Acquired some used ZonePlayers(ZP120, ZP90) from my neighbor and unable to manage them using the S1 app, because the software on the device is so old ( 14.5-40190c ). Getting error 11 when trying to initiate SW update. Can’t even send diagnostics, but, using the mini controller I am able to get the device to play ‘radio’ so that leads me to think the network connection is ok.
In any case, I’ve simplified the network setup and have the ZP directly connected to the cable modem, no wifi router in the middle, and still no luck. Internal logs don’t really have much detail either…
hThu Jan 1 00:11:58 1970] <diag:topology,1> Unable to submit diagnostics. Response from server: noneoThu Jan 1 00:12:03 1970] <diag:topology,1> Unable to submit diagnostics. Response from server: noneoThu Jan 1 00:26:50 1970] <diag:topology,1> Unable to submit diagnostics. Response from server: none
I’m a bit concerned that the device can’t seem to reach NTP either. Talked to the chat support but they weren’t able to help yet… advised me to call into the phone support on Monday to continue troubleshooting.
Before then, just thought I would reach out to see if anyone experienced anything similar.