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Need possibility of adding delay in addition to the normal 70ms

  • 25 September 2012
  • 167 replies

Hi, I'm very excited about Sonos, and recently upgraded AV Receivers to be able to seamlessly switch inputs from CD/DVD/Phono/Sonos while using the Autoplay function in Sonos. Fantastic idea, (and very surprised not everyone's doing this), BUT I find that my system is no longer in sync (the Sonos P3's and P5 are ahead of the sound coming through the Connect via Hifi). I did not have this issue with the lower end Denon 1911, but I do now with the 3313. I can add delay with the 3313, but that doesn't help me since it's the other Sonos modules that are ahead of the Denon. Adding the possibility of adding delay (in addition to the required 70ms for processing) would make my system whole again.
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167 replies

Sonos, any news on this feature?
Any news?
Userlevel 3
Think this feature has been under consideration for too long!? Vote for this:
I understand that Sonos have an awful lot of ideas and improvements to consider, but feel that this one is pretty fundamental. Whilst the problem is technically not one with the Sonos system, given that many people have digital receivers (which add a slight delay to playback where there is no "direct" mode), this improvement is vital for Sonos to claim that there is simaltaneous and synched music in each zone! This is the main reason I bough a Sonos system and the lack of any manual delay has led me to consider ditching the whole lot (rather than ditching my more expensive receiver). I certainly no longer have any plans to extend the system. Synched zone playback is a joke! So please do consider this [minor] update and let us know the progress of any thinking around it.
Userlevel 3
I understand that Sonos have an awful lot of ideas and improvements to consider, but feel that this one is pretty fundamental. Whilst the problem is technically not one with the Sonos system, given that many people have digital receivers (which add a slight delay to playback where there is no "direct" mode), this improvement is vital for Sonos to claim that there is simaltaneous and synched music in each zone! This is the main reason I bough a Sonos system and the lack of any manual delay has led me to consider ditching the whole lot (rather than ditching my more expensive receiver). I certainly no longer have any plans to extend the system. Synched zone playback is a joke! So please do consider this [minor] update and let us know the progress of any thinking around it.
It's been passed to the product development team for review = Gone into black-hole...
Userlevel 3
It's effectively a little buffer, a trivial programming task that should take no longer than a few hours to implement not 7 months to consider. I find it incomprehensible that Sonos treat their customers in this way.
+1 from me.
After using Sonos for years with multiple zones throughout the house, the introduction of a new Yamaha AV, RX-A3020, this sync delay and Sonos' unwillingness to address it, was the straw that broke the camels back. I have off loaded the Sonos gear and have implemented zones using the streaming features of the AV. In addition to fixing the sync problem this has the added benefit of allowing me to play FLAC files. Now that most AVs provide streaming capability and iPad apps to control them, I think Sonos' days are numbered.
After using Sonos for years with multiple zones throughout the house, the introduction of a new Yamaha AV, RX-A3020, this sync delay and Sonos' unwillingness to address it, was the straw that broke the camels back. I have off loaded the Sonos gear and have implemented zones using the streaming features of the AV. In addition to fixing the sync problem this has the added benefit of allowing me to play FLAC files. Now that most AVs provide streaming capability and iPad apps to control them, I think Sonos' days are numbered.
Hi User50055, I also have an Yamaha AV, RX-1020. See that you have the big one but anyhow I wonder if you could specify a bit about how you use the streaming features by the AV? You are streaming from the Yamaha to what? or how do you mean. Would like to know more about your setup and solution to get rid of this ridiculous issue with the Sonos. Unfortunately they seem to not pay attention to their customers and I must say that it's a big problem for them. /John
After using Sonos for years with multiple zones throughout the house, the introduction of a new Yamaha AV, RX-A3020, this sync delay and Sonos' unwillingness to address it, was the straw that broke the camels back. I have off loaded the Sonos gear and have implemented zones using the streaming features of the AV. In addition to fixing the sync problem this has the added benefit of allowing me to play FLAC files. Now that most AVs provide streaming capability and iPad apps to control them, I think Sonos' days are numbered.
Hi John, My not too scientific way to do this is by using the zones on the Yamaha AV. I have them connected to different sets of speakers and I use the Yamaha (server option), to select the location of my music - in this case a FLAC subdirectory on my main Synology NAS server (but the MP3 files from my Synology NAS which sourced my iTunes and Sonos library work just as well). Using the Yamaha iPad app I can select the subdirectory and albums, selecting them exactly the same way as I did in Sonos. The sound delay was a really painful problem with the Sonos, having listened to music in party mode across all 3 or 4 zones for a number of years. Like I said previously, I had a number of zones throughout the house, a couple of units with the Sonos built in amp, another with the Play 5 and the main one streaming to my Yamaha amp. As soon as I upgraded my 12 year old Yamaha the sound delay was immediately obvious. I tried the cheaper Yamaha AV 673 at first (with the same result), but decided to upgrade to the 3020 to switch over to using the zones feature. I really can't believe it would be difficult for Sonos to fix this and by the sounds of it, has already started costing them customers. Personally I think that Sonos did very well with the simplicity and ruggedness of their system but with the new AV's and apps now on the market, they will be fighting to stay relevant - particularly by not being flexible with problems like this - or indeed the FLAC format in my case. Cheers, Paul
@SONOS: When can we expect a solution for this problem? I got a Connect a while back, and hooked it up to my receiver via a Coax-cable = very satisfied. Yesterday I got a Play:5, and the delay-issue immediately became apparent. The two components are not useable together, as it is now. The delay makes the sound very poor = unhappy customer.
+1 feature add otherwise, makes the connect product a little irrelevant. synching with larger sonos system is kind of the point.
Userlevel 4
Badge +5
+1 This feature is holding me back from adding one to two connect's, a 3rd Play 5, a Sub and a Play 3. Totally understand that it takes time, but if the answer is a flat no because it's simply not possible, well then, I think we'd all like to know.
Definitely a VERY needed option. I have a connect for my living room main system (onkyo receiver), which is working very well. I now added a play 3 to use in the kitchen, and it immediately became obvious that I cannot use the two together - there is a delay of about .3 seconds on the music via the connect, so if you're standing somewhere where you can hear both systems, you're going crazy because of the "echo" effect. I thought about adding more play 3 or play 5 for party mode, but I won't do that now, because obviously the living room system would be active during a party and "destroy" everything...
Purchased my first Sonos components 2.5 years ago now, and I'm still waiting for this to be added. I'm sure there are many more customers than on this thread who've been irritated with the issue, and simply no longer use their Sonos gear because of it. There have been similar requests in past threads that have simply died off - perhaps a Sonos representative can tell us whether this is ever going to happen?
unacceptable that this issue is still not resolved. i have stopped recommending sonos components to friends as this issue is a major flaw in the products. shame on you sonos!
Don't let the boilerplate "this has been forwarded to development teams" get your hopes up. Look at the discussion forums. This was reported years ago but hasn't changed so it is either something they consider a non-priority or is something they can't change due to hardware limitations.
This used to be a feature on older hw/sw, It was removed at some point because they resolved the sync issues...enter the modern AV system....we need it back SONOS!
I too have stopped using Sonos in my smart home deployments due to this issue...You can't put hardware with this issue in multi-million dollar homes and expect to stay in business (or get paid). I now use Elan and am tickled pink. Much more spendy, but way more powerful. And their developers actually respond to customer issues.
bump...see also
Another request for the manual synchronisation feature here! I've just bought a Connect for the living room and used our existing sound system there and now there's a horrible delay! The fact that the living room system is the loudest in the house means you can hear the delay in all the other rooms! This is a critical feature and quite honestly I'm surprised the Connect passed quality assurance testing as it is. It's not fit for purpose which is a real shame as the rest of the system is just SO good.
If anyone is looking for an AV receiver for use with Sonos, I just bought a Sony STRDH820 and was delighted to find there is no noticeable timing lag. Previously I tried a Yamaha xxx-371 and there was always an echo from the TV room, no matter what setting I tried. The Yamaha went back to the shop and I kept looking. None of the AVR manufacturers specify lag so it is impossible to know until one gets the AVR home (unless the shop is willing to demo with a Sonos system). For anyone interested, I am using an analogue input from a ZP-80, with all digital processing on the AVR switched off on that input channel. This normally means no subwoofer output, but luckily there is a "Multi-Stereo" setting that seems to work fine and sends a signal to the sub. Happy Days! Ok the sound is not quite as good as my outgoing stereo amp, but I couldn't use that to connect all my other gear together. My tip to anyone purchasing an AVR for use with Sonos is to make sure the store has a no-quibble refund policy since excessive lag won't necessarily be recognised as a reason to return.
Any update Sonos? Please. I have not been able to play music as a whole system for.. damn ..years now! This is all I want for Christmas.
Userlevel 3
Badge +5
+1, please!
birthday party at the house...need this to buy more speakers! sonos?!? pretty please?!? let me buy MORE of YOUR stuff! thx.
Userlevel 2
Hello all,

