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Towards the end of last year I was being offered the trade-up deal on my “Connect”. I didn’t have time to deal with it around Christmas so I left it. Having heard recently about software upgrades being terminated for legacy products, I went back to take another look.  I was surprised to find that my “Connect” is now described as a “modern product” and the trade-up offer appears to have been withdrawn.

What’s going on here? How can my device be more up to date now than it was last year?


What is the manufacture date of your Connect? (first four YYMM of the serial number, after the letters and before the MAC part)

Sonos has acknowledged they had a few database errors that had early and late Connects mis-flagged so yours could have been one of that set.

I do have the same observation as m1maj.

My Connect was listed for trade up and screamed to be replaced. Finaly once I became convinced – “puff” it dissaperared and my Connect shows itself now as “modern device”...

Why Sonos is messing it up even more?

@Stanley_4 : Honestly I do not care. One day I can trade up and next I cannot...?

Database errors? After 4 months?


I think it was more like two days from the time they were identified until the database errors were corrected.

How long they existed and remained undiscovered I have no idea. Until the Trade Up deal came along the Modern / Legacy classification didn’t exist and the device version was of no consequence.


Sonos made a dumb error in not making it clear that only pre-2015 Connects were tradeable, the post-2015 ones have newer internal hardware.

The status page sorts them out properly:

Sorry Stanley I have to disagree. This original announcement stated this clearly.


This may be something that you should contact our support team directly for, they would be happy to look into this with you.

@Ryan S, I already did. They were helpful and accepted my 2016 Connect to trade in program. I should wait now for a return sticker and sent Connect back to Sonos. Once done I shall get notification in Sonos app that 30% discount is granted.

Thanks Sonos. I hope.

I dug my original Trade_up announcement Introducing Sonos Trade Up - 10/31/19 out of my e-mail and I’m not seeing that, no specific devices are listed but the Connect, Connect Amp and gen 1 Play 5 are pictured.

There is are some links but they just bring up an “expired” page.

The My System page had issues with correctly flagging Connect version too.

Thanks to everybody for your replies. It looks like my Connect was indeed one of the ones misidentified as “legacy”. To be fair to Sonos, at no point did they ever tell me that my device would become unsupported or stop receiving updates, but I did get several messages encouraging me to do the trade-up. The offer persisted for several weeks.

I almost did it. Other things being equal I would quite like to have Airplay support in my system, and upgrading from a Connect to a Port would have achieved that. However I would have been a bit upset if I had later found out that I’d bricked a perfectly usable and supportable device.


Maybe u are Lucky I did it and my Port no longer works with Linein

Maybe u are Lucky I did it and my Port no longer works with Linein


Jumping the gun a little, aren’t we?  Most people wait until they are actually contacted by support before they state something no longer works. 

Problem solved by Sonos


  1. Your original post was over the weekend.  Only Twitter and Facebook are covered then.
  2. It is 7:40 AM on the west coast, which is where the forum support personnel are located.

But if I were to hazard a guess, the Port comes with “Autoplay” set to ‘Off’ and the “Default Autoplay Room” undefined.  Go into the Line-In settings for the Port and change those settings. 

I take my remark solved back !

It fixed the initial problem but I have the problem where when I have no sound

1: I need to stop and start the linein or

2: Pull the power cable to restart the connect



Maybe I should reinstall the old box !!