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I have home with built in speakers throughout home in ceilings. I have Connect and output wires going to speakers and it shows playing thru the app but no sound. Do I also need a receiver going into the Connect as a Line in to hear the music?  Or can it just play trough the app and the WiFi. 

Thanks for any guidance. 

What amplifier is powering these ceiling speakers? The CONNECT has a line level out, it doesn’t have an amplifier built in. That would be a CONNECT;AMP, or it’s replacement, the Amp. The only way your CONNECT would work is if these ceiling speakers are powered, something rare for in ceiling speakers. 

Normally, the CONNECT would be connected to an Amplifier of some type which is powering the speakers. 


Mod Edit - changed “Port” to “Amp” prior to marking as Best Answer

That would be a CONNET;AMP, or it’s replacement, the Port.

A small misspeak: it’s the Amp which succeeded Connect:Amp.

Sorry, ratty is of course correct, that’s what I get for answering questions before consuming caffeine.