A few days ago, after ample consideration, I bought a Sonos Connect (to link my receiver) and 2 Play:5 units (for kitchen and study, both without doors adjacent to the living), after being assured by the salesman that Sonos could be integrated flawlessly with my current equipment.

After some testing (and some reading on the forum, to make sure it wasn't my fault) i found this is not always true. (By the way: for the test all units were grouped in one zone).
  1. Sound source: Sonos. Receiver in direct mode. Result: Audio is in sync.
  2. Sound source: Sonos. Receiver in digital mode. Result: Audio of receiver is delayed (due to the digital processing of the receiver). Solution: adjustable delay (of audio out) in Sonos, as proposed in this thread.
  3. Sound source: Receiver.  Result: Audio of Sonos is delayed (due to processing within the Sonos system) Solution: cannot be solved by Sonos, but should be addressed by the receiver.
Fortunately, all other functions worked just fine!!
Unfortunely, not solving this issue makes you feel listening to a public address system on an empty railway station, which seriously degrades this beautiful HiFi Sonos system.

I know that this issue has been brought to the attention of product development, but this was 11 month ago. Since than, the issue is marked "under consideration".

Assuming Sonos takes their (mostly enthousiastic) customers seriously, I think it is more than time for a serious update. Will this issue be addressed? Is it possible with the current hardware, or does it needs a hardware change? Etc.etc.

So Sonos, what's keeping you?

(Of course you know that in order to keep your customers happy, you should manage their expectations! Silence isn't going to do that for you....)