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Move - issues with grouping and playback

  • 10 January 2020
  • 44 replies

Hello.  I’ve got an issue with Move -

If I commence playback when all players are grouped together, it will not playback on my Move, but will play on all non Move speakers in the group

If I commence playback on the Move, and then add all other players to that group, then all will play the source music as normal

The non Move players (three of them) are all on a Sonosnet Boost wired connection.  The Move is on 2G wi-fi (not using an extender)

Anyone else having this issue, and an/or any suggestions for a remedy?


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44 replies


They have said its wireless interference, have messed around with channels but no luck, every other wifi device is fine, not sure what to do, if its interference why sometimes when I have all my speakers grouped does the move play first and all others catch up 15 to 20 seconds later and then drop out occasionally, if I switch off the move and remove the wifi network from the app everything runs fine, think the move is the issue

It seems if you start playing music on the move first then add in the other speakers you get the dropouts, if you start with the other speakers then add the move in last it apears fine

The Jarv,

If you have the Move set on the 5ghz band, then you do not need the 2.4ghz WiFi credentials set in ‘Settings/System/Network/Wireless Setup’ in the Sonos App, so hopefully if those credentials are stored there, then remove them anyway. 

That said however, I would perhaps switch the Move to the 2.4ghz band anyway, that’s if the 5ghz band is just not working for you.. you might also want to try putting all your speakers onto your WiFi connection if you are finding that SonosNet is not working for you, but try it on all three non-overlapping channels it has available via the App, before opting to switch all devices to your WiFi. (often called ‘station-mode‘ by Sonos Staff).


So I brought a new router one that lets me split the 2.4ghz and 5ghz channels (unlike my Broadband Provider) put move on 2ghz band, still getting droupouts, its worse when I play music first on the move and group other speakers in, beginning to think this is a product design issue

So I brought a new router one that lets me split the 2.4ghz and 5ghz channels (unlike my Broadband Provider) put move on 2ghz band, still getting droupouts, its worse when I play music first on the move and group other speakers in, beginning to think this is a product design issue

I can’t see this being a sonos product design issue as there would be far more complaints about it already, here in the community ...and it’s certainly not something I’ve noticed with either of my two sonos Moves.

  • How many sonos rooms are you grouping with the Move?
  • Have you perhaps checked your sonos matrix via a web browser, using the URL: http://(Sonos device IP address):1400/support/review to see if you may have interference surrounding any of your devices? Lookout for any section that is perhaps coloured red in the matrix grid.
  • Are your other Sonos devices running on the same WiFi signal, or have you put them on SonosNet and ensured wireless channel separation? (Set it at least 5 channels away).
  • Have you tried moving other non-sonos network devices off the 2.4ghz band (where practicable) and seeing if reducing any other traffic may assist?
  • Have you switched off the WiFi on your original router (if you have bridged the new router to it), to prevent potential channel interference?

Those are just a few things, that spring to mind, to perhaps look at initially.



Thank you, that network matrix is really interesting, all my speakers are green apart from the two sat on a bookshelf in my living room which are orange, my connect amp which is lower down next to these speakers is yellow, the wall these are alongside backs onto my neighbours living room, wondering if he has something that could be interfering with the signal?

If the matrix grid squares are either Green, Yellow, or Amber then you should be okay, but maybe try a different WiFi Channel for your new routers 2.4ghz band .. use channel 1, 6 or 11 as they are non-overlapping channels and see if that helps to sort it.

Userlevel 4

Hi all, lots of useful information in this thread but I’ve still not been able to solve my Move grouping problem.

I’ve just added a Move and two Fives to my system and updated to S2 (after removing a Connect ZP90, an S5 and a Play 5 Gen 1). All works fine except for problems grouping the Move with other Sonos units. It shows as grouped and I can move the volume slider etc but no sound comes out of the Move. Un-group it and the Move works fine on its own (on both wifi and Bluetooth). All of my other Sonos units are connected to SonosNet via a Boost and the Move is on my 2.4GHz wifi. After reading this thread I’ve tried the Move on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wifi, tried SonosNet on channels 1, 6 and 11, and on my router changed the Channel setting from Auto to Channel 1 (2.4GHz) but the grouping problem remains. To clarify, if I start playing another speaker and add the Move then the other speaker continues playing and the Move is silent, if I start playing from the Move and add another speaker then the Move keeps playing and the other speaker is silent. Router is a TP-Link Archer D9 with pretty much standard default settings. 

I hadn’t looked at it before but the info on the matrix was useful but I’m struggling to understand what it is telling me although there does look to be an absence of data related to the Move and I guess that ties up with my problem? Also noticed that all units except Move show Mode Infra (sonosnet) operating on channel 2437 Home channel is 2437 whereas the Move shows as Mode infra (station) operating on channel 2412 Home channel is 2437.

