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Class Action Suit over the destruction of the controller app, rendering many of the customers' products useless

I refer you toi the forum for volumes of details about this complete breakdown of the SONOS products through gross negligence.

It’s annoying right now, but in a month or so this should all be fixed so everyone can get back on with their lives. If it’s not, then Sonos is clearly struggling and customers will have given it a significant length of time to then enable recourse to legal exploration. Sonos’ next quarterly report is due to investors early August so I would imagine this is the absolute deadline to get this sorted. After that, then it feels open season for legal action but right now, all the while they have a (albeit shifting) roadmap to fixes, legal talk feels premature and disproportionate.

And we know why they didn’t leave 16.1 available as it didn’t support headphones, so two different versions of the app was presumably felt to be unworkable. Clearly they made grave errors of judgement there.


If i am not mistaken when Sonos first came about streaming was not a thing.

I understand that changing to demands and trends is essential for a business to survive.

However it beggars belief these features were somehow left out.

They said mid June this issue would be resolved, unless they meant June 2025.

I dont accept that leaving S2 16.0 was not an option because of headphones. 

Headphones are only one of their many products.

In the end a similar thing happened with S1 and S2. Today S1 is still available.

They had to reconsider their position due to complaints not acceptance from the placid.

I also remain on S2 16.0 as i managed to find somewhere to download and lock it off.

Sometimes it does not pay to be placid and accept things as they are which is what you advocate

It’s annoying right now, but in a month or so this should all be fixed so everyone can get back on with their lives. If it’s not, then Sonos is clearly struggling and customers will have given it a significant length of time to then enable recourse to legal exploration. Sonos’ next quarterly report is due to investors early August so I would imagine this is the absolute deadline to get this sorted. After that, then it feels open season for legal action but right now, all the while they have a (albeit shifting) roadmap to fixes, legal talk feels premature and disproportionate.

And we know why they didn’t leave 16.1 available as it didn’t support headphones, so two different versions of the app was presumably felt to be unworkable. Clearly they made grave errors of judgement there.


If i am not mistaken when Sonos first came about streaming was not a thing.

I understand that changing to demands and trends is essential for a business to survive.

However it beggars belief these features were somehow left out.

They said mid June this issue would be resolved, unless they meant June 2025.

I dont accept that leaving S2 16.0 was not an option because of headphones. 

Headphones are only one of their many products.

In the end a similar thing happened with S1 and S2. Today S1 is still available.

They had to reconsider their position due to complaints not acceptance from the placid.

I also remain on S2 16.0 as i managed to find somewhere to download and lock it off.

Sometimes it does not pay to be placid and accept things as they are which is what you advocate

I don’t advocate acceptance, simply measure and moderation.

After three months I am still unable to use MY music and yet Sonos seems able with each 'update' to add more Sonos benefitting services.  I can listen to Sonos radio which benefits Sonos with advertising revenue and after this one can pay Sonos a subscription fee.  I have seven Sonos devices.  That is at least £1500 worth of equipment that is now (for me) unusable.  I don't accept your apology and if it isn't sorted soon will begin a class action lawsuit against you.  I did not buy a system which required either listening to music that is not my choice and having to suffer through adverts whilst doing so.  Nor, to have to subscribe to a service to use my system.  You are in breach of contract.  Please do not release another Sonos benefitting service before sorting out the 'bricking' of the people who have purchased your products first.

I currently have a lawyer looking into what can be done. I have almost five thousand dollars in useless equipment. I would love to know if there is anyone that would be willing to participate. 

What happened to $5000 worth of kit in just 3 minutes, @beau_2 ? In one post you had “over $10k” but moments later it was “almost $5k”. 

Why don’t you compare notes with @JEHJEH who’s posted earlier in this thread. They consulted a lawyer 3 weeks or so ago. We’re still awaiting a progress report from them. 

Or, put out an appeal to any disgruntled user with legal expertise. Amongst Sonos’s thousands of users, there must be a lawyer amongst them. 

Took just two posts to screw up their nonsense.  Never seen someone expose themselves as a pile-on fraud so quickly.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

After three months I am still unable to use MY music and yet Sonos seems able with each 'update' to add more Sonos benefitting services.  I can listen to Sonos radio which benefits Sonos with advertising revenue and after this one can pay Sonos a subscription fee.  I have seven Sonos devices.  That is at least £1500 worth of equipment that is now (for me) unusable.  I don't accept your apology and if it isn't sorted soon will begin a class action lawsuit against you.  I did not buy a system which required either listening to music that is not my choice and having to suffer through adverts whilst doing so.  Nor, to have to subscribe to a service to use my system.  You are in breach of contract.  Please do not release another Sonos benefitting service before sorting out the 'bricking' of the people who have purchased your products first.


The latest update includes support for adding local music libraries (which could’ve been added via the PC/Mac app all along).  Make sure to follow the links on how to add a share before proceeding to add your library:

Took just two posts to screw up their nonsense.  Never seen someone expose themselves as a pile-on fraud so quickly. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Those two posts from beau_2 have absolutely made my day! I haven’t laughed so much in ages. 

So many people on this thread and others are planning to start a class action, setting a class action in motion, calling for expressions of interest in a class action, consulting with lawyers to start a class action…


Folks, please: use the system, contact one another via private message, and agree amongst yourselves on the best way forwards. Then share your findings with the rest of us. 

So many people on this thread and others are planning to start a class action, setting a class action in motion, calling for expressions of interest in a class action, consulting with lawyers to start a class action…


Folks, please: use the system, contact one another via private message, and agree amongst yourselves on the best way forwards. Then share your findings with the rest of us. 


There’s been at least three people who seemed serious about actually consulting a lawyer.  They haven’t posted back since.  That should be a clue to anyone who thinks a suit has merit.  

I currently have a lawyer looking into what can be done. I have almost five thousand dollars in useless equipment. I would love to know if there is anyone that would be willing to participate. 

I would. 

Thank you for being a member of The Sonos Community. We, the community team, are not equipped to deal with legal matters in our Community. Your legal representative can guide you on how to get in contact with Sonos from a legal perspective. This thread will now be closed to any further posts.