I am planning to simplify my existing whole house Crestron system and do not want use any of existing kit which is getting old and takes up a huge rack. Can someone confirm my understanding is correct please.
- My understanding is that I could get up and running using a Sonus amp and connect four wired (passive) speakers and sub to the amp and with the app I would have Sonus working in say the lounge. Is this correct?
- Each amp is a zone, therefore, even though I only have 2 ceiling speakers in 2 other rooms, I cannot connect all four to an amp (number 2) as cannot control independently. Is this correct?
- Assuming I have 1 & 2 above correct. In order to control four rooms independently (using existing ceiling speakers) I need 4 amps?
- Am I right in thinking the Sonos amp has the functionality of the port with the addition of ability to power speakers and therefore I don't need to purchase?
Thank you!