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I know there are longer threads about the new app, but as this is a specific issue relating to Mixcloud I thought I would create a new topic

Since the update the only feature that works in the Mixcloud service is ‘favourites’. None of the ‘following’, ‘followers’, ‘uploads’, ‘stream’ etc have any content (despite all of them being populated in my separate Mixcloud app) . These are critical parts of the service, which allows me to search for music and which were present in the previous version. 

I have tried removing the service, then re-adding it, but to no avail. 

Is anyone else having any issues? 

12 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +14

I take it you can still open up “ My Profile” to get to Favorites? 

Userlevel 1

Yes, I can access My Profile, but then the various sub menus (apart from favourites) are empty

See the photo below


I am having this exact same problem.  This is a struggle because that’s where saved playlists are.  Its is almost like Sonos can’t go more than 2 clicks deep into the Mixcloud layered menu.  Anything after 2 clicks delivers an empty result. 

Userlevel 1

I am having this exact same problem.  This is a struggle because that’s where saved playlists are.  Its is almost like Sonos can’t go more than 2 clicks deep into the Mixcloud layered menu.  Anything after 2 clicks delivers an empty result. 


Reassuring, in some ways that’s it not just me

Do Sonos engineers read these threads and escalate the issues?

Moderator edit: Yes.


Is there a time line for a fix?

Mixcloud issues have been around for awhile now. No fix insight. Clearly Sonos wants to build Spotify-like service with their advertisement-based radio stations. Mixcloud does not fit into that strategy.   Sadly, that is what Sonos has become.  Ready to sell off my Sonos hardware unless Sonos reinstall unconditional support for Mixcloud.

Make your dissatisfaction with Sonos integration of Mixcloud (and maybe other Sonos issues) be heard.  Write Sonos CEO directly on

Hugely frustrating 

I’ve just moved into a house I’ve been refurbishing and have run everything ready for a SONOS network via LAN and cabling.

Installed first AMP and this Mixcloud issue still in place so I’m questioning buying 4 further AMPs, 2 soundbars and 2 Subs; those purchases very much on hold!!!

Having spoken to a friend seems I have cheaper options but I wanted to continue buying my SONOS installation but might have to sell that now.

Mixcloud is a massive App for me due to what I do with my music and fellow DJs so very important to me.

Loads of other issues with this clunky SONOS App update but this is the most important to me



Userlevel 1

Hugely frustrating 

I’ve just moved into a house I’ve been refurbishing and have run everything ready for a SONOS network via LAN and cabling.

Installed first AMP and this Mixcloud issue still in place so I’m questioning buying 4 further AMPs, 2 soundbars and 2 Subs; those purchases very much on hold!!!

Having spoken to a friend seems I have cheaper options but I wanted to continue buying my SONOS installation but might have to sell that now.

Mixcloud is a massive App for me due to what I do with my music and fellow DJs so very important to me.

Loads of other issues with this clunky SONOS App update but this is the most important to me



Yeah, still no sign of a fix. Similar to you, Mixcloud was my most used music service within Sonos. Seriously considering selling my whole system if these fixes don’t happen soon

Tried using BBC Sounds within Sonos this morning and the app literally wouldn’t let me select the stream I wanted - instead it just played whatever was next in its queue. 

This one really sucks, I used the MixCloud link all the time.

Oddly enough I just discovered that MixCloud features work properly in the Windows PC app, such as it is, so that at least seems to indicate that this is strictly a mobile app issue.

It’s not going to be “fixed” is it?!


I can’t wait any longer so it’ll be Roon and Bluesound for me with a couple of soundbars from other sources.

Funnily enough I might even enjoy building a new household system and break away from being a SONOS sheep

Mad that SONOS happy to alienate people who’ve been building systems with them; probably taking the corporate cannon fodder view on us customers now. 
All I wanted was that simple App they had and, most importantly, access to all the Mixcloud functions!!


Anyone want to buy a couple of hardly used S2 amps, 2 sets of Play 1’s, a Beam and a set of Flexson floor stands then let me know!!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @whoisandwhoisnt 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of the issue you are having trying to play from Mixcloud. Thanks for reporting - we have identified and issue and are investigating. There is no estimation for when a fix might be in place, but I will update this thread once one is.

This was reported “up the chain” when first posted, but there was no messaging to give you at the time. There still isn’t, but I’m just letting you all know we are looking into this.

I hope this helps.
