
Do I need a bridge

  • 31 December 2015
  • 13 replies

Do I need a bridge with any sonos

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13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22
No you don't NEED a bridge with any Sonos unit.
Userlevel 6
Badge +3
Do I need a bridge with any sonos
Stuart_W is correct. In a Standard Setup, your Sonos products will connect directly to your home’s WiFi network. You can place your Sonos product in any room that has a good connection to your home’s WiFi signal. An alternative to the Standard Setup is a BOOST Setup, which creates a dedicated wireless network for Sonos.
Here's an article with more information.
Userlevel 6
Badge +16
These guys are correct but the reason I use a boost is to reduce the strain of my already overloaded wifi network, for the cost of a boost or the old bridge you can have your sonos set-up connected to your router via a network cable and you'll have a dedicated mess network that only your sonos system uses, or you could connect one of your play device direct to the router via network cable and that will act as a bridge or boost.
Userlevel 7
Badge +22
Dave is right that in many. Ashes using a Bridge or Boost you will get the SonosNet which may well be superior to using wi-fi only. You could achieve this by hardwiring one of hate players to the router if that is practical
Hey Guys, Appreciate this is an old thread but I was wondering if one of you could help. I've recently moved home, in my old place I had a Play 1 connected to the router via ethernet to act as a bridge.

I'm keen to still use bridge mode for the reasons mentioned on this thread and I was wondering if I could do that but using my Playbar as the bridge as it will be closest to the router?

Also, I had someone set up my last network, but I'm planning to do this one myself. Would I need to set this up in bridge mode, even though I don't actually have a bridge or do I just go for non-bridge set up, but still plug the ethernet into the Playbar.
Yes, any Sonos speaker can act as a Bridge, even a Playbar.

Bridge mode setup implies that you're setting it up with a cable connected, itdoesn't have to really have a Bridge installed. Poor choice by Sonos marketing for the naming conventions due to all the confusion they've caused with odd names.
Thanks Bruce, that's really helpful. Out of interest would you still recommend running a Sonos network in bridge mode? Or have there been further improvements to wifi/Sonos' use of it since this thread
Generally speaking, I would, but then again, I'm not a network engineer. Others who are more knowledgable than I am have suggested that for larger sets of speakers, it's almost essential. While I have a large number of speakers, I actually prefer my personal wifi to be free of the data being streamed by Sonos, so there's less of a potential for slow down if I'm doing something heavy duty streaming on my iPads, iPhone, or various non connected computers. But I actually suspect the amount of data being used by Sonos really isn't that much, in the grand scheme of things. But I'm a little OCD in some respects, so if I can keep any data of my personal wifi bandwidth, and use the parallel Sonosnet instead, I'm happier.

Wow, that's a lot of typing. 🙂 And you're most welcome.
Thanks Bruce.

Really appreciate you taking the time to write such a considered response to my question. I'm also pretty (very) OCD about things like this and so will also be opting run my speakers in bridge mode.

Thanks again for your help.

Userlevel 6
Badge +10
If you want to go full OCD, ethernet wire them all. I've managed to do this in one the two locations where I have Sonos gear. I know that's not feasible for all, but I never have so much as a hiccup. To be fair, I don't have many on the Sonos net setup in the other location, either, but wired is absolutely rock solid. As my Irish ex-wife would say, I'm on the pig's back.
jamespassmore, you're more than welcome.

Toolio, I'll be honest, I've never heard that expression. It has to do with being overly OCD? Might be good to throw that into a conversation with some of my equally OCD friends....
Userlevel 6
Badge +10

Toolio, I'll be honest, I've never heard that expression. It has to do with being overly OCD? Might be good to throw that into a conversation with some of my equally OCD friends....

Lol. Nothing to do with OCD. It means all is great. I suppose "I'm riding high" would be a rough equivalent.
Ah, thanks. Damn, it sounded like it would have been fun to use on my friends 🙂