With this much time gone, i have no confidence in them at all.

Best case scenario some features will be removed by stealth.


Currently on 16.1 app and 16.1.1 firmware mine still works fine in fact before typing this I opened the app and played a random playlist it played instantly maybe you have updated firmware which does stop it working 

Yes, Spence has confirmed that they tried really hard to bring back S2 but it wasn't a nice experience (ironic!) so they're no longer looking at that option.

It's a shame that he is engaging directly with the Reddit community but not, as far as I can see, with his own Sonos one.

Yes, Spence has confirmed that they tried really hard to bring back S2 but it wasn't a nice experience (ironic!) so they're no longer looking at that option.

It's a shame that he is engaging directly with the Reddit community but not, as far as I can see, with his own Sonos one.


I have first hand experience of how horrific some members of this forum can be. I don’t blame Patrick Spence for not wanting to engage beyond the green banner. 

Yes, Spence has confirmed that they tried really hard to bring back S2 but it wasn't a nice experience (ironic!) so they're no longer looking at that option.

It's a shame that he is engaging directly with the Reddit community but not, as far as I can see, with his own Sonos one.


I have first hand experience of how horrific some members of this forum can be. I don’t blame Patrick Spence for not wanting to engage beyond the green banner. 

Me too, and it's nothing to some of the stuff on Reddit.

Yes, Spence has confirmed that they tried really hard to bring back S2 but it wasn't a nice experience (ironic!) so they're no longer looking at that option.

It's a shame that he is engaging directly with the Reddit community but not, as far as I can see, with his own Sonos one.


I have first hand experience of how horrific some members of this forum can be. I don’t blame Patrick Spence for not wanting to engage beyond the green banner. 

Me too, and it's nothing to some of the stuff on Reddit.

Wow, really? I’m not a r/ follower, so maybe best I avoid it..!

Currently on 16.1 app and 16.1.1 firmware mine still works fine in fact before typing this I opened the app and played a random playlist it played instantly maybe you have updated firmware which does stop it working 

Same here.
FW 16.1.1 and Android app 16.1 is a rock solid (C) duo.
Using it every day. No issues or limitations so far.


So pissed.  Almost every effin weekend something different that fails.

Fine yest, today wont play Amazon Music OR SONOS RADIO.  WTF!!! 



Close app, reset app. Just sucks.  Going BLUETOOTH FOREVER!

Since May I have been very critical of this update.....But since version 80.06.04 of August I no longer have any prohibitive defect. Only a few details, such as the display of the cover of the current disc on the speaker page and sometimes a certain slowness when starting up...... My configuration: pair of play5, 3 x era100, Android 11 Ui3.1, Spotify premium..

I am still very disappointed.  I had an old ipad that was not updated to the new app and had access to S2.  That seems to have gone away and the speakers that a few weeks ago worked with S2 now do not.

As far as the new app I have recently started to experience the era300 pair will show as playing music but there is no sound from the speakers.  This does not happen  on the older play1 pair.

Honestly waiting for what I consider a real improvement that required a complete rewrite of this app.

I have owned my Sonos system for over five years and it worked great until the new app.  I have an s5, 4 s1’s and 2 amps.  Working on the system off and on since May upgrade, ha, ha, I now have just one s1 that I can not get on my system.  I have tried to get my network to add it to my Sonos but it locks up Connecting to your play 1.  Nothing ever happens.  I let it run two times overnight and still at the same spot in the morning. Juar the four little dots bouncing up and down.  Is there a solution.  The app is working better than it did before the August update.  Does that mean there is hope for a fully functional app in the future?

I was just able to add my S1 to my system by using an iPad instead of my iPhone.  Why that made a difference who knows.  I was able to do this with help from the Sonos chat. 

I’ve stopped using the iphone app and use the MACOS app instead. Unfortunately, my wife now won’t use either and relies on me to access our network CD library for her listening. Fingers crossed that this will soon be resolved, but a recent (8/20) BillBoard article I read paints a dire picture for Sonos, not to mention this horrendous app that can’t seem to be fixed.

Who ever developed the new app should get fired. I’m seconds away to switching back to Bose.

This is undeniably a step backward...  

I think the tests for the new application were conducted on recent products like the Era...  

Here, with 6 rooms in my house equipped over the years with all the models from the Play:1 to the Arc, it has become nearly impossible to control the system without encountering an issue... Sometimes I have to wait 5 minutes and reboot multiple times just to group rooms and manage the volume...  

Sorry, but you’re losing your original supporters... You used to have the best software in the world of connected speakers... and now you're just like the others...  

Wake up!

Ever since we moved to S2 we have experienced disconnects, audi volume control issues and lost ability to use alarms! I am absolutely fed up and never going to buy another product if this continues! Now I have a semi useless audi system, and I want to throw it all away, so nobody else has the same headaches!

Ever since we moved to S2 we have experienced disconnects, audi volume control issues and lost ability to use alarms! I am absolutely fed up and never going to buy another product if this continues! Now I have a semi useless audi system, and I want to throw it all away, so nobody else has the same headaches!

Have you spoken to Sonos Support about the issues you’re seeing? - if not, here is the link to contact them…
