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I've got a feeling I'm going to be disappointed!

Hi all, I'm new so go gentle! I was given a play:3 as a present for xmas. Loved the sound so much today I bought a sub and another play:3 both arrive tomorrow. My plan is to use it for mostly music but I would love to be able to use the set up through my Sony Bravia tv. Is there anyway I can connect it or am I going to be disappointed? I've read people saying that only a 5 has the input etc so I'm fully aware. I just hoped I could use it for watching tv also.

Thanks in advance!

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16 replies

Userlevel 1
Get a PlayBar or PlayBase, and hook it up to your TV, then group them all in Surround Sound using the app. I have the same setup at home and it rocks!

I'm sure you'll get more responses, but without a PlayBar or PlayBase I don't think it's possible to accomplish what you're trying to do.
Badge +1
I think if I spend another 700 quid she will kick me out! Thanks for your reply
Badge +1
What are you bumping for? Do you want someone else to say the same thing as brik74?

It's not possible, with just that equipment, to play any sound from your TV. As brik74 indicated, you'd need to get a PLAYBAR/PLAYBASE, and connect it with the optical cable to your TV.

The other option, and much less satisfying, is getting a CONNECT, and hooking it to the TV using RCA cables, but you'd get a 70ms delay on the sound, which would make lip sync an issue.
Badge +1
I was hoping for a few different opinions that's all. Thanks for your reply.
Hi. If anyone does give you a different opinion then I'm afraid they will be mistaken. For TV sound via Sonos, the Playbar / Playbase is the way to go. But it depends on your aims. With music sorted by Sonos, you can greatly improve on the TV's own speakers with a cheaper, conventional sound base or sound bar, such as those produced by Yamaha or Canton, and you may be able to get a second hand bargain on that.
Badge +1
Thank you John, looks like I better break into my savings and get a Playbase. Gutted really, but if I do I will have a pretty good set up. Thank you for taking the time to answer!
Be sure to research format issues that can have a bearing on how well play base will work - or not. And unless you must hear the TV sound via the play 3 as well, as pointed out there are other cheaper and good solutions to improve TV sound.
Badge +1
Thanks for your reply Kumar, it's going to be primarily used for music so I'm not too disappointed.
Thanks for your reply Kumar, it's going to be primarily used for music so I'm not too disappointed.Then upgrade the P3s to P5s and forget the Playbase.
Badge +1
There's a few options isn't there john, I'll wait to see how my new system sounds today before I make any hasty purchases. I'm hoping two S3's and a Sub will be good enough for me! I'll report back later when they arrive!
I'm hoping two S3's and a Sub will be good enough for me! I'll report back later when they arrive!
For music in just one space/room, that ought to be excellent - as I have also found a 1 pair + Sub to be. For best results place the Sub somewhere between the two 3 units, even if exact centre isn't possible. And run Trueplay on the set up in the decided location to optimise the sound.
Yes you are right. The Play:3's and Sub will sound great and I am sure you will be pleased on that score. I just thought that if music is the key thing for you, the Playbase wasn't the optimal choice and that sort of money could be better spent.

And good idea not to rush into anything. A great feature of Sonos is that you can gradually expand it.
Badge +1
I'm hoping two S3's and a Sub will be good enough for me! I'll report back later when they arrive!
For music in just one space/room, that ought to be excellent - as I have also found a 1 pair + Sub to be. For best results place the Sub somewhere between the two 3 units, even if exact centre isn't possible. And run Trueplay on the set up in the decided location to optimise the sound.
thank you Kumar, just one speaker blew me away so I'm quiet excited waiting in the house for delivery around 11:00.
Badge +1
Yes you are right. The Play:3's and Sub will sound great and I am sure you will be pleased on that score. I just thought that if music is the key thing for you, the Playbase wasn't the optimal choice and that sort of money could be better spent.

And good idea not to rush into anything. A great feature of Sonos is that you can gradually expand it.
thanks John, I've got a Sony sub and sound bar but it turns off every time I select a different input and it drives me mad, there's no way around it so in the future I will probably go for the playbase! Thanks for your helpful comments.
Userlevel 4
Badge +2
You'll be surprised how much better the PLAY:3 sounds when paired with another. Really good sound. Add in a SUB and it's truly great music.

I wouldn't recommend Sonos for TV audio though. The PLAYBAR is their best product for this but there are still many compromises and I believe it creates more problems than it solves. Considering the price point, it should be a better solution.