Hi, I have a fairly large living room combined with dining room and kitchen, altogether about 50 square meters (530 square feet). Currently I have a Beam connected to TV. I was planning on adding surrounds and a sub, and I also wish to add a turntable at some point.
First of all, is the Sub worth it in this setup? I am watching quite a lot of movies and tv shows and not listening to loud music as I have a small child.
Second, as far as I understand, you cannot add the turntable to the Fives, if they are already used as surrounds, or has this changed? So I thought about two OneSLs and a Sub. And later turntable with a Five or maybe a Raspberry hack, or some other solution? In the situation of adding Five with turntable, is it possible to listen to music with one Five and a combo of Beam/SUB/OneSLs in the same room?
Third, would it be a problem, if the surrounds are about 3 meters (10 feet) behind the couch, because the couch is not near wall and I don’t want to have stand with a speaker in the middle of room?
Thank you for answers and tips :)