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UK voucher code for Echo dot

  • 16 October 2017
  • 64 replies

Email received today with promotional offer on Echo dot for existing Sonos customers. However, this does not seem to be valid for customers in the UK. Is there another code to use? or is this offer exclusively for Sonos customers in the US?
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64 replies

Userlevel 1
I would think having bought x6 play-1’s that have been registered with Sonos quality’s don’t you think? and Just to add I’m signed up for marketing under my profile.
So reckon the issue lies with poor implementation on Sonos, as confirmed with other folk in a similar situation as myself.

And with regards to amazon prime etc, yes I am also a member of these. Doubt you need to be a amazon member for such things.
Yeah this was really badly done and pretty dishonest. They got loads of press for offering $25/£25 off to ALL CUSTOMERS.


Then in reality as we now know they have done no such thing.
Userlevel 1
Giving Sonos the benefit of the doubt, it would be good if a Sonos representative could give us some answers in response to this. As clearly a number of folk have not been given such as offer as advertised even though we all clearly qualify.

Rather than the standard response that the offer is now off the cards, and to ensure we get these in the future we need to sign up to marketing promos under our profiles.
Sonos Support appear to have stopped responding to DMs. Have 7 Sonos devices at home and amazon prime membership yet only heard about this from The Verge. Disappointing that when Sonos finally catch up with the wider market (this and the Airplay 2 statements) the marketing department aim low and shoot themselves in the foot.
Userlevel 7
Badge +26
At this time the team is out of coupon codes for this limited promotional event. If you didn't get sent a code and you'd like to make sure you get in for the next ones, check to make sure your system is set to receive product information and promotions. That way, you'll be on the list the next time something like this comes around.

@Halonic, I just took a look and your account isn't flagged to receive promotional information, so you'll want to turn that on by going to your account page on the website.

If your account was flagged to receive promotions, and you had Sonos and an Amazon account, you should check your email to make sure there isn't something hidden in a spam folder from us. The title of the email is
"Sonos + Amazon Alexa is here." and the code would be listed halfway down under a section called "Special Offers".

We're glad you're excited for this promotion and if you're still really hoping to take advantage of it but didn't get a code, you can give a call over to the Amazon support line, they may be able to help you out.
Amazon is not interested and are referring people in this direction - what a mess up!
My Account is flagged to receive promotional information but I have not received any email offer 😞

Press around this offer is really misleading, may be we should complain to a higher authority (advertising standards or trading standards)
Still not recieved my promotional email......
I haven't received the offer either. Emailed support but got no response. Bad experience all round 😞
6 speakers, on the beta test programme and no say I am disappointed is an understatement!!
Userlevel 1
Had some continuous dialogue with Sonos support on this issue. But continually get useless responses and just repeatedly saying you have to register devices in a supportable region and sign up for marketing info. Doh! Feeling like I'm dealing with scripted monkeys with no sense n reasoning!
I can't seem to get any sense of intelligence from these folk! As Ive already register all play1 devices in uk and signed up for marketing if they ever bothered to check my profile setup! Honestly the Worst support service EVER!

What's more disappointing is that Sonos are clearly not even monitoring these forums on the bad press it's generating for their existing customers.
Sonos please take note and address this issue for you existing customers that you have let down!
If your account was flagged to receive promotions, and you had Sonos and an Amazon account, you should check your email to make sure there isn't something hidden in a spam folder from us. The title of the email is
"Sonos + Amazon Alexa is here."

Thanks, Ryan, I've found it! My work spam filter had been over enthusiastic. I've now ordered for delivery tomorrow. Depending on how it goes, I may replace the kitchen Play:1 with a One and move the Play:1 to my den to make a stereo pair.
I just went on live chat with Amazon customer service, told her I owned 2 Sonos products and was very disappointed that I didn’t receive a discount code. She said there had been a technical problem with sending out the codes - told me to place an order for the Dot and she took £25 off there and then! Fantastic service from Amazon and looking forward to trying it out tomorrow 🙂
ordered my echo dot with discount code last thursday arrived next day, very happy thanjs sonos and amazon