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Amp stops playing but App thinks it is still playing

  • 15 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Amp stops playing but App thinks it is Still going. Selecting a different room to add then causes app to crash. Pretty consistently. I got a diagnostic ****** after. 

If it’s in a group it drops in and out. 

I got six new Amps and only this one is giving me problems. 


Moderator Note: Recorded and removed Diagnostic Number. Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

2 replies

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Why can’t I contact Sonos via chat? Says I’m blocked??? Is that because I posted a diagnostic number here?

Why can’t I contact Sonos via chat? Says I’m blocked??? Is that because I posted a diagnostic number here?

Their chat maybe busy perhaps? We’re you attempting to get in touch with their Support via this link?

Have you perhaps tried calling them? Just to add here too, have you considered simply swapping out the Amp with the issue, for another Amp, just to see if that changes anything? 

There is also a new Sonos update due soon apparently, so you may want to see if that may make any difference too. If you’re okay to wait that is, I understand the update is due some time this week.
