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Speaker Recommendation and Placement for music only in L-shaped room

I am looking for recommendation on speakers and placements for my room. I’m only interested in music as there is no tv in this space. There is a design layout of the room below. I can imagine a lot of different configurations from speakers on the 2 cabinets on the shorter walls to 1 speaker in the corner radiating  out to both and have even seen suggestions for 2 speakers at the end of each leg. Speakers on the cabinets or floor or wall mounts?  If multiple speakers I want them to work well together not cause sound interference if you move across the space. A variety of music could be listened to depending on the occaission from classical and jazz to pop, rock or blues or anything really.  What is your ideal set up or what compromises would you make depending on the details. Thanks!



Best answer by Jamie A

Hi @lboyer1, welcome to the Sonos Community!

With Sonos speakers, you can group them together to have your speakers play the same audio in sync with each other. If you were to go with multiple speakers, you’ll be able to group them in the Sonos app without worrying about overlapping sound or synchronization issues. You can also stereo pair two speakers of the same model, however if they are quite far apart grouping would be the better option.

From looking at the image, I would suggest placing speakers along the two longest walls or in one of those three corners, so one in the corner behind the two white couches and the other on or next to the cabinet next to the table. You can always move the speakers to different locations to test what sounds best to you, but those would be where I suggest. The choice of speaker is really up to you, as you may be looking for certain features, but I think either two Era 300s or two Sonos Fives will be enough coverage for this room. You can compare their differences on our speaker comparison page

If you have the option, using a Sonos Amp with two in-ceiling speakers will give you the sound coverage you’re looking for without having to worry about placement, as you would install these in the middle of the ceiling near the setting areas. You can also enable dual-mono mode on the Sonos Amp so the ceiling speakers play both audio channels rather than the left and right channel independently.

If you need more information, you can always reach out to our sales team who can discuss speaker placement with floor plans, as well as provide a price quote or invoice for you.

I hope this helps!

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Jamie A
  • Sonos Staff
  • February 7, 2024

Hi @lboyer1, welcome to the Sonos Community!

With Sonos speakers, you can group them together to have your speakers play the same audio in sync with each other. If you were to go with multiple speakers, you’ll be able to group them in the Sonos app without worrying about overlapping sound or synchronization issues. You can also stereo pair two speakers of the same model, however if they are quite far apart grouping would be the better option.

From looking at the image, I would suggest placing speakers along the two longest walls or in one of those three corners, so one in the corner behind the two white couches and the other on or next to the cabinet next to the table. You can always move the speakers to different locations to test what sounds best to you, but those would be where I suggest. The choice of speaker is really up to you, as you may be looking for certain features, but I think either two Era 300s or two Sonos Fives will be enough coverage for this room. You can compare their differences on our speaker comparison page

If you have the option, using a Sonos Amp with two in-ceiling speakers will give you the sound coverage you’re looking for without having to worry about placement, as you would install these in the middle of the ceiling near the setting areas. You can also enable dual-mono mode on the Sonos Amp so the ceiling speakers play both audio channels rather than the left and right channel independently.

If you need more information, you can always reach out to our sales team who can discuss speaker placement with floor plans, as well as provide a price quote or invoice for you.

I hope this helps!

  • Contributor I
  • March 3, 2024

I was just chatting with a Sonos Rep who suggested a Sonos 5 instead  because with pair of 300s  “It might not fit if you do the stereo pair cause you've mentioned that it is an L-shaped room but if you could place it on a left and right position. It would be best for the music.”

What are your thoughts on this? 

  • Lead Maestro
  • March 4, 2024

A single Five will get you a bit of a stereo image if you sit fairly close to it, beyond that it sounds pretty much mono.

A single Five is going to give you very uneven sound levels across the room.

I’d start with two Fives and explore the various potential locations Jamie suggested.

What I expect would sound reasonably good is three Fives, placed in the outside corners as individual Sonos Rooms and then Grouped.

If four Fives is an option I’d put one more at the inside corner, between the cabinet and carpet and faced into the dining area.

With that setup you could have sound in either space and not the other or both spaces. You could also adjust the volume levels of each to get the most even sound levels. 

  • Contributor I
  • March 4, 2024

Thanks.  That is a completely different, out of the box configuration.  

  • March 4, 2024

What type of listener are you? Do you want to create the image of an orchestra out front as you sit in your favorite chair? Do want evenly distributed background music? Is this a party space where you want some “thump”?


  • Contributor I
  • March 5, 2024

Kind of a mix as it’s a mix used space,  The sound of an orchestra and the evenly distributed background music are probably the 2 biggest uses. Not so much the thump of club, but that could be an enhancement. In that sense, I’m imagining an amplifier might not be a priority.  But I’m open to suggestions.  

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