I’ve been using Sonos for 8 years now, with 10+ devices, and never had any issues. I have always had either a bridge, or hardwired one speaker into my router.
I purchased a mesh WiFi a few weeks ago, and upon initial setup, everything on my Sonos network was working great. I had hardwired one of my speakers into a node that was being used as a bridge. Within the last few days I’ve been having all sorts of troubles with my Sonos. Today, my iPhone shows all my devices present, but my iPad only shows 4 devices. My surround (setup as basement) says that it is not configured, and one of the speakers does not play anything.
I realize that this is probably having to do with the mesh setup (which I have since uninstalled), but I have no idea how to get things back to the way they were.
Any help would be appreciated, as I’m at my wits end!