More minor issue but also puzzled why the two Fives (Conservatory L & R) show as white in the left column although link to Boost looks good.

Really appreciate it if anyone can interpret what is going on here.





This sound's like what I experienced, my issues start when I play music on the move (which is fine) then add in other speakers on SonosNet and as you describe the issues begin, however if you start music on the SonosNet speakers then add in the move last its fine, I solved mine by removing the boost and going fully wireless, it must be how this mixed system works?

john sav,

Just to add the matrix is only for devices running on the internal SonosNet Connection and even then the information shown in the matrix is depleting with the more modern sonos products, so what your are seeing within the grid is unlikely anything to do with the Move issue which operates on the local wifi, unless the other devices it’s grouped with, are showing high levels of interference. but all looks fine in your case.

I’m wondering if the WiFi networks are ‘isolated’ from your wired LAN .. you might want to check your router manual and remove any isolation that maybe set in place by default.

Userlevel 4

Hi Ken, many thanks for explaining the matrix, very useful.


Your comment on isolation between WiFi and LAN certainly makes sense and would explain the problems I’m having, however I’ve just checked the router settings, there is something called Enable Client Isolation under wireless advanced settings which I guess is the bit I’m looking for but that is unchecked on both 2.4 and 5GHz so doesn’t look like that’s the cause. I can’t see anything else that would stop the WiFi communicating with the LAN but that does sound like what is happening. Specific router is TP-link AC1900 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit ADSL2+ Modem Router.

If anyone has any other ideas I’d be really grateful.

Thank you all!



John Sav,

To see if it’s possibly the router at fault, maybe switch your 'other' sonos devices 'temporarily' to your 2.4ghz WiFi signal to (hopefully) join your ‘Move’ on the same signal and see if it then works.


If it does work, then it seems there might be something not working/communicating correctly across the wired and wireless connection. This could be an SSDP discovery issue… I would also check to see that your router is using the latest updated firmware, which may resolve the matter.


Controllers locate Sonos devices using SSDP, (the UPnP discovery protocol). This is sent as UDP multicast and broadcast.. so maybe check if UPnP, or perhaps a ‘SSDP Discovery' setting is enabled within the router settings and see if that assists.


This is mine now after removing the boost, purchasing a new router to split the 2.4ghz and 5ghz frequencies (as my broadband provider router doesent allow this) then putting the move onto the 2.4ghz band, everything is working great with grouping between devices

That’s great news TheJarv.👍 Just need to get John Sav sorted now. I suspect that the cause of his issue may turn out to be the router too.

@TheJarv, don’t rely on the Matrix when the system’s running in WiFi mode, the figures displayed in the left column are inaccurate.


This sound's like what I experienced, my issues start when I play music on the move (which is fine) then add in other speakers on SonosNet and as you describe the issues begin, however if you start music on the SonosNet speakers then add in the move last its fine, I solved mine by removing the boost and going fully wireless, it must be how this mixed system works?


When you start playback on the Move, then adding other speakers, building a group, the Move is going to be the so called group coordinator and responsible for the coordination/synchronisation within the group. When running a system in SonosNet/WiFi mixed mode configuration, the group coordinator should be one of the units being on SonosNet rather than the Move.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

We have had our Move for about a week now, and it has been working perfectly, until this morning.  When trying to pair it with another speaker through Airplay, it would not connect.  I was able to play it directly through the Sonos app, then after trying to Airplay again, it now shows “offline”.

I have gone through the process to Find Missing Product with no luck, and have also rebooted my modem.

I have a mesh system, and all of the other Sonos are showing on the 2.4Gh right now, while the Move is landed on the 5Gh.  I do not think this has been a problem in the past as I have noticed the Move on that network previously.  We have an Orbi system which does not allow me to change devices individually.  

Any thoughts from the group?

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Quick update as I continue to work with this...the Move is back online, but still unable to access through AirPlay.  Not sure if this is strictly an AP issue, but able to play other devices just fine.

Userlevel 2
Badge +4

Last update (I hope), fix was to unplug the HomePod and restart from the beginning.  The Move added this time through AirPlay.  Gotta love all the different computers within speakers in the house now!

I have been having trouble with Move speaker, dropping out intermittantly. It’s the only speaker, out of 4 that I have that is working by wifi. It’s only when it’s off it’s power source. Anyway I dis-connected it a few times. Finally, I turned of the Truplay Auto Truplay Tuning- just for the Move speaker. It seems to have fixed it for now. No more dropouts and seems to work in well with the other speakers now.