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Hi there,

I'm new on the community but would like to explain my feature request (Excuse me if in the wrong Sub Forum).
Would like to play a alarm tune via alarm section.

But when the system is at 10% volume and would like to play my alarm tune at 75% the volume will fade in. But as my alarm tune is 3 seconds. the volume is around 18% when the tune is already over.

Would be nice and handy if you can choose when creating the alarm if you would like to have fade in or directly the requested volume for multiple purposes.

Is this possible to create in future update?



Hi @agrovenstein92.

Welcome to the Sonos community and thanks for reaching out to us. I understand that it can be quite a hassle not to be awakened by the alarm set due to cross-fade. Let me help you out.

I would like to ask if we can try to Toggle Crossfade in the Sonos app to create a smooth transition on/off between songs in the queue. On mobile devices, navigate to the Now Playing screen and tap ellipsis.png to show the Crossfade switch. On a Mac or PC, the crossfade.png Crossfade icon is located at the top of the screen in the Now Playing controls. Then can we observe if the fade still happens when the alarm is triggered? This is a shot in the dark that may or may not work. Its work trying.

Please let us know how it goes. We are always here to help.


Hi Paul A,

Thanks for your suggestions, but this won't help.
Need the option by configuring a alarm that you can choose if you want to directly have the requested volume or the Fade In option (Fade In is now default, it will go slowly to the requested volume).

Hope this is much clearer than previous message ;-)

Hi @agrovenstein92.

Thanks for the immediate response and feedback.

If that is the case, let me send this up to our engineering team to take a look into. I would like to suggest subscribing to this thread and to our announcement topic so you can be up to date with feature releases, updates, and bug fixes.

Please do not hesitate to reach out or create a topic if you still have further questions or concerns. We are always here to help.
