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Is Wyred 4 Sound's Sonos Connect upgrade worth it?

  • 3 February 2017
  • 28 replies

I"m a budding audiophile, but also really like the convenience of my Sonos Connect. Has anyone tried the Wyred 4 Sound upgrade to their Sonos Connect, and if so, can they tell me their experience or results?

As it's a $550 upgrade, I'm quite curious to know if it's worth it. Thanks!
The Sonos Connect is a great piece of kit, but sound via the RCA outputs isn't the final word in audio. A $550 dollar 'upgrade' to it is insane though IMHO! Mine is connected via co-ax to my hi-fi via a Musical Fidelity V90 DAC, which provides a definite improvement in sound over the stock RCA outputs, at a very modest price. The V90 is one of the best affordable DACs available, period. There's more detail and transparency, and better soundstaging and instrument placement with the external DAC vs the Connect's RCA outputs. I couldn't tell the difference between my current setup using 44.1/16 FLAC ripped CDs from a NAS and the original CDs played on a Resolution Audio Opus 21 2-box CD player, so I sold the CD player. I don't consider myself a 'golden-eared' audiophile - I have a very nice hybrid (tube preamp/transistor output) integrated amp bought second hand, modded a little by me and fitted out with better tubes. I build my own speakers (a good design made at home will wipe the floor with commercial products costing many times more), make my own interconnects and my own speaker cables. I like to try stuff out and won't keep something that doesn't sound better no matter how much it cost me. Some might argue that the Connect is limited by its 44.1/16 sample rate for lossless files, but I'm yet to be convinced of the difference in sound between CD quality and any of the so-called hi-res formats. Mathematically, the differences boil down to minute potential filtering artifacts. Audibly, I've yet to hear them....
Are you so naive to be gulled in by marketing targeted to audiophiles?

There is a reason for the invention of the word "audiophools".
As usually people on this forum are freaked out that something could better.

It's really obvious where Sonos' weakness are and the Connect is pretty lame for the price especially slice it has never been upgraded. Sonos just keeps milking those ancient products.

Are some of you really that insecure in your purchase that Sonos can do no wrong even when it's obvious how far behind they are in so many ways?

I usually just procrastinate on upgrades anyway.

My vote is for this option.
Interesting thread. I've considered the Wyred4Sound mod also. I have the Wyred4Sound STI-1000 amp, and it's far better than either of my other amps, one of which is a golden-age Sansui AU909. For most non-critical listening the Sonos Connect isn't bad, but since I already had a TEAC DAC, I ran the digital out into the TEAC (UD-301) and then ran a balanced (XLR) connection to my amp and it does have a better sound than using the Connect's audio output to my amp's RCA connection.. I'm not going to use silly descriptors of the difference but the sound is less tiring to my ears. I just don't know if I should pull the trigger on an upgrade while new streaming (like FLAC with MQA) is still such a young technology. It would be nice if we knew whether the onboard DAC in the Connect, a third party mod, or a new bit of hardware all together will be needed to support the new formats in a cost-effective way.

I usually just procrastinate on upgrades anyway.
Below a certain threshold, jitter is inaudible in any properly conducted double blind test ever tried. This is a fact. Audible noise from a properly performing power supply being present in a digital playback stream has never been shown by any properly conducted double blind test ever tried. This is also a fact.
Great. Now try it double-blind after level-matching within 0.1db, and get back to us... If you still hear a difference, they're coloring the sound, never a good thing.

Jitter is a measurable variable...certain types of power supplies are lower in noise noise than others...but it is not always financially advisable to pay for the best money can buy.

One may not reason himself out of a situation he did not first reason himself into...
Apart from all else, what does the mod do to reliability? Sonos warranty obviously will no longer apply.

According to Wyred4Sound the mod is warrantied for a year and if you buy the entire unit (connect+mod) from them then the Sonos and the mod is covered, by them I expect. I would also expect, as you said, Sonos would tell you to take a hike.

My connect was many years old so...

Fair number of connects floating about on Craigslist these days so picking one on the cheap and doing the mod is an option.
Ah, the "golden eared" types are amusing, so technically ignorant.
Familiar voiced problems with Connect:

1. It is too expensive

2. It is too cheap

3. The built in DAC sucks because there isn't enough price left for it by the low Connect price

4. It isn't good enough until it is modified, its clock isn't good enough

5. It is no longer bit perfect to the source and has lost its virginity

6. It doesn't have enough types of inputs/outputs

Sonos has a solution with more up to date tech in them - the play units/Sub, true play tuned for specific room response equalisation.

I look forward to the derisory noises🆒 but lacking golden ears, may not hear all of them.

The OP is missing, but hopefully that is because he escaped the audiophile jungle, not because he is ensnared in it somewhere.
Wow, I wouldn't want Tom Verlaine's guitar to be caged. Those Jaguars were meant to be free! Free Tom Verlaine! Free his guitar!

No, I'm past being annoyed by nonsense like this. Just bored now.

Great, Always strive for full spectrum emotions.

Back to OP question. I forgot to mention the stream source. I have been using Deezer elite which streams at Red Book standard 16/44. I thought I would try a different source for a listen. I switched over to RadioParadise which streams at aac 320 and is pretty good quality. The first tune that I compared was a little difficult to discern any difference. Then Nine came on from Patti Smith's Banga album. On the stock Connect Verlaine's tasteful guitar is their, present but caged. On the W4S it's unleashed into space and full bloom in the room. Bliss.🆒
No, I'm past being annoyed by nonsense like this. Just bored now.

Though the goldens ears thing was hysterical. Thanks for the laugh.
your forgot :8
Reliability is always a concern with modifications but this modification has been around for years. I have only been running mine for a few weeks and it has not had a single burp. I dropped it off at my local retailer to let those guys see what they thought. Coincidently, the Golden Ear reps were schedule later that week to demo on their new flagship Triton Reference Speaker (~$9K out the door). After listening to the Connect for a few days they thought enough of it to include it as a source along with a stack of Moon Audio equipment to drive the Tritons when they had a demo night of the product with a room full of potential customers. Wyred4Sound has been been around for 10 years now and they answer the phone. I would give Wyred4Sound a call and talk to them if I was thinking about a purchase, I did.
Apart from all else, what does the mod do to reliability? Sonos warranty obviously will no longer apply.
I forgot to mention the bass; flabulous just fullllabulous.
This thread should be pinned at the top of the board for matters of hilariousness. Evangelists of any acoustic religion shall rejoice reading through it.

Meanwhile in the real world, young people (possible future customers) are enjoying music through internal laptop and smartphone speakers...
Double sigh.
Let us pray upon the cold stark alter of neutrality
Great. Now try it double-blind after level-matching within 0.1db, and get back to us... If you still hear a difference, they're coloring the sound, never a good thing.
I just did some more direct comparison between the stock unit and w4s connect. On Tom Petty's Wasted Life song there is bongo/conga style percussion throughout the song. On the stock unit it's audible moving to the front between Petty's lyrical breaks. On the W4S it comes alive and is on full display with a nice tone. Even with my beleaguered hearing it's easy to tell the difference. Overall it just makes it makes for a more pleasant listening experience.
So they're adding some "audiophile" EQ, no doubt. Kinda like the tube amps with the secret sauce, nothing more than a not-flat response and low damping factor for flabby bass; simple to reproduce in DSP, but far less than optimal SQ.