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BBC Sounds / ‘continue listening’

Since the app update the ‘continue listening’ section within the BBC Sounds music service doesn’t work - whenever a title is selected it just starts from the beginning. 
Is this likely to be fixed anytime soon, because it’s really annoying?

22 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

Welcome back to the Sonos Community! And, apologies for the delay.

In our own testing, we were able to resume a podcast from within the Continue Listening section from where it was left off. So, we were unable to reproduce this issue.

As a result, I recommend that you try removing BBC Sounds from your Sonos system, then adding it again.

Remove a music service account from Sonos

Add a music service to Sonos

This is all presuming that it was podcasts that you had the issue with, of course. If this is not the case, please let me know specifically what content you are having problems with.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Corry P and thanks for responding. 
Just tried removing the service and adding it and I’m sorry to say that’s made no difference. 
Whatever piece of content I play from the ‘continue listening’ section of BBC Sounds, whole shows or podcasts, it always starts again every time. This doesn’t happen on the desktop app or the third-party app SonoPhone, so it’s specific to the new app (iPhone and web app). 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

Sorry to hear that did not help. As I mentioned, we are unable to reproduce this issue.

Could you please let me know exactly what content is not resuming for you, please? We’d like to test with the same content.

While waiting, please try a reboot of all your Sonos devices (unplug for a moment) and of your phone. If that does not improve matters, please also try a reboot of your router - please switch it off for at least 30 seconds. Thanks.

Please also ensure that your Sonos system and the Sonos app are fully up-to-date. Settings icon » Manage » System Updates » Check for updates, and go to App Store to manually check the app.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 4
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Thanks for the quick response. It’s literally anything I play so I could give you a specific title but I don’t think it would help as you’re saying it’s not happening for you. One example, though, is the ‘Mindful Mix’ show. 
I will try a reboot when I have a bit more time. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

Thanks. We are still unable to reproduce your results, even with that particular podcast.

As a result, and if the reboots/updates do not help, I’d like to also try a reset of the Sonos app - please go to User icon » App Preferences » Reset App » Reset. Reopen the app afterwards, skip past the introduction and opt to connect to an existing system, then sign in.

I hope this helps.


Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Thanks @Corry P 

I’ve tried everything you suggested and it’s still the same. 
Just to stress again it doesn’t happen on the PC app or the SonoPhone app - when I ‘continue listening’ anything on them it continues, to the second, from where I left off, it’s only when I use the new Sonos app (this is the same for my partner, incidentally). 
Are you testing on an iPhone?

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Simon_140 

I am sorry to hear that.

We were testing with an Android device - I’m not sure that any UK staff (it needs to be UK as BBC Sounds service is not supported outside of UK) actually has an iPhone. 

Could you please submit a support diagnostic after recreating the issue? Please let me know here when you have done so, but don’t share the given number - I’ll find it without. Thanks.

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Corry P I think it may be an iPhone/new Sonos app issue then, maybe? My partner also has an iPhone.

I have just submitted a diagnostic.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

Possibly. Thanks - I’ll forward that to my colleague for investigation and get back to you soon.

Userlevel 4
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Thank you! Having said that though, as I mentioned before it also doesn’t work on the new web app, either, whereas it does on the existing PC app.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

Yeah, that still makes sense - the new app and the web app work in similar ways, both different from the older methods that our old apps used (including Desktop). It might be that we have found a discrepancy between the new Android app and the new iOS app, however.

Userlevel 5
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I can also try this when i get home, UK with iphone...

Userlevel 5
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It works ok for me, BUT is very slow and time slider bar jumps to zero then back to correct time on one, eventually sound out speaker is correct , It’s clunky i guess doing cloud handshaking and encryption etc..

Userlevel 4
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Thanks @paulrw for checking, but I wasn’t talking about any of that. This is very specifically about the ‘Continue Listening’ function of BBC Sounds. 


Userlevel 5
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Yeah, i pressed on my continue listening tiles, and they all worked, but a bit slow response.

Userlevel 4
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Thanks @paulrw. Sorry I misread your post. 
That’s very weird, all of mine just go back to the start every time.  

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

An update for you: we have created a ticket for this issue and are investigating. I’ll update here on this thread once the issue has been resolved in a future update.

Thanks again for flagging!

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Corry P, thanks for the message. I’ll look out for an update.

Userlevel 5
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Looks like some UK staff have iphones afterall…..who knew 😜

Again not a problem for me, but we might have different iphones etc etc…...

Userlevel 7
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Hi @paulrw 

Looks like some UK staff have iphones afterall…..who knew 😜

Hehe. Nope - it was the diagnostics that did it.

14 years of, well, you-know-what, means we can’t afford them. 😂


Userlevel 4
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Hi @Corry P, any developments with this at all?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Simon_140 

I am unable to see progress - I only know if it is resolved or not, and it has not yet been resolved.
