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Unable to Connect

  • 12 December 2020
  • 5 replies

My Sonos devices are unavailable on random occasions. No obvious pattern. 

I am playing music on the Sonos One in my kitchen try to add another room to the group and get the message ‘Unable to connect to device.   Try again later’ (see screenshot below) 

All other wireless devices (phones, PCs, iPads, radiators, cctv etc) work fine, only Sonos seems to have this issue. Does anyone have any ideas? When every other device works fine I feel this is likely to be a Sonos issue rather than anything else. I’m really getting a bit fed up with this problem randomly occurring, especially considering the amount this equipment costs. Ideally I would like to email the below screenshot to Sonos and ask them to look into it but I can’t seem to find a support email address.

I submitted a diagnostic report with reference: 787715455 if anyone can do anything with that.

Any ideas welcome! 


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5 replies

And in the time it took me to post this it is now working! This is how random it is!

Does anyone have any ideas? Do Sonos monitor this forum?

Other problems that occur are:

Different rooms randomly unavailable

Audio cutting out in a room and occasionally one side of a stereo pair

Sonos overlay not appearing on IOS Lock Screen (sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not)


My set up is:

Garden room: Play 3 stereo pair

Kitchen: Sonos One

Living Room TV: Playbase, Sub and 2x surround play 1s

The furthest any of the speakers are from my router is around 8m



Randomly unavailable and cutting out, as well as unable to connect to device are all indicators of the speakers having issues maintaining a connection, either to your router, or to each other. Most frequently, this is due to wifi interference of some type, so it’s worth reviewing the linked FAQ. However, there’s also a possibility of duplicate IP addresses, an issue that frequently arises around times of software updates, due to the soft reboot the Sonos does to update. This causes the Sonos to request new IP addresses from your router, and if the router is in a bad state, the Sonos can receive duplicate IPs. 

So, if nothing in the interference FAQ helps, you might try a simple network refresh, by unplugging all Sonos devices from power, then rebooting your router. Once the router comes back up, you can plug back in the Sonos devices, and thry’ll get fresh and valid IP addresses from the refreshed router. 

There are Sonos forum moderators here, but you may want to submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis.

Oops. I scrolled back up and saw you did submit a diagnostic, so I’d encourage you to call in, if neither of my suggestions work. 

Thanks Bruce,  I will give the reboot with Sonos powered down a try! Then give Sonos a call. Tbh it is one of those frustrating issues that has come and gone almost the entire time I have had the system with this being the first time it occurred when I had time to start looking into it! 

Will keep posted on what I find.