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My sonos player will not play music from my library. It will play pandora. How to I get it to access my itunes library??

  • 30 September 2013
  • 4 replies

I cannot play music from my itunes library through sonos on my mac laptop or from my ipad. I can however, play pandora. How do I connect to my itunes library??
Hi Jennifer, 

you will need to add the iTunes library using your Controller for Mac:


Daniel H. 
I can not access all of the music in my iTunes library. Some of it maps over but not all, including my playlists. I uninstalled Sonos and reinstalled and located my music folder. Still not working. Can you please help?
Hi Rivdog, welcome to the community. Firstly I would say that in general music library issues are usually easier to solve over the phone because we can do remote assistance and see exactly how you have your file structure set up. If you like I can make a support ticket for you, or you can just call in to our support number.

Other than that, Sonos will read the files in the location that you give it, if they are compatible. If Sonos cannot see some files then they may not be downloaded from the iCloud, or reside in a different folder. There is also the possibility that they are in an incompatible format, or copy protected. If you use iTunes for your music, then you will see copy protected files as having the format '.m4p' when you look at the properties of the music file itself.

Regarding the playlists, Sonos retrieves this data from an XML file called 'iTunes Music Library.xml'. This lives in your \Music\iTunes\ folder; the folder above the one set in iTunes preferences as the iTunes Media folder. If you have moved your music out of the default iTunes location, then we often see issues with this file not following the rest of the library to the new location. Do you know if you have moved your music to a new location on the computer?