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Is there a feature to speed up play? This is a useful and common feature on other podcasts and audiobook apps.
Another vote for this feature: I use Storytel through Sonos to listen to audiobooks but at regular speed it just takes way too long, my attention drifts because it's so much slower than my own reading speed.
Hey, Sonos,

Please make this happen already, as it is holding me back from buying further sonos speakers.
Another vote for variable speed playback on podcasts. I would tell your tech team this is table steaks and request they add to your roadmap ASAP. The lack of this functionality will limit adoption and more importantly stop users from expanding their sonos because they will be forced to use alternative bluetooth or wireless speakers to accomplish their podcast playback.
It's been almost a year since this feature request was made here. Yet not one response that this has been put in the development queue, that meetings to plan for it has been held, that research has begun, that any resources have been tapped to actually do something.

When is actual progress going to happen?
This is yet another massive disappointment from Sonos. Especially given they’ve now removed the play directly from iPhone feature.

Not being able able to play back at 1.25x makes the audible function unusable. Back to walking round my house with my phone in my pocket and headphones on while the Sonos sits unused and unusable.

I thoroughly regret ever buying Sonos, it’s been a complete waste of money from start to finish.

The quality of the speakers is excellent but the terrible app wholesale wrecks the enjoyment of listening to music or any kind of audio.
Any updates on this? I am scratching my eyes out at the slow normal speed, and bailing on Sonos for Audible! It’s torture! Let me speed up please!
Am amazed this still can't be done, such a basic feature for any podcast player, come on Sonos!
Hi Keith,

Any developments in the works for adjustable play speed?

Thanks much,

Hello there, Jorts1302. Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community. Currently, this feature isn't available on Sonos. In the meantime, I am happy to forward this topic along to the team for consideration and visibility. Thanks again for the feedback and keep it coming.
Thanks, but important to say that this is not just about Audible, this request is also about the general playback of Podcasts which is via the TuneIn radio function.

Every other podcast player supports a speed adjustment feature, I hope Sonos can catch up soon.

Hi folks,

We don't have any updates right now regarding this feature. I'll add your voices to the feature request for adjustable play speed on Audible.
Another vote for variable playback and external app playback interface (casting features). I'm willing to accept a decrease in audio quality to support more features if necessary.

Hey, I want to upvote this feature.


It is impossible for me to listen to an audiobook at normal speed.…

The Sonos app is just a remote for the speakers. If such a feature is implemented on Sonos, it has to be the system (or an external server) that does the work.

This feature is a must have for me too. Deal breaker if it's not there.
It can still be done on iOS devices, using the AirPlay 2 function.
Hi Tom! Thanks for checking in. No new developments. Just gave this a shot using Direct Control on the Audible app. Got this error message.

Once we get more information I'll be sure to update this topic as well as post an announcement on the Community.

Thanks again!

Adding a vote for adjustable speed! Off the Sonos system, I use Audible, Hoopla and Libby for audiobooks, and Overcast for podcasts. ALL of those apps allow for variable playback speed and it is a game-changer! This NEEDS to be a feature on Sonos if I’m going to start using the system for spoken-word content. Until then, it’s Bluetooth headphones for me...

Honestly astonishing that this feature doesn’t exist, despite being requested for years. Many podcasts are literally unplayable without this feature on Sonos. I have had Sonos systems for over a decade and have been the biggest booster...I am horrified to find out this is a limitation of the system now that I’ve finally picked podcasts back up.

Get with it, Sonos. We need this feature.


Sonos, please make this feature (adjust playback speed, faster/slower for all devices) available.
Sonos, are you listening to your user base? Its been more than 3 years with no news or information on this feature. 




I was under the impression that any speaker system would accommodate variable play speeds as long as the app that is playing the music does.

It’s embarrassing for Sonos that they are not on top of this. My 2015 Hyundai plays at variable speeds..but these speakers do not. I won’t be buying another until Sonos wakes up and fixes this.

Won't be using sonos to play podcasts or ebooks. Amazing that this basic feature isn't supported. Lack of variable speed is a deal breaker for me.

That might be a feature added in after the ‘legacy/modern’ split in May, but I would imagine that Sonos would have to update their API, publish it, and then get the third parties to pull it in to their own server code. I’d imagine it doesn’t exist in the current API codebase.


i.e not a quick change to implement, but not impossible. 

I shouldn't have to walk around my house playing podcasts on my phone's speaker when I have $2000 worth of Sonos speakers throughout the place.

Get a Roam and/or use AirPlay. My wife uses our Roam to listen to her books, bringing it with her as she moves around the house. She AirPlays to it from whatever book app she is using.


If you don’t want to carry the Roam with you, then you could group the bluetooth audio with the other rooms in your house.


As a general comment on the request though, when listening to audio on a single device, you can download the content to create a large buffer, which makes it easier to play audio at faster speed.  With multiroom audio, one of your speakers/rooms is downloading the audio and then has to share the audio with the other Sonos rooms that it’s grouped with.  A bit more challenging I would think.

I shouldn't have to walk around my house playing podcasts on my phone's speaker when I have $2000 worth of Sonos speakers throughout the place.

Get a Roam and/or use AirPlay. My wife uses our Roam to listen to her books, bringing it with her as she moves around the house. She AirPlays to it from whatever book app she is using.