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I discovered this section(Play Hours) recently and was quite surprised that my usage was very low. But after following this section during December and January, i am starting to doubt if this data is reliable.

For ex, during whole of January, the section says i played Sonos for 7 hours. But in reality it should be much more than it. I know it because i had many holidays and my usage should have been more than 12 hours. 

I use my Sonos One to listen to music via spotify. Does the feature not count the hours if i directly play Sonos from Spotify app rather than Sonos App? 

Also, i listened to 1-2 hours of audible. Neither was this data captured at all.


@nk127 Thank you for bringing this question to the Sonos Community. The information you are inquiring about may not be shown due to our privacy policy and your settings.  You can use this link and see our privacy policy when it comes to additional usage data, and to see what data you have chosen to share with us.